Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1147 Patriarch (Please subscribe)

Meng Zhao walked around the room for about half a cup of tea, and when he was done observing, he returned to the inner room and sat down cross-legged on a soft couch. He breathed and exhaled, making his whole body comfortable and soft, like clouds and water.

While meditating, empty your soul and fall into deep rest.

Yao Yaoran didn't know the passage of time, but there was a sound of footsteps outside the wooden house, waking Meng Zhao from his trance.

He has an extraordinary ear and can easily tell that the owner of one of the footsteps is none other than Ji Rushuang. Because of her status as a pregnant woman, her body size is different from that of ordinary people, and her footsteps are also different from ordinary people. In addition, she has been together in recent days. So it's very familiar.

Following several rhythmic knocks on the door, Meng Zhao went to open the door. The people he saw impressed him deeply.

The man who bore the brunt was tall, about the same as him, with short hair that was somewhat similar to Meng Chuan's, but it was a mixture of silver and black. He was obviously quite old, and he often worked hard and consumed his efforts.

His appearance is on the softer side, with good features and even a bit of handsomeness. Unfortunately, his rough skin dissipates the smell of an elderly uncle, and instead adds a bit of the majesty of an elder, which is common to Danchi people. of wildness.

This was Meng Zhao's first impression of a handsome middle-aged guy with a good foundation, but who was unfortunately ruined by his environment.

At the same time, Meng Zhao observed that this middle-aged handsome guy was very strong. Based on his Qi induction, the opponent's Qi and blood were like a furnace. Although they were surging and mighty, they were very restrained. His explosive power was probably not as powerful as Geng Pomo's internal strength. Martial arts practitioners who practice dual cultivation are not much different.

And, coming to the important point here, this middle-aged handsome guy actually has a good level of Qi cultivation, so it is difficult to judge the overall strength. If Geng Po Mo is used as the standard, it will fluctuate up and down this standard line.

Of course, these are just what Meng Zhao saw and observed. As the leader of the Danchi clan, he could lead his people to migrate to the Hu Mountains to survive and indeed lay down a foundation. It is absolutely impossible for this person to have only The strength shown must also have means.

No introduction is needed to know that this person is the head of the Ji family of the Danchi clan, because the pregnant Ji Rushuang is like a little girl, holding his arm, looking a bit lively and cheerful again nature.

On the other side of this middle-aged handsome guy is a young man who looks like he has a lot of personality.

He has a similar face to the middle-aged handsome guy, but is obviously younger, no more than thirty years old, slightly shorter by about four to five centimeters, with a slightly darker complexion and a faint sea-blue light in his eyes.

I don't know if he is born like this, or if he has practiced some special martial arts or secret techniques.

Of course, what caught Meng Zhao's attention the most was not the young man's appearance, but his unique temperament.

The ferocious, savage, aura and temperament are 70% to 80% similar to those of the dominating and domineering ferocious beasts in the mountains and forests. They are definitely not good friends.

When the three of them saw Meng Zhao opening the door, Ji Rushuang said nothing, but the handsome middle-aged man and the young man looked at Meng Zhao carefully for a while.

"I am Ji Zhenyun, and this is my nephew Ji Rulin. I came here specifically to thank Mr. Lu for saving my daughter."

After the handsome middle-aged man looked at Meng Zhao carefully, his expression did not change, but his eyes did fluctuate a little, not with disappointment, but with deep worry, and he said in a deep voice.

Worry? Catching this emotion made Meng Zhao somewhat unexpected. What was he worried about?

Meng Zhao suppressed his confusion and quickly invited the three of them into the wooden house to talk.

He had already made a plan, but he was thinking in the best direction. The reality was unknown. At this time, he could get a feel for it by contacting the Danchi clan leader, or even the future clan leader.

Moreover, Ji Rushuang was also present and could speak for him, so that it would not end in disgrace because his words were not congenial.

Of course, what makes Meng Zhao happiest is that this middle-aged handsome guy speaks the official common language instead of Danchi dialect, which makes it easier and more convenient for him to communicate with the other party.

It's right to think about it. The higher up any force or ethnic group is, the more knowledge and skills they should have.

Although the Danchi clan lives in the mountains, it does not mean that they are isolated from the outside world. There must be people who master the common language among the clan.

When they entered the room, there was nothing to entertain them. The three of them each found a wooden chair and sat down.

Ji Zhenyun, that is, the Danchi clan, the clan leader of the Ji lineage, got straight to the point,

“In those days, the place where our tribe thrived was hit by disasters due to unknown reasons, making it difficult for us to continue to survive, so I led my tribe on a trek to the nearby Hu Mountain.

At that time, my daughter Rushuang was in love with a boy from the outside world. He had a good family background and seemed to be a man who loved his wife, so I agreed to the marriage.

First, I am confused about the future and whether I can stabilize in Hushan. Second, I want to leave an escape route for my family, and this retreat is the Liu family.

It's a pity that I didn't expect that the Liu family was so lucky that it would lead to such a disaster in just two years, and it almost killed my daughter. "

In just a few words, Meng Zhao could tell that this middle-aged handsome guy did have a strong temperament and was egotistical.

Because his words revealed that although part of the reason for Ji Rushuang's marriage was that she and her dead husband were in love with each other, more importantly, it was due to the fact that the other party had a good family background.

Otherwise, if it were a poor boy with little ability, what would happen would not be a match between a father-in-law and a son-in-law, but a drama of beating mandarin ducks.

It can also be seen that this patriarch Ji still values ​​his daughter and relatives very much.

"My daughter needs your help in times of crisis. This is a great favor that I must repay.

Therefore, I came here today just to ask Mr. Lu, what do you need?

Or to put it another way, what do you need me to do for you? "

This quick, yet extremely effective method made Meng Zhao put away his previous contempt and began to think carefully about how he should deal with Ji Zhenyun.

Seeing Meng Zhao's silence, Ji Rushuang showed a worried expression and quietly winked at her father, trying to communicate, but was ignored.

Ji Rulin, who had a vicious aura and did not look like a good person, looked at Ji Rushuang with a doting smile, and at the same time hinted her to be calm and not to disturb the negotiation between the two.

After a while, Meng Zhao looked up and asked,

“There are several reasons why I saved Rushuang.

First, Rushuang is pregnant with Liujia. If something happens to her, she will lose two lives. I can't bear to see it.

Secondly, Rushuang was smart enough to pique my interest with the martial arts she had gained from her adventures, and used it as a bargaining chip to get my help. This could also be regarded as a deal.

The two parties to the transaction are Rushuang and I, not me and Chief Ji. You don’t have to be like this.

Finally, in the past few days, my relationship with Rushuang has become warmer, and since her husband’s family is gone now, she is still pregnant, so I want to take care of her and even marry her in the future.

In this way, there would be no need for the reward from Chief Ji. "

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