Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1225 Evil Soldier II (Please subscribe)

In the valley, on the altar, the red three-legged cauldron was shaking violently. It became increasingly difficult to withstand the terrifying power. Thick and long textures began to crack on the cauldron body, and a piece of it began to crack. The chunks peeled off.

It wasn't until the three-legged cauldron was completely shattered that the people present could truly see its full picture for the first time.

It was something that could only be described as a monster. It was so eye-catching in the slightly dim and windy world. It was as red as jade, as red as blood, as warm as the sun, and at the same time it was filled with the charm of fresh life. The unique breath shrinks and expands, just like human breathing.

He, no, it looks like a very round spherical body, but there are countless tentacles on the surface of the body. There may be hundreds or thousands of tentacles. They are densely packed and constantly waving and moving, enough to scream. The trypophobic screamed.

After the cauldron collapsed, the fleshy Tai Sui floated in the air without any support. It took about ten breaths before it restrained the dense tentacles extending from the surface, and began to twist, change, and sometimes change. It grows into the shape of a sword, sometimes into the shape of a long knife, and also takes the shape of a whip, a spear, a halberd, an ax and other weapons.

As the meat changes, its texture is also constantly changing. Before, it was full of life, like a living creature, like an octopus. After it transformed into a weapon, its body surface became like a magic weapon, cold and cold. The hard edge is like a gold and iron weapon, either cutting or pressing the surrounding space...

Meng Zhao was shocked. He only said that after being trained into an evil weapon, this fleshy Tai Sui was extremely powerful. To a certain extent, it could be compared to the existence of earth-level magic weapons and even heaven-level magic weapons.

But I never knew that the shapes of weapons are ever-changing and you can choose whatever you want.

"No, that's not right. At that time, in the Inner Demon Association of Bleeding Water Immortal Palace, the three great masters discussed the method of breaking the limits of evil weapons. They once mentioned that to refine evil weapons, you need to choose a style in advance, such as swords, guns, swords and halberds. Choose one for yourself. The most practical one is not so endlessly varied.

This should be the result of Su Hongtu's more mysterious and improved method. "

Meng Zhao found the matter more and more interesting. If the change in Rou Tai Sui was caused by someone who deliberately guided Su Hongtu to carry out evil weapons to break the limit, then that would be fine. If Su Hongtu did it himself, it is obvious that this Su Tianwang is nothing. I don't know, but it does have the power to fight back.

At this time, not only Meng Zhao was shocked by Rou Taisui's unpredictable changes, but also Mo Li and Si Peng were eye-opening, and they vaguely understood that this King Su Tian was not trying to practice any martial arts, but was probably trying to refine such A magical weapon.

Of course, it is not clear whether it is a divine weapon, but it can change its form at will, and after transforming into a weapon, the sharp energy resonates in the void, and the buzzing atmosphere is enough to show that it is not an ordinary weapon.

Compared with these onlookers, Su Hongtu obviously knew this evil weapon very well. He slightly stretched out his hand towards the weapon that Rou Taisu had transformed into, and the pure white long sword that Rou Taisu transformed into swung. Pierced the void and fell into his hands.

The snow-white sword was flawless, and its extremely sharp aura seemed to be able to pierce even the sky. Only the hilt of the sword, after being held in Su Hongtu's palm, stretched out a series of fine, red tentacles, and hissing thorns. The skin in Su Hongtu's palm blended with his flesh and blood.

This is not a person holding the sword at all, but the man and the sword are completely integrated into one, they are an inseparable part.

This long sword is like an extension of Su Hongtu's arm, because the sword body moves with his life.

"What a great method, so powerful. This evil soldier is really extraordinary."

Meng Zhao had seen more than one magic weapon, and even got the magic weapon Qingfeng. However, he had no intention of taking it as his own because he didn't like using weapons.

His hands, his fists, his unparalleled martial arts will, the powerful and powerful martial arts energy, etc., are enough to allow him to deal with any opponent he encounters with bare hands.

In addition, he has Emperor Yu's armor with him. Is there any other magical weapon in this world that can be as powerful and profound as Di Yu's armor?

It probably doesn't exist anymore, and even if it does, it may not fall into his hands, so he doesn't force it.

However, today, the evil soldier transformed by the flesh Tai Sui really aroused Meng Zhao's mind and made him have a certain amount of greed. Just based on the various performances of this evil soldier, nothing else could be done about it. It's easy to say that it's easy to increase the combat power by 10% or 20%.

His combat power of 10% to 20% is estimated to be comparable to that of a top innate master.

He had an idea in his mind, but did not take any action. Instead, he waited and watched. After all, the whole process of breaking the limit of the evil soldier, Su Hongtu had only just refined the evil soldier until now.

In fact, Meng Zhao didn't even know whether the evil soldier had been trained or not. After all, everything seemed so smooth. It was so smooth that Meng Zhao could not believe that he could pass this level so easily.

In fact, it was not only Meng Zhao who was confused, but even Su Hongtu himself felt that the whole process was too smooth, without any ups and downs, and there was no stage for the other back-ups he had prepared to be used.

However, the evil soldiers blended with his bloodline, and the extremely evil, evil and powerful power contained in them was so clearly perceived by him.

That power was too terrifying and powerful, making people like him with a will as strong as steel feel fearful and frightened. Once released, it would bring about a catastrophe.

You must know that at this time, Su Hongtu, with the blessing of the altar and the formation, had been briefly blessed by the power of heaven and earth comparable to that of a master. Even he felt extremely terrifying. It can be imagined that the power of the evil soldiers , it must be far beyond what ordinary people imagine.

It contains too many creations and miracles, Tai Sui, a large amount of flesh and blood essence of ferocious beasts, all kinds of murderous evil, evil aura, countless rare medicinal materials and ores, all intertwined to create this. Such a freak.

In fact, sometimes, it is unknown what the caster can make by himself.

After all, there is always chance in the ordinary, and there are always miracles in the ordinary.

This evil soldier is an accident among accidents, a miracle among miracles.

I'm afraid that in the vast history, there may not be other evil soldiers who can change their states freely. Even if they do appear, they will be only a handful.

Su Hongtu was so excited that his palm merged with the long sword transformed by the evil soldier, and he casually drew towards the lake in front of him.

A half-moon-shaped sword energy shot out, first shallow and faint, then majestic and huge, with unrivaled sharpness, cutting the air, the white mist in front of him, and the vast lake in half.

With a flick of the brush, waves rolled toward both sides of the sword energy, leaving a vacuum zone in the middle that lingered for a long time.

To get the evil soldiers, you can refer to the Duel Sword form in the animation Fengyun Jue.

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