Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1290 Harvest (please subscribe)

Meng Zhao vaguely understood that what Jie Wen was thinking in his heart was probably not much different from what he said.

The nature of the Divine Power Army, in modern society, is that it is a proper terrorist organization, and it is still the kind of terrorist organization with overwhelming combat effectiveness.

All gangs and capitalists are weak compared to them. These are lunatics who dare to attack the regime, and they are also a group of lunatics with terrifying force.

And Jie Wen seems to be an important figure in a large force, but in fact he is just a high-ranking member of the group at best. Who is not afraid of people from such a terrorist organization?

If the Shenwei Army is really offended, it will be enough to disturb them to the point of death, and there is no way to deal with it.

When one's strength reaches a certain level and one's strength reaches a certain level, it is of no use to play tricks. Instead, it limits oneself.

As for reporting something, that's too much to think about. After all, Jie Wen and the others were stained with crotch feces and had supplied the Shenwei Army's logistical resources many times. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were complicit in the conspiracy.

Naturally, he had the idea of ​​not offending the Shenwei Army and others, and he would tell them whatever they wanted to know.

"Well, I want to ask you, why does your Jie family want to fund the Shenwei Army? Could it be that it is just like the rumor in the world? You, Mrs. Jie, can't bear the loneliness, and has some shady relationship with the Dragon City, so she is willing to waste her money. It’s huge, but we need to support it with all our strength?”

This is the core issue. Only by understanding the reasons for widows’ support can we find ways to continue to seek support.

Even Meng Zhao had thought about it, if this Widow Jie was really a woman who was obsessed with Dragon City and valued love more than anyone or anything.

At worst, he rushed back to Lingwu City as soon as possible, captured Dragon City, abolished his martial arts, and gave it to Widow Xie to be raised as a male pet. I think he was very sincere.

Jie Wen sighed, thought about it, shook his head and said,

"This matter is very complicated, but I can be sure of one thing. My eldest wife has no personal relationship with Longcheng. Those rumors are just rumors after the three of them became tigers. They should not be taken seriously."

This answer surprised a few people, including Meng Zhao. If it wasn't for love, then why?

Did the information fall into Bai Shuai's hands, or was he coerced by him, or did he have some kind of interest appeal?

There are too many possibilities, and since Jie Wen is willing to talk, there is no need for them to guess by themselves.

"Then please ask the manager to explain this matter carefully. We have plenty of time to listen."

Jie Wen nodded and said calmly,

"Let me tell you some exact information that I know first. There is no definite cooperation between the Shenwei Army and Lifeng Trading Company. All the previous supplies to the Shenwei Army came from Lady Jie's private treasury.

Therefore, the matter of funding the Shenwei Army is based on the eldest lady's personal wishes and has nothing to do with Li Feng Trading Company.

The real reason why Mrs. Jie is willing to spend huge sums of money to train the Shenwei Army is to kill a person, a person she hates very much. "

Si Peng and Xiang Qing looked at each other, thoughtfully, hatefully, and a little interesting. They might have touched the weak point of the widow.

"As for who Mrs. Xie wants to kill, I don't know. I just speculate that this matter is related to the death of my uncle who has passed away in Jie's family. It may be revenge for killing her husband.

And what I mean by complexity is that some people from Li Feng Trading Company, after learning about Lady Jie’s actions, not only acquiesced in the matter, but even went so far as to use the public treasury to replenish Lady Jie’s already diminishing private treasury.

It seemed that they wanted to get involved in the Shenwei Army, but they never got Madam Xie's permission, and they did not continue to entangle. "

Interesting, getting more and more interesting.

Meng Zhao and others felt that the situation might be much better than they thought. After all, it was just about solving the eldest lady's personal behavior before. Later, some people within Li Feng Trading Company also took the initiative to do this.

It shows that some people may have felt the turbulence of the external environment and urgently want to use their existing property and resources to get the support and protection of a strong military force.

They may not know that the original purpose of the Divine Power Army was to rebel, and that they would become rebels in the future. They may know, but they don't care. After all, whether the knife is used to kill people or pigs depends on how the person holding the knife uses it.

what does that mean?

This means that even though Mrs. Jie may be restricted by Bai Shuai and stop the supply, Li Feng Trading Company still has knowledgeable people who are willing to provide help to the Shenwei Army, and Mrs. Jie cannot restrict them anymore.

And based on Jie Wen’s understanding of the whole thing, it shouldn’t be difficult to figure out who these people are and how to contact them.

In other words, the situation revealed by Jie Wen so far is enough to show that they should make great gains during this trip. Even if they cannot swallow up Li Feng Trading Company, it should not be difficult to get funding.

It can be regarded as a solution to the Shenwei Army's current urgent need, which is a big piece of good news.

In addition, a few people are also thinking that Jie Wen may have some confidence because he is so easy to talk to.

After all, from a certain perspective, he can play an important role. If he is valuable, the Shenwei Army will not do anything to him, and may even recruit him.

Moreover, the news that there was a big boss within Li Feng Trading Company who was interested in continuing to cooperate with the Shenwei Army may have been revealed by him deliberately to play into the minds of An Sipeng and others.

Si Peng's eyes lit up and he said directly,

"How could such a thing happen? Although Lifeng Trading Company is one of the few large trading houses in the North, there shouldn't be many people within it who can compare with the conciliatory lady, right? Can they really afford the daily training expenses of the Divine Power Army?"

The Shenwei Army currently has 35,000 people, which is just a little more. Not to mention the daily expenses it consumes, it is already a large number.

In order to refine and strengthen the soldiers, various herbs, pills, flesh and blood of ferocious beasts, as well as rewards distributed to boost morale, were a huge expense.

Ordinary people can't afford it at all. Even if they are wealthy, if they just sit back and eat everything, the Shenwei Army can still eat them up.

Only a large trading house with a steady stream of income and a solid foundation like Li Feng Trading Company can afford it.

As a key figure in the growth of Lifeng Trading Company, Mrs. Xie holds a large share in its ownership.

As for the others, they are all hidden behind the scenes, and it is rarely clear who else is behind the scenes of Li Feng Trading Company.

But it is certain that there are definitely not many people who have the strength to support the Shenwei Army.

Jie Wen smiled, seemingly proud,

"The envoy still underestimated our Lifeng Trading Company. Many valuable herbs, elixirs, and various materials are sold to the outside world. It is indeed a huge expense. However, within our trading company, it is cheaper to buy them at cost price. There are a lot of them, so supplying the Shenwei Army is actually not a particularly difficult task for the huge Li Feng Trading Company.

At the same time, the powerful military strength of the Shenwei Army is also an irreplaceable resource and is worthy of additional investment. "

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