Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1122 Evil soldiers break the limit (please subscribe)

Meng Zhao nodded, his tone a little excited, as if he had encountered something particularly interesting and worthy of his investment, but his expression was a little hesitant, and he said,

"I have some thoughts, Zeng Jie. You have the Dzogchen cultivation level and you are not a layman in martial arts. Tell me, what is the purpose of the Heavenly King Gang wanting these weapons?"

"Well, I think you need these weapons to refine some kind of weapons, or you need to practice some kind of secret magic. Iron-legged Vajra Liu Rulong has a high level of cultivation, and is similar to the king of heaven. He is also like Xiao People guess that.”

Zeng Xie actually didn't care about the big moves of the Tianwang Gang. They were too far away from him and had little impact on him. At most, they would cause some trouble. In contrast, he was more concerned about when Meng Zhao would give the Sixth Transformation Yuan Dan to he.

This is related to his innate plan.

"That's right. In fact, the weapon of Hundred Man Slayer is just a carrier. The real key is the mysterious aura mixed with the aura of gold and iron, which is extremely rare.

One hundred people is just a limit. The more people you kill, the stronger the aura will be and the greater the bonus it will bring. It is the key to forging magic weapons or practicing some mysterious martial arts secrets.

However, there is another possibility, that is, training the magic weapon is just a prerequisite, and your king has a bigger plan, such as using an evil weapon, using secret techniques, and using crooked means to break through to the master level. "

Meng Zhao kept talking the same old words before, and then with one sentence, he directly made Zeng Xie in the room and Ji Rushuang, who was listening quietly, widen their eyes, breathing rapidly, and full of disbelief.

Although Meng Zhao has come into contact with many master warriors, Ke Zengqie and Ji Rushuang are different from him. Grandmasters are already legendary myths, out of reach, and are rarely heard of, let alone seen.

Now, Meng Zhao said that the Heavenly King Gang needed these things, most likely to prepare for the Heavenly King to break through the Grandmaster. How could he not be extremely surprised and swayed?

Since the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, the world has been in chaos. During the hundreds of years of dragon and snake fighting on land, martial arts masters have fallen one after another. On the earth, martial arts destiny has also been disrupted. It is said that it is difficult to raise dragons in shallow water. After Dayong founded the country, he was already one of the top people in the world.

What's more, in the long period of more than a hundred years, the general trend of martial arts has continued to decline, and there has even been a phenomenon of ten masters in the world becoming the top ten strongest men in the world. It can be imagined that the gold content of the masters in today's world .

If this Heavenly King can really break through the Grandmaster, then the Heavenly King Gang will definitely become one of the few powerful forces in the land of Liangzhou. Even if it is not as good as the Fire Dragon Cave's many years of foundation, it can still rely on the Grandmaster's force to run rampant and no one can. block.

Zeng Xie even thought with excitement that the Heavenly King in the innate realm might not be able to help him release the little white man from controlling him, but the Heavenly King in the Grandmaster realm could definitely do it.

After all, it is the military force that now stands at the top of China.

"This, this, Master, is this a bit exaggerated? Although the Heavenly King's martial arts is overbearing, it seems that he is still far away from the Grandmaster."

I was excited and excited in my heart, but I asked some questions without showing any emotion on the surface.

He wasn't even an innate, so how could he know the secrets, but since Meng Zhao said so, he should be certain.

"No, no, no, it's not an exaggeration. What you said should be true. Although this Heavenly King's martial arts is strong, his foundation is not enough to challenge the master's martial arts. That's why I said that he will use crooked methods to seek a breakthrough. This It is a tricky method, and the risk should not be small.

And what you said is actually very likely to be used to cultivate evil soldiers. Only in this way can the abnormal actions of the Heavenly King Gang be explained. "

"And this method is called Evil Soldier Breaking Limits, and it is a relatively secretive method in the evil path.

By refining an evil weapon that is equivalent to a divine weapon, removing a certain part of one's body and replacing it with an evil weapon, one can transcend one's limits as a human being and thus have the qualifications to become a master.

This is a feasible path that has been proven by previous people.

Moreover, despite using crooked methods to break through, compared to orthodox practicing warriors, they do not have any major disadvantages. On the contrary, their combat power is amazing, and their training speed is definitely not weak.

In the future, you can even refine stronger evil weapons to help you enter a stronger realm, such as heavenly beings, or even gods and demons. It is a shortcut to gods and demons for mortals with insufficient qualifications. "

Meng Zhao's words made Zeng Xie's heart surge with excitement and his eyes full of yearning. He wished he could immediately obtain the method of breaking the limit of evil soldiers, and obtain an evil weapon, so that he could defeat the master, kill all directions, and run rampant in China.

It's no wonder that he has such an association, it is really that the effect of this evil magic and secret technique is too powerful. It is a method that makes ordinary people extraordinary and ordinary people become gods. It is also a ladder to the sky. Who doesn't want it.

Ji Rushuang, on the other hand, as a woman and a mother, did not have much ambition in martial arts. She said curiously,

"If this method of breaking the limits of evil soldiers is really so easy to succeed, wouldn't this world have long been dominated by evil demons? There must be some hidden dangers or shortcomings, right?"

Meng Zhao nodded,

"I once heard the master talk about the shortcomings and hidden dangers of this evil soldier breaking the limit.

First, evil weapons are rare. Different from ordinary magic weapons, evil soldiers have one key point, which is that they must have an awe-inspiring evil spirit and amazing spirituality. Otherwise, it is not enough to rely on this method.

The refining method is also very special. It needs to be refined by living people. This so-called sword is just nourishment. The evil spirit and blood contained in it are just suitable for the spirit of the evil weapon.

Moreover, you so-called murderous soldiers will not become the main body. The king of heaven must have a magic weapon in his hand, and he wants to turn it into an evil weapon.

Secondly, although there are examples of success in this method, there are even more examples of failure. The success rate is less than one thousandth, which is the real road to death. Most of them are those who have exhausted their potential and have insufficient longevity. Or people with a blood feud would choose to use this method to break through the master.

Thirdly, even if you can succeed, and the master's combat power and cultivation potential are not inferior to those of orthodox practitioners, there will definitely be many inner demons on the path of cultivation, and you need to use great perseverance, persistence, and even brilliant methods to restrain them one by one. .

Either righteousness can be used to ward off evil, or demons can be used to control demons. In short, those who have no concentration and practice this method are digging their own graves. Even if they are lucky enough to succeed, they may make great progress at first, but sooner or later they will fail in this method. .

Not to mention, this method is originally a secret method of the evil demon path, which is very rare. Some old demon sects may not have relevant records of the method, and it is even more difficult for ordinary people to see it.

Therefore, this king is either a lucky charm or someone is guiding him, and the water behind him is very deep! "

Meng Zhao did not know this method of breaking the limits of evil soldiers from the orthodox way, but he heard it and remembered it in his heart when he listened to the three great masters talking about demons and martial arts in Bishui Immortal Palace in Kunnan.

If it weren't for the Bishui Immortal Palace and his party, Meng Zhao would definitely not have thought of this.

The weapons that are merely filled with human lives are actually related to the promotion of Grandmaster and are indispensable.

This is really incredible.

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