Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1358 News (please subscribe)

In the few days after returning, Meng Zhao has been relatively low-key and quiet. He spends most of his time practicing and a small amount of time meeting his subordinates and appeasing the women in the back house. He is in a relatively regular state.

He also wanted to have no distractions and practice wholeheartedly, but since he was in this position, he had to pay the corresponding price.

This is not a game. Once you recognize your master, you will never betray him and will always be loyal to him with the most sincere and enthusiastic emotions and attitude.

Just like Meng Zhao comforts his women from time to time, listens to their voices, and engages in a little romance, but he doesn't do much to interfere with the undercurrents of relationships between women.

It is still the old saying, a person is an independent intelligent individual with his own emotions and desires, and he cannot let everyone be controlled by him like a puppet.

On Ji Rushuang's side, what he can do is to ensure that no one uses dirty tricks or acts cruelly. Whether he can perfectly integrate into the Meng family depends on the efforts of Ji Rushuang himself, Liang Muchuu and Han Lu.

In addition, he took the time to secretly meet with Ding Yuqin of the Ding family, and gave her some martial arts advice and resource compensation. After all, she was considered his own woman. Even though she could not see the light of day, it could not change this fact.

According to this woman's observation and understanding of Longcheng during this period, Longcheng is indeed very restless. He often disappears suddenly under Ding Yuqin's control. There is a high probability that he has something secret to do or sees something secret. The person must not be seen by others.

But it was precisely this that exposed the fact that he was not a law-abiding person.

However, what makes Ding Yuqin more confused is that in the recent period, that is, the days before Meng Zhao's return until now, Longcheng has been very calm.

She acted regularly every day and spent most of her time immersed in practice. She also treated Ding Yuqin a little coldly, which made the woman think that her relationship with Meng Zhao had been discovered by him, and she was worried for a while.

But later, through daily performance and some small tests, Ding Yuqin was convinced that there was something wrong with Longcheng itself rather than discovering the relationship between her and Meng Zhao.

This actually surprised Meng Zhao, because according to his estimation, Bai Shuai would send people to contact Longcheng to inform him of the usurpation of the Divine Power Army by him, and find ways to retaliate against him.

Why is Longcheng so different from what he showed before, from a conspirator to a harmless person?

Even after hearing such news, Meng Zhao still did not dare to let down his guard. He told Ding Yuqin to help him monitor Longcheng, and then he left after promising various benefits and even a promise to marry her in the future.

However, this good mood did not last long, and two pieces of news came, telling him to be on guard.

One is the incident that occurred not long ago in Pingchuan County and Wuhai County, Yanzhou, where Pudu believers attacked the county government offices, killed officers and soldiers, burned, killed and looted the entire county.

According to statistics from people in Wuhai County, nearly 3,000 people died in this man-made disaster as a result of the actions of Pudu sect members. In addition, more people disappeared without a trace. It is not known whether they escaped or were kidnapped. In Pudu Sect, it can be said that the people are homeless and in mourning.

In addition to these casualties, the more serious losses were actually the multiple local fires in the county, which burned the originally prosperous and prosperous county to full of holes. Two large granaries were burned down, and the fire continued throughout the day.

In addition, as a coastal city, two golden hen-like salt ponds were also destroyed, which can be said to be a huge loss.

As for Yanzhou, there has been no movement for the time being. County soldiers from surrounding counties have only been mobilized into Wuhai County to maintain law and order. As for taking any measures against the Pudu religion, they have not.

It seems that General Tan Changming has become blind, or has some collusion with the Pudu Cult.

Meng Zhao felt that it was unlikely. If there was a collusion, the two sides would work together to cause greater harm, and it would not be such a small fight that would only affect this one county.

In fact, there have long been rumors that the imperial court intends to summon this general to serve in the court, to remove the military from military affairs and to reduce his military power. At the same time, he will transfer a prince who is currently in the court to Yanzhou to supervise the military power, and put the power in the hands of the Beitang royal family. .

You must know that the former Prince Fu, now Prince Fu, the Ninth Prince Beitang Shu, for his contribution in forcing back the barbarian cavalry in Potian Pass, was not only promoted to a prince, but also the governor of the two states of Hebei and Liang. Shi, at least nominally, is the boss of the two states, and his reputation has greatly increased.

If Yanzhou is again controlled by a certain prince of the imperial court, Beidang will really become the world of the Beitang family, at least in name.

Therefore, General Tan Changming may also be worried about this, and he does not dare to mobilize military power privately, so as to avoid being criticized by interested people, or even framed, and directly drive him out of Yanzhou.

Even a trumped-up charge can kill a talented person from the Northern Expedition, not to mention that it is not impossible to oust an old guy from power with concrete evidence.

This actually makes no sense. After all, such inaction is also a dereliction of duty. If the court is willing, it can also use this excuse to transfer him away.

Even with Meng Zhao's current knowledge and thinking, he still cannot fully understand Tan Changming's thoughts. At least without understanding whether Tan Changming is ambitious, unambitious, die-hard and loyal, or refined and self-interested, it is difficult to spy on this big man's movements. and thoughts.

However, Tan Changming has a large army at hand. As long as he does not rebel in the name of the flag and delays due to illness, he can still be invincible. This is foreseeable.

However, this act of Pudujiao is undoubtedly a bad move.

From a fundamental point of view, the members of Pudu Sect should be poor people at the bottom of the class, or people with no aspirations. This cannot be changed, and it is also where its soul lies.

As for the backbone, they use certain teachings or beautiful visions to lure a large number of experts to join them and form a scale, so that they gain strength.

Even if this is the case, then Pudu Sect should safeguard its basic base, maintain its image in the minds of the lower class people, and even attract the poor people at the bottom.

As a result, in Wuhai County this time, in addition to the heavy losses suffered by the county government, the people at the bottom of the disaster were the most severely affected. I don’t know how many families were destroyed.

And those powerful families, because they have enough power to protect themselves, although they also suffered disasters, they did not suffer any serious losses.

This is undoubtedly a betrayal of one's own class and does not please the opposing class. Both ends are not human beings.

Not to mention how the people in other areas view the Pudu Sect, I am afraid that even within their sect, there will be conflicts, doubts, and maybe it will be a civil strife.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, Pudu Cult has no reason to do this. Even if it is an uprising, it should not be so rough and petty.

Therefore, Meng Zhao was inclined to believe that this was a private action by some people, and he was afraid that even the higher-ups of Pudu Sect would not know about it and were tricked.

As for whether it is as he thought, it depends on the direction of the situation next.

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