Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1296 Enemy (please subscribe)

Judging from what Widow Jie said, her enemy's martial arts must have been at an earth-shattering level.

Most powerful masters are afraid of dealing with enemies who don't understand the widow, so Bai Shuai just gave her a promise that may or may not come true.

And in the eyes of Widow Xie, he has unlimited potential, but in terms of strength on paper, there is still a slight gap between him and Bai Shuai. After all, Bai Shuai is a master of martial arts, and he, no matter what Amazing talent and beauty are just innate, a fundamental difference.

Therefore, the widow would rather believe that Bai Shuai will help her get revenge than that Meng Zhao has the ability to help her.

And it is precisely the special nature of Jie Widow's enemy's martial arts that makes it difficult for Meng Zhao to have such a powerful force.

After all, for a warrior who stands at the top of China, it is really difficult to restrict him. Only a truly strong person can kill him with hard power, or multiple strong men of the same level can set up an ambush to kill him. He was surrounded and killed, or perhaps a powerful force with astonishing influence placed a wanted man on him. They wanted to see him alive and dead, and after getting his traces, they formed a large army to kill him.

Meng Zhao was not satisfied with anything. What's more, even in the Tianxing Hall set up by Dayong, there were so many evil people on the wanted list, and they might not be able to capture and kill anyone in a few years. This shows that these martial arts masters The situation is really not that bad.

The world is huge, and with their martial arts skills, they can live very well as long as they deliberately hide themselves without being discovered.

There is no such thing as being discovered by others because of some unsatisfactory life.

This is also a drawback of the so-called high martial arts world rules.

It is too friendly to the warriors who come and go, but it is too unfriendly to those ordinary ordinary people.

At this time, Meng Zhao also began to shift his focus. This master aroused his interest and made him want to find out what happened.

"Madam Jie, from what you said, this enemy's martial arts is extremely high, and even Commander Bai may not be 100% sure of it.

Is he a master, a great master, or a heavenly being? "

As for the gods and demons, Meng Zhao felt that there would not be such a terrifying figure for the time being, and that the most likely and most certain person in the world to hit the realm of gods and demons would be Shen Tianci. Slightly less so.

This is not because of his own arrogance, but because of the real talent, bloodline, existence of the Feathered Insect, and the Divine Mirror, which gave him the confidence and confidence.

Even in an era when martial arts was not prosperous, he was still confident of breaking through the barriers with the help of the Divine Mirror.

This has always been his greatest reliance. It is the golden finger that can use mortals to attack gods and demons. It also takes him across the two realms. Its origin is extremely mysterious, its power is vast, and its power is unpredictable.

What's more, now that martial arts is booming, the golden age of martial arts has arrived, and the stone that trapped warriors has been removed, coupled with his bloodline talent and various encounters, what else can stop him from reaching the pinnacle of martial arts?

Probably no more.

When Widow Xie mentioned that person, her eyes showed some undisguised hatred. It was not very obvious, but it left a deep impression on Meng Zhao. That kind of resentment may not have done anything to him, but it also made him shudder.

The most poisonous thing about women is that when a woman hates someone so much, she can do anything.

"Before my husband passed away, he was already a Grandmaster, and after that, he received great blessings, and it was inevitable to become a Grandmaster. As for being a Heavenly Man, he may have achieved it, or he may still lack a few points.

All in all, that person's martial arts, even if he is not the best in the world, is still comparable to that of very few.

It is undeniable that Meng Zhao has extraordinary potential, but after all, this potential is not strength.

I really don't dare to bet on how long it will take you to realize your potential, and whether accidents will happen during the process. "

The words "Don't dare to gamble" made Meng Zhao understand that Widow Xie believed in his potential and recognized that Meng Zhao was indeed sure to avenge her in the future. However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. She could no longer bear it again. blow.

As for Bai Shuai, she may not have high expectations, just a trace of hope and fantasy, but in fact, it is just the woman's own delusion that is at work.

It is sad and pitiful, but it can also be seen that she has endured too much pain in her heart. The fact that she can face the difficulties and run an industry as big as Li Feng Trading Company in this kind of pain also shows the inner tenacity of this woman. And tough.

However, Mrs. Jie's words still made Meng Zhao's heart move. He was already a grandmaster at that time, and now he is at least a grand master. There are really not many people with such martial arts attainments.

The first thing Meng Zhao thought of was actually the current Shi Jue Grandmaster.

Although due to the great fortune of martial arts, the number of masters and masters in the land of China has been booming. However, these master martial artists have actually taken advantage of the situation and are the beneficiaries of good times.

Those who become masters before the great fortunes of martial arts flourish are truly those who rise from adversity and have extraordinary potential.

In the land of China at that time, there were of course more than ten grandmaster warriors, but ten of them could have such a huge reputation, which was almost equivalent to the status of the five masters of the Condor Shooting. They had not capsized for many years, which shows that they still had some strength. of.

The ten of them are obviously the ones with the greatest potential to challenge the Grand Master.

"Is your enemy one of the ten great masters?"

Meng Zhao frowned and guessed that among these ten people, there were some who were powerful and powerful, some who were idle clouds and wild cranes, some were sect overlords, and some were women. In fact, they were all far apart in terms of status and gender.

But one thing is the same, that is, they are very low-key. Even Cui Wei, the governor of Tianxing Hall, actually stays hidden most of the time. The only ones who really show up on the stage and take charge of the overall situation are his two men. Commander, and four deputy commanders.

Therefore, let alone martial arts, these ten people are a mystery that is difficult to solve in terms of their whereabouts.

For example, one of the Ten Wonders, the Immortal Immortal of Mount Paektu, is the most traceable. It seems that he should be stationed in Mount Baektu, but in fact, it is known to the whole world that this Immortal Immortal travels around the world.

Cui Wei's whereabouts are relatively easy to guess, but this whereabouts may not be true.

In his early years, Cui Wei often announced with great fanfare that he was practicing martial arts in seclusion, and then traveled thousands of miles, day and night, to capture and bring to justice a wanted criminal whose traces had been traced by the Tianxing Hall.

This is true for both of them, and of course it is more difficult for others to guess their whereabouts.

No one can be found. Even if he has the strength to take revenge, he has no chance to take revenge.

The widow's solution was not as deep as Meng Zhao thought. He just took a deep look at the Fourth Master Meng and sighed,

"Fourth Master Meng, you are really a very smart man. I doubt whether you can read minds. Otherwise, how could you guess the identity of my enemy in one fell swoop?

From your perspective and knowledge, you should know that there are far more martial masters like the Shijue Grandmaster in this world, right? "

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