Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1316 Breaking the formation (please subscribe)

In other words, while watching, the stone giant he saw was extremely stupid and slow in movement. In fact, once he faced the stone giant, his attack speed was unparalleled.

He believed that his inspiration was sharp and infallible. So, the problem still lies with this stone giant. Why are there two completely different senses when looking at it and facing it directly?

What is the principle of this? Can martial arts achieve such a weird situation?

Meng Zhao once again focused his gaze on the stone giant that looked stunned, cold and lifeless. Although this was a dead thing, it could move and hit. Who could say it wasn't a living creature?

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the divine punch he had made earlier. It was indeed an unprecedented peak.

In fact, that punch, in addition to being inspired by the sudden enlightenment, might not have been inspired by the giant stone statue.

At this time, the lingering sound of Meng Zhao's enlightenment seemed to have not dissipated, allowing him to catch the fleeting spark of spiritual light.

He carefully recalled the movements of the stone giant, but it was not just the movements, but also the environment around it, as well as the environment of other stone giants. Don't think of it as an individual, but as a whole.

There is not one stone giant, but thirty-six. In addition to the stone giant, it seems that this land has already been exposed to the long wind and rain, and has become one with the stone giant. It can be said that there is me among you, and I am among you. With you, there is no difference between us.

Their breath, their history, everything about them is carried between each other and is inseparable.

In a daze, he once again used the punch that the stone giant had just struck. It was a simple martial arts move without any martial intent.

However, this time, in addition to his own unparalleled zhenqi and domineering strength, it seems that there is something else.

It was as if the light and shadow around him were absorbed into this punch along with Meng Zhao's movements, adding a bit of confusion and dreaminess. Those facing the punch and those watching the punch from one side saw completely Two scenes.

A punch was just a taste. Meng Zhao just punched this punch almost instinctively. His mind was empty, he was groping for something, and he had no real understanding. He was at a moment when he was about to explode, but he had not yet exploded.

However, he followed up with a second punch, this time using the same technique.

And this punch, in addition to light and shadow, seems to be blessed by some other powers. This land, these seemingly honest and bulky stone giants, seem to be contained in this punch, not power, but a force. A kind of meaning, a kind of spirit.

In addition to its strength, Meng Zhao's punch also became extremely thick and calm, and was even more terrifying than the previous punch from the giant stone statue.

"So that's it, that's it. This is the power contained in the stone giant."

Meng Zhao suddenly realized that this fist, the mountains, rivers, heaven and earth, were all in his heart. There was spirit and power in the fist. Even if there was no internal force to stimulate it, it could inspire people's courage and mind. If there was unparalleled blessing of true energy. , even more powerful.

The individual, the whole, and the general trend, an invisible but fine thread seemed to appear in Meng Zhao's heart, connecting the three together, and his martial arts was sublimated to another level.

The artistic conception and the general trend sound very similar. They are both mysterious and mysterious spiritual perceptions, but in fact, the power of the artistic conception mostly comes from the warriors themselves, while the power of the general trend mostly comes from the blessing of the outside world.

But the two are not completely separated, they are also related to a certain extent.

Although Meng Zhao could not fully comprehend the true meaning of martial arts at this time, he had already reached this threshold.

His skill has not improved at all, but his combat power, martial arts training, and wisdom have improved rapidly.

Meng Zhao laughed loudly, indescribably cheerful and calm. At this moment, he looked at the thirty-six giant stone statues, as if he had seen some interesting toys.

The next moment, another giant stone statue attacked Meng Zhao. This time, Meng Zhao's eyes were as bright as stars. He was very confident and would not make the same mistake again.

The movements of the hands are indescribably calm, solid, and refined over time. Even a great master of martial arts would think that it cannot be modified or practiced. It is a model martial arts that cannot be more pure.

This time, he did not imitate the same move as the stone giant, but used the Thirteen-Style Arhat Hand move that he had first learned.

Of course, it didn't matter what moves he used. The most important thing was that Meng Zhao used the general martial arts he had just learned.

Just like in some videos, it doesn’t matter what kind of food you cook. Just make the seasonings and even boil the soles, it will still be delicious.

With one punch, the vitality of the void surged, and thirty-six Arhats appeared around him, guarding and worshiping him.

In fact, it encompasses the temperament, form and rhyme of thirty-six giant stone statues, transformed into the power of an Arhat, and is blessed in the boxing technique. The power is just right, neither increasing nor decreasing.

And the result was an extraordinary surprise.

This time, it was not Meng Zhao who was repelled, but the giant stone statue. What the young man of the Yu family couldn't believe was that not only was the giant stone statue repelled, but the entire stone body was shaken to a crisp. It softened, and a layer of gray-white stone powder fell to the ground.

This was just the beginning. In the following time, Meng Zhao used the simple and pure Luohan boxing method to support the general martial arts, and used the spirit of boxing as the core to control the boxing strength, which could be said to be devastating.

A giant stone statue came up, but was repulsed and even broke a giant stone statue.

In a short period of time, the formation of stone statues, which was difficult for both the Yu family youth and Meng Zhao to fight at the beginning, was completely destroyed by Meng Zhao.

The reason for this is very simple to say, but in fact it is nothing more than using the other person's way to repay the other person's body.

The reason why these thirty-six stone giants are so powerful and tyrannical that they can collapse mountains and seas with every punch and kick is all because they rule with great martial arts. One stone giant is actually the thirty-six stone giants. The deterrence converges into one.

Naturally, those who stand in the way are invincible and will be disadvantaged in every possible way.

Meng Zhao, on the other hand, also gathered the force of thirty-six giant stone statues and used his spear to attack his shield.

And unlike the dead things that are lifeless, but are nourished by Kou Huaizhen's power of the formation, once Meng Zhao understands the profound entrance here, the power he possesses and the explosive power he generates are far beyond what dead things can match.

And as the layers of the thirty-six giant stone statues peeled off, large pieces of gravel fell off, and streams of pure power fell into Meng Zhao's body like a rainbow penetrating the sun.

However, unlike the mysterious energy hidden in the puppet guards before, these powers appear to be more mysterious.

After falling into Meng Zhao's body, the first thing that improved was his soul and spirit.

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