Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1308 Disappointment (please subscribe)

"You have good martial arts skills and great talent. You shouldn't be an unknown person. Please show your name."

The masked man took a few steps back. While he was confused and uncertain, he thought about it and spoke to Meng Zhao in a deep voice.

He boasts that he has a noble bloodline and an outstanding family background. He is not afraid of the people in front of him. There are not many people in the world who can make him afraid, and the young man opposite him is definitely not one of them.

But since the other party has such strength, there is no need to offend him, so I want to see his identity before talking about it.

That's a typical dish to watch.

However, Meng Zhao was greatly disappointed when he heard what he said. He shook his head and sighed,

"Vulgar, vulgar, it's too vulgar. You are also a master. Just now, you shot with murderous intent and wanted to take my life. Why can't you win, so you have to ask about your family background.

Could it be that you want to find a way to shake hands with me and make peace with me?

How can someone like you practice martial arts to such a level?

It seems that either there was a chance encounter, or someone used resources to build it. "

Meng Zhao knew very well about warriors who came from powerful forces. With abundant resource supply, even a pig could be fed into a ferocious beast like a pig, let alone a human being?

The Meng family in Nan'an is a special example. Because the martial arts of the Red Flag Order is special and requires a lot of accumulation, it does not show any obvious differences. However, when looking at the entire martial arts world, their own talent, understanding, and even spirit are mediocre, but they have practiced it. There are by no means a few people with advanced martial arts skills, and the root cause is resources.

Ordinary people who practice martial arts eat white rice and ordinary chicken, duck, and fish meat. But for those with great influence, the rice is spiritual rice that contains essence, and the meat is the meat of ferocious beasts that contains essence. There are even more precious and rare things. of elixirs.

And based on his observation of the popularity of the people in front of him, he always felt that he didn't have enough thoughts and had too many worries.

Simply speaking of the adaptation of martial arts and mental state, it is impossible to achieve such a profound state.

Perhaps it is because in recent years his martial arts has become more and more sophisticated, his connection with the evil soldiers and evil calamities has become deeper, and he has gained a new appreciation and understanding of martial arts.

In Meng Zhao's view, a person's physical qualifications, such as meridians, flesh and blood, and martial bones, are the lower limit for a person to learn martial arts.

Even if a person is unable to do anything else, simply having excellent training qualifications can guarantee that he will eventually be able to practice martial arts to a very advanced level. This is endowment, talent, and innateness that others cannot envy.

For example, Meng Zhao's Purple Yuan Dragon Body has supreme potential. To put it bluntly, his lower limit may be the upper limit of many people's lifetime. This is really sad, but it is a reality.

Comprehension and opportunity are the upper limits of a martial artist. The higher the understanding, the stronger the opportunity, and the higher the future achievements will be. Of course, this is also based on a considerable degree of physical qualifications.

As for reaching the highest level of martial arts training, in addition to the above, one must also have the courage, ambition, ambition, tolerance, etc. of a martial artist. In short, it has a similar meaning.

Meng Zhao, of course, has all kinds of opportunities, and his talent and understanding are also extraordinary. However, as a martial artist, it is also an indisputable fact that he works hard and becomes obsessed with martial arts.

Many times, he acts as a scholar, asking for and learning from others and all things in the world, a higher realm of martial arts, instead of simply using his strength as a means to show off.

Therefore, he can often kill his opponent quickly, but only uses a higher level or comparable strength to fight with him. He does not deliberately play tricks on the opponent, but hopes to learn from the opponent's strengths and weaknesses.

Killing the opponent quickly can only destroy the opponent, but it is not beneficial to his own improvement. He does not take advantage of it.

The sages once said that when three people walk together, there must be a teacher. A self-proclaimed person, no matter how powerful he is, is limited, but a person who forges ahead can achieve something as long as he always maintains a humble, cautious and progressive heart. .

In Meng Zhao's eyes, what the masked man lacks may be the courage to move forward that is necessary for a truly strong man, the determination to kill even the King of Heaven.

The disdain and confusion in Meng Zhao's words made the masked man's eyes shine fiercely. How could he not hear the contempt and belittling in them?

"Pathetic person, you will never understand how noble my blood is and how prominent my family background is. You might have had a chance to survive, but you killed this chance with your own hands. "

The masked man once again showed a superior attitude of giving alms, which turned off Meng Zhao who was originally interested in secretly learning the essence of his martial arts, and gave rise to a strong murderous intention.

Although he came from a previous life, he already knew that equality between people could never be completely realized.

Equality in law, equality in personality, and even equality in life cannot be achieved.

For example, in life, some people are born with deformities, while others are born strong and smart. Is this fair?

For example, in terms of wealth and status, some people are born with rich clothes, while others are born with nothing to cover their heads. Is this fair?

Even if it is a law, it cannot really be implemented on everyone, it can only be done as much as possible.

After coming to this world, the jungle law of the jungle and the winner is more obvious, and the gap between people is also the same.

However, he has always looked down on others. He looked at others from a superior attitude. Why would he ever want to live by others?

Even the ancient emperors and emperors would never be able to convince Meng Zhao to bow his head. He was probably a born rebel.

The masked man dared to speak to Meng Zhao in this manner, which already annoyed him.

However, although Meng Zhao's heart was boiling with murderous intent, he did not show his expression. Instead, he asked with interest,

"Oh, you have the most extraordinary bloodline, and your life experience is extraordinary. I would like to ask you, where does your bloodline come from, and what is so remarkable about your family background?"

In Meng Zhao's eyes, this person was already dead, but it would be good to satisfy his curiosity before he died.

As for the revenge for killing this person, someone has to know that he was killed, or he was killed by himself, let’s talk about it!

According to Meng Zhao's estimate, he was shot to death here. Without special guidance, no one would be able to find the place where his body was buried in a hundred years.

The masked man thought that there were only two of them here, there was no one alive, and there was no chance of being discovered.

As for the guy in front of him, he is also a dead man, so why should he care?

Yes, it is strange that both of them are arrogant and boast that they have a trump card. They also regard the other as a dead person.

Then he reached out and took off the mask on his face, revealing a rather handsome face.

He has a high nose and deep eyes, with clear outlines and a sense of nobility between his brows. He is neither too old nor too young, probably around 27 or 28 years old. With the martial arts he has shown, he can be considered a little genius.

Of course, there is no comparison with monsters like Meng Zhao and Shen Tianci.

Meng Zhao glanced at this person and found that he didn't know him. He was a little disappointed. He didn't seem to be a big shot.

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