Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1275 Meng Family (Please subscribe)

From a fundamental point of view, Li Ao was extremely loyal to both Dayong and Bai Shuai.

He is somewhat similar to Meng Zhao. They are both egoists. They can accept and move closer to anything that is beneficial to them.

The former Bai Shuai used words like overthrowing Dayong and being the founder of the country to seduce and seduce him.

For ordinary people, this kind of pie has no effect, but it is easy to be reported.

However, the Li Ao family has lived in seclusion for generations and has long been out of touch with the upper-class forces. They have only courage and are just reckless men. Even if they have excellent war talents, they have nowhere to display them and have cut off the way to rise.

Therefore, joining the Divine Power Army as a member of the rebels was a choice he had no choice but to make.

After all, it is a rebellion. Anyone who has read history books and knows history can't understand that this is purely doing things with their heads up, and it is most likely a dangerous gamble, the kind where everything is lost.

Take the land of China as an example. Every time at the end of a dynasty, there are many heroes vying for the throne, and many great powers compete for the dragon. Only one person can win and become the ultimate nine-nine supreme, the body of the great emperor, while the others, the better ones are gathered together, and the worse ones, Confiscation of the family and annihilation of the clan will also affect the subordinates.

Of course Li Ao would not think that Bai Shuai alone could overthrow Dayong. This was an insult to his IQ.

However, the rebellion in the south has not subsided for a long time, and it has indeed greatly damaged the majesty of the Yong Dynasty. People can't help but think about why such a prosperous and powerful dynasty has reached such a point where it can't even quell the rebellion. On the contrary, he looked increasingly weak.

This situation actually gave countless ambitious people an excuse to wait patiently.

Immediately afterwards, the unprecedented heavy snowstorm in the north made the situation of Dayong's corruption even worse, and made more people think that the Dayong Kingdom might not last long.

Natural and man-made disasters are often a symbol of the end of a dynasty. Such rhetoric has been around since ancient times.

When Li Ao joined the Shenwei Army, it was still before the rebellion in the south and the heavy snow disaster. Of course, he was not a man of fortune who could predict the situation today.

At that time, he was simply unwilling to cause trouble, and he was just risking his life to get ahead.

It wasn't until these two incidents broke out that he felt that the Divine Power Army might not have a bright future.

However, as a descendant of General Huang Ming, he also knew that the heritage of a dynasty was unimaginably terrifying. At present, the chances of those so-called rebels and so-called careerists successfully overthrowing Dayong were still very slim.

Only the fate of the real predators, that is, those forces standing at the top of Dayong, truly means that Dayong's energy has been exhausted.

Therefore, he never regarded Bai Shuai as his master, but rather as a springboard.

When the world is in chaos, with his martial arts, strength, and ability to lead troops in battle, he will definitely be able to accomplish something.

Meng Zhao's appearance meant that the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time had finally arrived.

In Li Ao's mind, the Dayong aristocracy represented by Meng Zhao was far more worthy of following than conspirators and careerists like Bai Shuai.

After all, they are originally a powerful force that stands at the top of the world. They have a strong foundation, many choices, can advance or retreat, are full of guarantees, and have good stability. They are far beyond the comparison of desperate gamblers like Bai Shuai.

It's like a big, booming company and a small company that's just starting out, has an uncertain future, and has a high probability of failure. If you have the same opportunity to join, which one would you choose?

A truly smart person will of course choose the one that is most beneficial to him and has the least surprises.

Moreover, Li Ao believed that at the beginning of the Dayong Dynasty, Taizu's system of co-ruling the world with all the kings led to the carving up of the founding nobles, large and small, and usurping too much of the heritage that should belong to the royal family. making them extremely competitive.

This world is of course the world of the Beitang royal family, but it is also the world of the nobles, and only the identity of the royal family is unique.

I am afraid that in the future, when Dayong collapses into chaos and reorganizes the mountains and rivers, most likely it will be one of these forces, or a behemoth united together.

Therefore, the benefits of joining these aristocratic families may not be as good as those of Bai Shuai.

Talking back to Meng Zhao, the Meng family in Nan'an is not considered top-notch in the Great Yong noble system. After all, among the nine surnames, there is no family named Meng.

However, the Meng family is definitely the second largest family after the Nine Surnames. Its ancestor Meng Shentong was once the beloved general and important general of Taizu Dayong. If it were not for some special reasons, he would have been awarded the title of more than an earl.

After sharing weal and woe with the Dayong Dynasty, the Meng family had accumulated extremely terrifying wealth through various methods in these more than a hundred years, including marriage, apprenticeship, official career, or joining the army. Networks and resources.

As far as contemporary times are concerned, the Meng family, the Kong family of nine surnames, and the Paektusan family of thirteen surnames all have extremely close relationships. They are also allies and helpers for each other in politics and military strategy.

Therefore, in general, the Meng family is not the best choice, but it is still the best choice.

At least Li Ao is still very satisfied with Nan Anbo's lineage.

Furthermore, according to folk rumors, there are no thirteen families with nine surnames in Jizhou. The two families, led by the Lei family of Beininghou and the Bomeng family of Nan'an, divide the power and resources of the state, and the conflicts between the two families have been sharp for generations. If anyone If you can defeat the other side, you may be able to take advantage of this unparalleled trend and enter the ranks of the Nine Surnames, becoming the tenth most prominent family in the world.

After all, Jizhou is the most powerful in the northern land. Liangzhou also depends on its face. The master of Jizhou will most likely be the master of the north, so the prospects of the Meng family are also excellent.

In addition to the existence of the Meng family itself, Meng Zhao's current reputation also serves as the icing on the cake.

Shen Tianci in the south and Meng Zhao in the north are two unparalleled prides. Such an honor is unique in the entire land of China. It is of course very attractive to some people who are interested in the future.

Therefore, Li Ao thought for a while and said,

"Then maybe we can surrender to Meng Zhao. This Dragon King of Beimeng has also done great things in Lingwu City. He has 50,000 elite soldiers, is rich and powerful, and has a bright future.

If we join his sect and transform ourselves from thieves to soldiers, wouldn't it be logical?

We brothers in the camp are all hard-working and have low lives. We may lose our heads one day. We dare not even carve a tombstone for fear of harming our family members.

If you can become an officer and soldier this time, it will not only eliminate your worries, but also gain a future, which is really a good thing.

Lao Fang, what do you think? "

Fang Gongming smiled, he understood Li Ao's thoughts very well, but precisely because he understood Li Ao's thoughts, he felt that there was nothing wrong with this thought, but it was normal.

Because he was asked to make his own choice, he would rather be an officer and soldier than a traitor.

Life and death are small matters, but fame and honor are big matters. If the army fails in the future, they will definitely become the target of verbal and written criticism by historians.

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