Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1201 Turning Point (Please subscribe)

In addition to spending his energy on training the warriors of the Dan Chi clan, Meng Zhao's daily life is also very busy.

First of all, he must set aside a period of time to assist Mrs. Hong in practicing the blood training method he created.

It doesn't have any mysterious or mysterious name, it's just a very ordinary body refining technique.

It's not complicated, the key is to be able to absorb the power of the medicine, decompose its properties, and completely integrate into its body.

This requires the help of his Heavenly Silkworms, which requires at least an hour every day and cannot be avoided.

This is also an important means for him to maintain his relationship with Hong Tianzheng.

Secondly, as a new member of the Shenwei Army camp, in addition to the obvious imprint of Si Peng's lineage, he is also using his personality charm to interact with, interact with, and make friends with all kinds of people in the camp to expand his contacts and increase his bargaining chips. .

The Shenwei Camp has been regarded by Meng Zhao as his own. In addition to receiving support in the future, he also needs to know the abilities and character of those people so that he can know them well and do their job well.

This is also Meng Zhao's main activity.

There is no way, what he has to do is too difficult, and he must seize every opportunity to improve this possibility.

Furthermore, Meng Zhao also has to ensure a certain amount of time in his daily life to practice martial arts and improve himself.

He knew from the beginning to the end that he wanted to develop his power, even compete for hegemony in the north, and even compete in China.

But martial arts strength is one's foundation, and it is impossible to give up practice at any time.

What's more important is that Meng Zhao has a special physique and extraordinary understanding. He has practice, that is, he can actually improve his strength. With this premise, he will never waste his time and energy and indulge in it blindly. In the calculation of Feying Gougou.

On this day, Meng Zhao had just assisted Mrs. Hong in refining pills made from many precious medicinal materials, which caused the blood in her body to flow and beat more vigorously, and the negative effects of the power of ice were greatly reduced. Peng's guards said they would summon him.

Hong Tianzheng had already seen the effects of Mrs. Hong's practice at this time, and he regarded Meng Zhao as if he were a god, so he decided to go with him to see Si Peng so that he could deal with anything.

Of course Meng Zhao would not refuse, so the two of them followed the guard to the camp where Sipeng was.

Seeing the two of them arriving hand in hand, Si Peng was not surprised, because he had already known from various aspects that Meng Zhao and Si Peng now had a very good relationship. They could not wear a pair of trousers, but their friendship was definitely not shallow.

Moreover, Meng Zhao's ability to gain a foothold in the Shenwei Army camp so quickly was inseparable from Hong Tianzheng's help.

This made him very happy. This was actually what he had in mind when he brought Meng Zhao to visit Hong Tianzheng and Mo Li. Unfortunately, Mo Li had a bad personality and was difficult to get in touch with.

After asking the guards guarding the camp to retreat, Si Peng first greeted Meng Zhao.

"Lu Yang, you Danchi warriors have performed very well these days. You are very energetic and full of energy in training every day, but you are missing the method of military formation training. Do you need me to help you think of a solution?"

Each of the six guard camps of the Shenwei Army has its own special skills. For example, the army commanded by Hong Tianzheng has been training the Wanlin Formation, which is a special military formation. It uses military formations to practice natural formations. Extremely powerful.

The army commanded by Mo Li is proficient in the Soaring Snake Formation, and once activated, its power is equally astonishing.

Meng Zhao smiled and shook his head and said,

"No need, I have already planned and prepared an iron wall formation. However, the physical fitness of these Dan Chi warriors is still a little lacking. When the time comes, I will not let the commander down."

Si Peng was in a good mood and laughed and said,

"That's great. Xiang Qing's people had some complaints before. When you start practicing the general formation, I'll see if they have anything else to say."

Such obvious overt and covert fighting between factions is unavoidable, and Meng Zhao can only fight and not get involved.

Because although it seems that Si Peng and Xiang Qing are fighting fiercely and fighting to the death, they are from the same sect and originally had a good relationship.

Although it seems that it is a conflict of interests and there is a female factor, it is a bit of a quarrel with each other, and there is a sense of sworn hatred.

But you don’t know if you are a player or not. Only I can treat you badly. If other people dare to point fingers, they will be resented.

Meng Zhao acts cautiously and has other goals, so he will naturally not make some mistakes in this regard.

"Okay, let's just talk about these gossips. Next, I'm going to say a few serious things. You two, listen carefully."

"Lu Yang, as I said before, I have an ally in Yongjian County who is very powerful and has an irreversible relationship with me.

Now I will tell him his identity. He has a nickname in the county and city, called Su Tianwang.

His real name is Su Hongtu, and he is also a high-ranking member of our Shenwei Army.

In recent days, he has encountered some troubles and needs a large amount of high-quality ferocious beast flesh and blood essence to help him develop a unique skill, so he came to me specifically. "

Hong Tianzheng was very familiar with King Su Tianzheng and did not have any special reaction. Meng Zhao, on the other hand, looked curious, but in fact he understood in his heart.

King Su Tian, ​​who was also his old friend, killed the opponent's head of the Eight Great Vajras, manipulated his evil soldiers in the ceremony to break the limit, and even planned to rob his power.

During this period of time, I have been busy with the Danchi clan and the Shenwei camp, and I can't spare the time to target the other party, otherwise I might know more than Si Peng.

At least, Si Peng only thought that Su Hongtu was practicing some kind of martial arts, even evil skills, which required a lot of flesh and blood essence of ferocious beasts, but he didn't know that this was just an excuse by the other party.

What Su Hongtu really wants to do is to break through the limitations of evil soldiers, achieve master martial arts, and gain the power to control his own life and destiny.

As the leader of the Eight Great Vajras and a die-hard confidant of Su Hongtu, Geng Pomo was killed by Meng Zhao.

Those who search for the flesh and blood essence of ferocious beasts must have insufficient gestures. In addition, Hushan Mountain is high and dangerous, and the terrain is complex. Without an accurate identification map of ferocious beasts, searching for a needle in a haystack is not only more dangerous, but also less profitable.

Naturally, he turned to Sipeng of Shenwei Camp, hoping to get help.

After all, the essence of this ferocious beast's flesh and blood is related to the success of Tai Sui and even the evil soldier's limit-breaking ceremony.

To be honest, if Si Peng knew that Su Hongtu had this idea, it's hard to say whether he would help him, but he would definitely have a crooked idea to obtain the secret technique that can break through the master level.

Su Hongtu wanted the Grandmaster's martial arts, but didn't Si Peng want it too?

In the face of the temptation of this kind of power, any allies or hardcores are bullshit and cannot withstand the test.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Meng Zhao.

However, he felt that he was a little overwhelmed and had trouble keeping track of everything.

He could take care of the Shenwei Camp, but not Su Hongtu.

Now, there seems to be a turning point.

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