Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1263 The Seal of Subduing Demons (Please subscribe)

To be honest, many smart people will not be easily seduced by some words. Some people believe in drawing cakes, while others do not, and smart people must be more likely to be the latter.

However, Meng Zhao knew that the evil soldier's idea was not a pie in the sky this time. As long as he was willing, he could easily obtain many things, thus entering a realm that he could not even imagine in the past.

This is the saying that practicing Taoism for a thousand years is not as good as becoming a demon overnight. As long as Meng Zhao is willing to become a demon and become evil, and with the blessing of evil soldiers, his martial arts will increase at an incredible speed until he becomes the first person in the world.

In fact, ordinary people, such as Su Hongtu, are not so terrible when evil soldiers enter their bodies. But Meng Zhao is different from ordinary people. He has a purple dragon body, and is blessed with a divine mirror, Emperor Yu's armor, and many magical skills. If he becomes an evil spirit, , if you follow the evil path, the harm will be thousands of times that of ordinary people, and you will even become the biggest demon in modern times, poisoning the world.

For a moment, Meng Zhao was really tempted. He didn't care so much about the thoughts of good and evil, and he was not the kind of upright person.

It is said that there is no good or evil in the Tao. As long as you can reach the ultimate martial arts realm, it doesn't really matter which path you take.

Why is the last realm of martial arts called gods and demons, not gods? The core is that whether gods or demons, they are all manifestations of an invincible state. It does not mean that gods can definitely defeat demons, or that demons can definitely defeat them. Overwhelming.

If someone can achieve the Supreme Demonic Body in a very short period of time, then there is no need to follow the ancient path of cultivation and have to go through untold hardships to achieve the ultimate state.

Therefore, Meng Zhao would be moved by his heart, and throughout the ages, anyone who aspires to achieve martial arts would also be moved by his heart.

However, Meng Zhao flinched at the moment when his heart moved. It was not because he was afraid, but because he was afraid that he would become a demon and be targeted by the world, but he just didn't want to.

Perhaps the experience in his previous life had an indelible impact on Meng Zhao after all. He still found it difficult to fully agree with the way of evil spirits, let alone regard it as the true meaning of martial arts that he practiced throughout his life.

In other words, with the blessing of the evil soldiers, Meng Zhao can indeed move forward and achieve great achievements. However, this path is inconsistent with Meng Zhao's original intention and is not the path he should take.

Therefore, despite his heartbeat, Meng Zhao's spirit and heart still exuded resisting thoughts, confronting the evil thoughts and reaching a stalemate.

To outsiders, Meng Zhao is seen as a large expanse of dense black mist and bloody haze. However, Meng Zhao exudes a vast, masculine and indestructible purple divine glow, which always protects his body and is not exposed to that kind of ominous force. Contaminated by air.

However, the ability of the evil soldiers is indeed extraordinary. Meng Zhao's own abilities and background are still not enough to completely suppress the opponent. After a moment of stalemate, his mind gradually weakened and his resistance gradually declined. The purple divine ray The light gradually dimmed.

As a result, the evil soldiers also changed their previous strategy of seducing Meng Zhao, and instead used terror to suppress Meng Zhao's thoughts.

As the saying goes, you have to obey, and you have to obey even if you don't. He wanted to do what an overlord would do and force Meng Zhao into the evil way. From then on, he became a murderer, lustful, greedy for money, and obsessed with power. He gradually lost his nature and became an oblivion. However, the demons among them may be powerful and tyrannical, but they do not have the courage and ambition that Meng Zhao has now.

However, Meng Zhao is very confident and will not fight an uncertain battle. His biggest trump card is not the Tianxie Battle Box that outsiders think he is.

First, it is actually the divine mirror in the sea of ​​​​consciousness on his Lingtai. Since he broke through the innate world, this mirror has absorbed the energy of heaven and earth and has gradually restored some of its power. It is by no means simply used to assist practice.

For example, it suppressed Meng Zhao's Ziwei Fate Star and made it invisible, thus avoiding the fate of being traced and hunted by the Dayong royal family. This is one of the manifestations of the power of the Divine Mirror.

Now it is really easy to dispel the evil thoughts that the evil soldiers forced into Meng Zhao's body.

The second one is the armor of Emperor Yu that is blended with Meng Zhao’s bloodline. It contains the majestic power of Emperor Yu and the soul of an unparalleled blue dragon. It has been used in ancient and modern times. It is also a top-notch group. How can a mere evil soldier compare with Emperor Yu? Compared to the idea of ​​a divine weapon?

The third is not the Ziyuan Dragon Body, but the many unparalleled magical skills practiced by Meng Zhao.

Among them, the Fudo Myoyo Subduing Demons Mahamudra is one of the most powerful magical skills in Buddhism, which directly points to the realm of gods and demons.

Since Meng Zhao obtained this magical power, he had studied and recited many Buddhist scriptures and memorized in order to disguise himself as "Meng Zhao" and not be exposed. The wonderful methods have been released one after another, turning into the foundation and foundation of this magical power, and then analyzed by the Divine Mirror. , the entry can be said to be a thousand miles.

Moreover, the power of this Buddhist magical skill is boundless, and it is especially good at dealing with opponents of evil demons.

When Meng Zhao realized that with his own soul and soul, he was probably no match for this evil soldier's thoughts, he immediately put aside the Heavenly Evil War Box, put his right hand on his right knee, and touched the ground with his fingers. Immediately, a pure and bright Buddha light emerged from Meng Zhao's body. It was born, gradually penetrated into the purple divine light, and began to compete with the continuously shrinking and condensed evil energy.

Behind Meng Zhao's body, there is a statue of a Buddha with golden light shining and full of powerful power. It also touches the ground with its fingers, forming a subtle and powerful charm, which exerts great suppression on evil soldiers and evil thoughts. .

This seal, called the Seal of Subduing Demons, is also called the Seal of Touching the Earth. It is one of the Mahamudras of Buddhist practice. According to legend, when Sakyamuni was practicing enlightenment, demons kept coming to disturb him to prevent Sakyamuni from purifying his practice.

Later, Sakyamuni touched the ground with his hand to make the earth prove it. Then the earth god came out to prove that Sakyamuni had achieved Buddhahood, and finally made the devil fear him. Therefore, this seal is called the seal of subduing demons, also called the seal of touching the ground.

Mudra Kungfu is also one of the core key points of the Fudo Myoyo Maha Mudra for Subduing Demons. This chapter contains a total of 120 kinds of Buddhist mudra. The Subduing Demon Mudra is one of the core points. It is easy to learn but difficult to master.

However, as soon as Meng Zhao's hand touched the ground and released the demon subduing seal, it was as if he was just like Sakyamuni back then. The earth shook and the earth's energy undulated. Circles of soil undulated like water waves, as if there was an earth god in the next moment. To jump out of it.

In the void, countless sounds of Buddha chanting continued to be heard, and golden swastika haloes came out from the mouth of the big Buddha behind Meng Zhao, fluttering, spinning, and landed on Meng Zhao's body.

The golden swastika nimbus, from small to large, from thin to thick, actually woven itself into a golden cassock, which was draped on Meng Zhao's body, like a Buddha.

The golden light was blazing, like a blazing sun, unparalleled in strength, melting all the evil spirits, and burning out all the evil spirits and thoughts that enveloped Meng Zhao's body.

The evil soldier held by Meng Zhao's hand was buzzing and trembling, as if it had encountered some natural enemy.

It can be said that once the magical power is revealed, the earth is shaken and the heavens are shocked.

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