Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1352 Hesitation, Beast Army (please subscribe)

However, a demon master came to seek refuge. Although he was Meng Zhao's elder, he could not make decisions on his behalf.

First of all, although he and Meng Zhao have an intersection, Meng Zhao may not know this, so he is just a stranger to Meng Zhao. Even if he relies on his status as an elder, he may still be slapped in the face.

After all, in his eyes, Meng Zhao was extremely domineering, arbitrary, unruly, and not a law-abiding person.

Moreover, young overlords like Meng Zhao have always been self-centered and do not like interference from others.

Secondly, the Meng family master himself is not a person who likes to interfere in the affairs of his descendants. Otherwise, he would not have left the Meng family in the first place, traveled across the land of China, made many connections, and lived freely.

Of course, the most critical point is that Zhou Wangqiao has a bad character and has a history of betrayal.

He once betrayed his mentor for his own selfish desires. This behavior was quite degrading to his character and goodwill.

How can we know that he will not betray Meng Zhao in the future? After all, even his mentor can be sold, let alone Meng Zhao?

In addition, since he has now switched to practicing evil martial arts, his own character will gradually be infected by evil spirits. The combination of the two may not even be willing to accept it by the master surnamed Meng.

This was also the reason why Zhou Wangqiao hesitated for a long time before deciding to try his luck.

But, then again, the Meng family master couldn't figure out Meng Zhao's thoughts. After all, it was not the tapeworm in Meng Zhao's belly.

If Meng Zhao desires the Grandmaster's force and wants to accept it, but he refuses, it will not be a good thing and it will easily lead to disputes.

It's not that he's afraid of Meng Zhao, but it's not necessary.

So after thinking about it, the master of Meng family said,

"To be honest, Zhou Wangqiao, your reputation is not good and your character is also worrying. I don't like you. If you ask me to speak, I will definitely not care about your submission. This is likely to be a big trouble.

However, this real dragon in my family is not an ordinary person. He has extraordinary courage and mind. He may not be able to accept your existence.

Therefore, at the moment, I can't make you a promise. I can only say that I will temporarily connect you to the Mengjiazhuang and hide you.

When my real dragon returns in the future, whether he is willing to accept you depends on his own decision. "

This is already the limit that the Meng family's master can achieve.

Zhou Wangqiao was a little disappointed. In his opinion, when he approached the Meng family master, he should not only be sure of it, but should also give a more definite answer, either agree or reject. How could he be so incapable of getting promoted or demoted?

However, when I think about it carefully, I feel a little surprised.

He can be regarded as a mature man, and from the attitude of the Meng family master, he found that he did not think highly of Meng Zhao, and he did not even want to make decisions for him on his own.

And with the martial arts and vision of the Meng family master, who can value a person so much, the potential of this son Meng Zhao is simply unlimited.

Moreover, he was also relieved, because according to what the Meng family master said, he didn't like himself, but Meng Zhao might not accept him. This was huge good news for him.

"Then, just wait for a while!"...

The southern gateway of Lingwu City, the lower reaches of the Wujiang River system, is the boundary of Yanzhou.

The severe snowstorm in the north caused severe damage to Liangzhou. The people were in dire straits, and wars were everywhere. People were fighting everywhere. It seemed that it was already a land outside the law, and the government had no access.

However, the situation in Hebei and Yanzhou, which is adjacent to Liangzhou, is much better. In addition to the geographical relationship, it is also related to the fact that these two states are more prosperous and wealthy and have strong disaster resistance.

After all, these two states are two of the ancient Nine States, with profound heritage, and the imperial court has greater influence in these two states.

However, even so, this heavy snow disaster still caused a certain degree of devastation in Yanzhou's territory. Food prices rose, sons and daughters were sold, children were exchanged for food, and land annexation was serious...

A large number of common people, and even warriors with dissatisfaction, were beguiled by the Pudu Cult. If they joined it, in addition to getting enough food to fill their stomachs and survive, they could also gain the power to control their own destiny, that is, martial arts, even if it is only very superficial. Martial arts.

Within the Pudu Sect General Forum, because the leader was in seclusion to recuperate, everything was as before, adhering to the idea of ​​dormancy, there was no special movement, and he did not take the initiative to cause trouble.

However, the Pudu Sect's branches, which were arranged in all directions, had now reached the stage of burning oil and blooming flowers.

After the snow disaster, in a very short period of time, the number of believers increased dramatically, and the flow of people inside was complicated. Naturally, it was difficult to maintain accurate rule. Even the general helmsman of Pudu Sect had difficulty in completely controlling it.

Because of this, the reputation of Pudu religion in various places in Yanzhou has turned from prosperity to decline, and it has been rejected by powerful families.

Pingchuan County and Wuhai County were originally a small county near the sea in Yanzhou. It was not big, but densely populated. It was also one of the seaports, quite prosperous, and one of the paradises on earth.

However, at this time, the sound of fighting was loud, spreading from the south of the county to the north of the county.

The rich smell of blood spread in the air, spreading from the east of the county to the west of the county.

Above the sky, dozens or hundreds of straight lines of black smoke, large and small, rose into the sky. Along with people's cries for help and cries of pain, the raging fire almost burned the county town to pieces.

What caused all of this was a group of ordinary people who had been oppressed by others in the past and were in danger, so they could only pray to gods and Buddhas for blessings.

In a large-scale silk and satin shop, the plaque outside the door was split in half and stained with blood.

A group of crazy men wearing bright yellow Buddha scarves with fierce faces rushed into it like wild beasts. With sharp knives in their hands, they killed the workers and shopkeepers of the silk and satin shop, plundered the silver and copper coins, and stole the pieces one by one. Gorgeous, silky silk cloth, snatched in hand...

In the wine shop next door, the formerly charming proprietress was now blind-eyed and was pulled onto the street. A dozen Purdue congregants pounced on him like wild beasts, while her husband and her youngest son were separated. The body was cut into two pieces and hung in front of the bar of the wine shop, dripping with blood.

There was also a group of Pudu believers with dark, rough skin and old peasant backgrounds. They were like wild beasts, drinking heavily while carrying the wine jar, spilling the wine everywhere in the wine shop, and lighting it on fire...

Violence, destruction, bloodthirsty, madness and chaos, this is Wuhai County today.

This is just a microcosm. As the county seat of Wuhai County, the county government was attacked by a group of Pudu sect members who were extremely powerful, well-equipped, and ruthless.

There were only 300 county soldiers, and nearly 200 of them had been killed. The remaining 100 county soldiers were almost emotionally depressed. Under the leadership of a tall general, they barely relied on the terrain of the county government and the small inventory. Ordnance to resist the offensive of this group of Pudu Cultists.

However, it is certain that the members of Pudu Sect can't be seen at a glance, and each one of them has fanatical eyes and is not afraid of death. As long as they persist, this county government will be broken sooner or later.

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