Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1152 Attention (please subscribe)

A neighbor who is smiling and comes to deliver gifts from time to time is so confusing.

But Meng Zhao knew that the more this happened, the more danger this group of rebels posed, so he asked,

"Recently, when this group of people came to the clan, apart from the normal solicitation, what else did they do?"

"Yes, except for a period of time when the relationship was a bit tense, they all seemed very polite and kind, and they also sent a lot of supplies. The utensils on your table were all selected from the gifts sent by that group of people. "What's the problem?"

Ji Rulin pointed at the gold and jade utensils piled on the table. They were all gifts given to Meng Zhao by the relatively wealthy and powerful people of the Danchi clan. They seemed to be of great value, but they were just a drop in the bucket.

Meng Zhao looked solemn and said seriously,

"There is a problem, and it is a big problem. I suspect that this is their deliberate attempt to lower the vigilance of the Ji family. When the time comes, I am afraid they will strike with a thunderous blow and eradicate you completely."

At first Ji Zhenyun thought that Meng Zhao was talking nonsense and nonsense, but then his face changed drastically and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He had already figured out that in order to kill the prey, the necessary lurking and confusion are what an excellent hunter should do. Arrived.

Why did Meng Zhao say this and Ji Zhenyun believed it?

It's very simple. The key lies in a change in attitude. Except for the indifferent treatment in the middle period, the first and last two time points have the same kind attitude, but the inner intentions may be different.

The former initially planned to use inducements to make the Dan Chi clan a tool in their hands.

Therefore, after it has been carried out for a period of time and the expected results have not been achieved, this proactiveness will be greatly reduced, and thus it will begin to become indifferent, impatient, and even have the intention of intimidation.

However, in recent times, the attitude has returned to the state it was in at the beginning, and there are signs of breaking the ice. This is not really flattering, maybe it is flattering, but another possibility is to create smoke bombs.

On the surface, he planned to take advantage of them, but in fact, he was already prepared for a surprise attack, so he used this method to lower their vigilance. The intention was ulterior!

After all, Ji Zhenyun was the leader of the clan, and his brain worked very quickly. Once he figured out the joints in this area, he immediately couldn't sit still. He stood up from his seat with a sudden movement, walked back and forth in the inner room for a few steps, and said,

"No, the situation is critical. That group of thieves may attack at any time, but our clan currently lacks vigilance in this regard. We must step up our precautions and find countermeasures as soon as possible."

Meng Zhao calmed down and continued,

"Father-in-law, more than that, I know that although there are only two roads to enter the station, there is actually a safer and more stable hidden passage. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the young and old in your clan to get in and out.

I can guess this, and so can the other party, and it may even become their trump card.

The people of the Danchi tribe are also human beings, they also have emotions and desires, and they have their own demands, so they may not be bribed by the other party. "

Hearing this, Ji Rulin's sea-blue pupils, which were relatively close to him at first, instantly became fierce, as cold as a poisonous snake. He stared at Meng Zhao for a long time before saying,

"It's impossible. Our people are all well-known heroes. They stand upright and there will be no one who betrays the clan."

Of course Ji Zhenyun is more inclined to what his nephew says, but as the leader of a clan, he knows better that he has to consider and plan for the entire clan and cannot just act based on his own whim.

He can't even control the will of the tribe, let alone a single scattered tribesman under the general will?

Betrayal is not impossible, it just depends on the amount of chips.

Throughout the ages, this lesson has been learned enough, and he has also read the vast history of the vast China.

Even if we don't talk about the large China, the rise and fall of the various branch clans of the Danchi clan are inseparable from the intertwining of loyalty and betrayal.

And Ji Zhenyun was very worried because that group of people came too many times, on and off, for more than two years.

And he did not maintain absolute vigilance at the beginning, giving the other party the opportunity to corrode and instigate.

No one knows how many people from the clan the other party has hooked up with.

Among them, of course there are betrayers and loyalists, and there may even be more of the latter, but they cannot eliminate the disaster caused by the former.

He didn't even dare to talk about this matter, as it could easily cause chaos and turmoil within the clan.

At that time, there will really be internal and external troubles. Before outsiders come in, the Ji family will start fighting among themselves, and it will really be a matter of life and death.

With his decades of experience and wisdom, he found this situation to be particularly tricky and difficult to deal with.

However, seeing Meng Zhao, who had always had a calm gaze and an indifferent expression, he felt a little more calm and asked,

"Then what do you think we should do now? In addition to being wary of foreign invasion, we also need to seize the inner ghosts. This still cannot guarantee absolute safety. Do you think it is possible to move to the outside world?"

Meng Zhao shook his head and gave him an affirmative answer.

"Absolutely impossible, because they have been exposed to the sight of your Danchi clan, and their ambitions are obvious.

With so many people gathered in the mountains, it was obvious that they had evil intentions.

If you leak it, it will cause them big trouble.

Therefore, it is actually very difficult to simply leave here and avoid the whirlpool.

And it will definitely be beaten hard by the opponent, and the loss will never be small.

In addition, you have been forced by the other party to gradually go deep into Hushan, and your channels of communication with the outside world have been cut off.

If you want to leave Hushan, you will definitely arouse the other party's alert, and then be attacked, or even the entire army will be annihilated.

On the contrary, it is better to set up camp here, build troops and armor inside, expand the mountains and ravines outside, and prepare for long-term battles. "

Meng Zhao's words were by no means alarmist. He had rarely cheated before, and his analysis was reasonable. Otherwise, he wouldn't be a stickler. He would believe everything after being fooled. This is obviously unrealistic.

Meng Zhaoneng's uncanny inference that the group intended to recruit the Danchi clan impressed Ji's uncle and nephew.

Ji Zhenyun's expression became more solemn, and his bright black eyes were like a deep and bottomless black abyss. In the blink of an eye, there was a fascinating light and wild ferocity.

It seems that you should not think about it. If you think about it carefully, this is indeed an idea.

I'm not a fool. I knew they were running away and just let them go. This is unrealistic.

As for breaking through from other directions, or even going deeper into Hushan, he would not have such a stupid idea.

The mountain is not his, so if he says he wants to open up new roads, he will open up new roads. Do you think these dangers are fake and those ferocious beasts are dead?

But staying and fighting looks even stupider.

If the opponent were only a few hundred or even a thousand, he would not even blink an eyelid, and would not pose a threat to the Dan Chi clan who were tens of thousands in size.

But the other party was a warrior who was off-duty and engaged in fighting all day long. There were tens of thousands of them. They were life-or-death enemies and had to be treated with caution.

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