Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1136 The Nine Conquests of the Black Eagle (Please subscribe)

This was really the first time that Geng Pomo had such strong killing intent and wanted to kill someone so urgently.

In the past, he was indeed prone to killing, but he only regarded killing as a way of indulgence and catharsis, just like an ordinary person walking a dog while walking a hawk.

But it was different for Meng Zhao. If he didn't kill this arrogant guy, he would be in a manic and turbulent mood for a long time, which he couldn't tolerate.

Once the desire to kill arises, it cannot be suppressed, and there is no point in suppressing it.

With a slight flick of his feet, his body shape changed. His ordinary body was now transformed into a huge ball due to the surge of energy. He was so angry that he reached out and grabbed Meng Zhao's head.

The way of capturing is very different from the usual angle, and the diagonal way is unexpected.

The palm of the hand is like a cage, causing great pressure on the enemy's energy and spirit. It seems that facing this claw, the whole person becomes much smaller, the body shrinks, and becomes an embarrassing state where the sky is unable to function and the earth is unable to respond. .

Wisps of red blood between the claws spurted and stretched, as sharp as a sword, cutting the air with a sizzling sound.

Even if steel falls on these sharp claws, it will be torn into pieces like tofu.

This move combines body skills, claw skills, and spiritual martial arts. It is a martial art created by Geng Pomo by combining multiple martial arts. Although it cannot be said to be very groundbreaking, it still has considerable lethality. It is called Xuan Ying wins nine.

There are nine changes in total, and the one used now is the eagle attacking the rabbit, which is the fifth change.

The artistic conception focuses on the eagle swooping down from the vast sky, its sharp talons killing its prey.

The moves are also from high to low, from the sky to the earth. Although there are not many changes, the momentum is the strongest and most powerful.

What is important is to intimidate the opponent with unparalleled psychological pressure, and at the same time, kill the enemy with the power of the claws, making it indestructible.

It is an excellent claw technique. Although it does not seem to be particularly powerful, its targeted lethality is unparalleled.

Just like killing a person, you can certainly destroy a person with a missile. You can also kill the enemy accurately without wasting too much of your power by shooting a bullet into the center of his eyebrow.

He had used this move to kill many martial arts masters, one of whom was an innate swordsman with a strong will.

At this time, Meng Zhao can already be called one of the few martial arts masters in the world. Not to mention his high level of martial arts, he is also very knowledgeable. He also has his own unique understanding of martial arts. He can also be said to be a practitioner of the Tao.

When he first saw this claw, he was very surprised. He only thought that this guy relied on his hard skills to run rampant and dominate. His real martial arts was not outstanding, and he had no knowledge in martial arts practice.

Therefore, I want to defeat the opponent's hard skills quickly and easily, break the opponent's mental defense, and pave the way for subsequent torture messages.

But he didn't expect that this time he had underestimated someone and almost missed such a worthy martial arts master.

Although he is not particularly tyrannical, this claw technique is indeed very good.

It is not a magical skill in the true sense, like Fudo Myooh's Mahamudra for Conquering Demons, but a very special kind of martial arts that is very suitable for personal characteristics.

Although Meng Zhao was not sure, he was 70% to 80% certain that this claw technique was originally created by this person.

Although it is rough, has shortcomings, and has not reached the peak of practice, the pioneering spirit, original ideas, and the potential of this claw martial arts cannot be ignored.

These days, there are too many warriors who follow the steps, but too few dare to create something new.

Meng Zhao was pleased to see Hunter Xin, and wanted to absorb some unique martial arts concepts from this person to enrich his own martial arts system and wisdom, so as to prepare for reaching higher levels in the future.

When three people travel together, there must be a teacher like me. The weeds on the roadside contain endless martial arts concepts, not to mention such a master who dares to create martial arts?

"Indestructible King Kong, although you still don't deserve this title, I want to apologize to you. You can at least be considered a strong person."

Faced with the sharp claw attack that fell from the sky like an eagle attacking a rabbit, Meng Zhao still had the thought in his mind to apologize to it, but the reaction on his hands was not slow at all.

Similarly, the five fingers are curved like hooks and claw-like, moving sideways and upward to grab the opponent's bloody claws. The timing, speed, and control are all perfect.

The claw light glowing with a faint cold white light clings to the flesh claws, as strong as solid iron, and the killing intention is even more intense.

There were several fierce exchanges, with claws and claws going back and forth. They were obviously flesh and blood, but with the strength of their fleshy palms, the two of them had the effect of a clash of divine weapons, and even sparks could be vaguely seen. of splashing.

No, that's not Mars, it should be the illusion caused by the disillusionment caused by the collision of the qi and claws of both parties.

Geng Pomo was shocked. He still had the murderous intention before, but he no longer dared to look down on the other party. Instead, he regarded him as a martial arts master on the same level as himself.

I just felt that the opponent's claw technique was dull at first, ordinary, straight forward, nothing surprising. The claw strength had its merits. It was as cold as ice and as solid as a knife. It could fight against him head-on without falling behind.

However, after only three or four blows, the power of its claws suddenly increased, like a snake turning into a dragon, and a dragon turning into a dragon.

The white horse passed through the gap, floated for a while, and turned into a hidden dragon emerging from the abyss, rising into the sky.

This feeling is very subjective, but it is real and can make him feel the increase in pressure.

That true meaning of transformation and sublimation directly broke through the sharp claws of his Xuan Ying Jiu Duo, and this couldn't be further from the truth.

Otherwise, the opponent would have been torn to pieces by his Black Eagle Nine Trap and died without a complete corpse.

Next, Geng Pomo was even more worried. He used all his strength and used the nine claws in succession, such as Eagle Catching Rabbit, Locking Neck and Closing Throat, Iron Wing Beheading, Eagle Flying Ten Thousand Miles...

Each move has reached the peak of his own martial arts. The moves are connected smoothly and the power is surging. Even if he faces the powerful King Kong Yuan Qing, he can still have the upper hand.

However, for this little man who hides his head and shows his tail, his claws are shackled everywhere. Every time he uses a new move, the opponent must use a more clever move to break it.

He is making a move, and the opponent is breaking it. His claws have been exhausted and he began to repeat the previous moves. However, the opponent used different methods to break the same move.

Just like the move of locking neck and closing throat, he claimed that it was the most exquisite move in the Black Eagle Nine Trap.

But the opponent actually used three different claws to break it.

This seems to be a huge gap between the two sides in their understanding of martial arts.

To put it in a more intuitive way, in a martial arts competition, he is no match for the other party, and the same is true for true qi.

Geng Pomo even vaguely sensed that the other party was deliberately suppressing his strength to ensure that both sides were competing with moves instead of strength.

This feels unrealistic, but it is indeed reality.

But, how is it possible?

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