Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1312 Martial Arts (Subscription Request)

However, Meng Zhao knew that he actually lost to the opponent with this move.

Faced with the fist power that encompassed all the world and expressed the spirit in his chest, his mind was captured, and he subconsciously used his internal strength to activate the Dragon Control Technique with extremely strong Qi, without any suppression or hold back.

As mentioned before, at this time, the young man of the Yu family was possessed by the spiritual thoughts in the mask and lost the ability to control the power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, he only possesses a martial arts realm that is equivalent to the innate realm, and his internal strength cultivation, as well as his qi and blood, are only at the level of a young man from the Yu family.

Meng Zhao's background and true energy were as different as those of the young people of the Yu family. There was a huge gap.

Therefore, in comparison, Meng Zhao's move at the same level when he fought with what seemed to be the Emperor Ku's divine will was far less powerful and terrifying, as well as mysterious and pure.

If his strength is defeated, it is the young people of the Yu family who are victorious. However, if his intention is defeated, it is Emperor Ku's fist intention that is victorious.

Although I hate to admit it, this is the truth.

Of course, Meng Zhao is not discouraged. It is not a shame to lose to Emperor Ku. Moreover, he has not yet reached his ultimate state. If in the future he realizes the supreme power of gods and demons, he can turn around and use the thoughts of gods and demons to display his innate martial arts. , naturally it is also invincible and unrivaled.

And because of this short confrontation, it made him see clearly how to take the road to the next level. Today's confrontation with this mask of spiritual consciousness also played a key role in his martial arts.

At the same time, he also came back to his senses. When he was illuminated by the nimbus transformed from the colorful auspicious light, he felt ashamed. He only felt that his own style and courage were completely different from those of the ancient emperors like Di Ku. , there is almost no possibility of catching up.

But now he regained consciousness and could easily figure out the reason for this.

It sounds simple, but in fact, different times, different people, have different missions.

Do you want the ideals of people in war times to be the same as those of people in peace times?

In the same way, even if it is the same dynasty, its ideas, mentality, and pursuits in the early years of the founding of the country and the last years of the country's collapse must be completely different.

In the ancient times when Emperor Ku existed, hundreds of tribes were competing for hegemony. There were countless powerful tribes who were born sacred and were called gods. Even if they did not need to practice, they could kill ferocious beasts as long as they reached adulthood. There were even those who knew it even when they were children. Better than countless powerful people.

The human race has a weak body and does not know the magic of gods and demons. Even when they are adults, if they do not know martial arts, they are still objects under the claws of wild beasts. It is an era of survival in the cracks.

Therefore, the human race must strive for self-improvement, practice martial arts, seek Taoism, persevere, and exhaust all methods to strengthen itself.

Any top warrior of the human race must have such a mind and structure to run for the human race, fight for the human race, use martial arts and violence to intimidate other races and preserve the human race.

It can be said that since the supreme gods and men like the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have made the human race possible, how can it be that the human race who is constantly striving for self-improvement and forging ahead has made them successful?

When the human race reached the top of the hundred races and became the legitimate ruler of the land of China, the stage of pioneering the human race had passed. No one could erase the great achievements of the three emperors and the five emperors. They left their names in history. However, he belonged to Their time has also passed.

Next, it is time for a new missionary to be born.

And this man was the supreme god-man who created the Middle Ages, Dayu, who was also Emperor Yu.

Although he is not the Five Emperors, he is still recognized as a god who has done great things for the human race, directly chasing the Three Emperors and comparing to the Five Emperors.

In this era, the human race has gained dominance over the land of China. On this basis, Emperor Yu wanted to institutionalize and nationalize the human race, and continuously increase the strength of the human race.

In recent times, what kind of mission should Meng Zhao undertake now to carry out a pattern that is comparable to the great emperor and supreme emperor in ancient times?

For a moment, Meng Zhao lost consciousness during the battle. Something seemed to be touched in the dark. Thousands of thoughts in his mind merged and merged, bursting out countless sparks and wisdom. The general was about to figure this out. .

At this time, the young man from the Yu family was attacking Meng Zhao again. Compared with the previous boxing technique, this time it was a horizontal push, and there were unspeakable changes hidden in it.

And with this palm, the vitality in the void fluctuated, turning into countless lights and shadows, transforming into an extremely gorgeous scene of the ancient ancestors.

In this scene constructed by Yuan Qi, countless people wearing animal skins and holding simple tools are fighting ferocious beasts and encircling invaders in the dark. The fierce killing spirit and heroic spirit are clanging, as if Even this world is amazed by the excitement and ambition of the ancient human race.

The situation was surging and unparalleled. Stimulated by the terrifying energy of this palm, Meng Zhao woke up from his sudden enlightenment. The emperor used his energy-seeing technique to peer into the sky, explore the earth, ask people, and explore the changes of the three talents. Combined with all the sparks of wisdom generated by his previous enlightenment.

Shen Ermingzhi raised his hand and punched. This punch was slow but firm, simple and pure. It was actually the same as the way to control the dragon just now. The core was control, which was also the spirit of Meng Zhao's fist. .

However, this time, he seemed to sense the breath of the sky, the rhythm of the earth, the pulse of people, the time and place, and even the people and people, all gathered in this punch. Under the command, everyone would not obey, and he would somehow get something. Such blessings from the general trend.

Therefore, the dragon-shaped energy transformed by this punch is even more majestic and majestic. The power of an unparalleled dragon shakes the heavens and the earth, and emits a loud dragon roar that penetrates time and space.

It seems to be in harmony with the ancient divine dragon, commune with the ancient divine dragon, assimilate with the medieval divine dragon, and become close friends with the thousands of people who contain the spirit and way of the dragon. With their help, they are invincible.

The next moment, the energy of the dragon transformed by Meng Zhao actually flew into the picture scroll transformed into the palm of Emperor Ku. Countless divine dragons fell into countless human tribes, using the way of divine dragons to fit in with the human race.

The two are not incompatible with each other like water and fire, but the relationship between fish and water.

"Good at martial arts."

A sound of admiration came from the mouth of the young man from the Yu family, but it was not the slightly dark and deep voice, but the rich, masculine, loud, high-spirited, domineering and noble voice of a middle-aged man.

The next moment, the aura of the young man of the Yu family declined rapidly, and in the void, the picture scroll that continuously evolved from the vitality of heaven and earth finally came to an end.

Meng Zhao did not delay, and the lightning flashed quickly. In the eyes of the Yu family youth who were shocked, confused, and regretful, he fell in front of him. A single palm as white as jade pressed on his heart, and a strong force penetrated his body. When it entered, it directly shattered the young man's heart.


This young man from the Yu family only left this word before his heart was broken and he died. Even with the vitality of an innate strong man, he did not last long.

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