Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1381 Tips (please subscribe)

Is Meng Yuanqiao cruel?

Maybe, after all, he was watching his blood relative being killed, but he was indifferent.

In a sense, Zhao Hun did not die at the hands of Meng Zhao, but at the hands of him, the master of the Meng family.

However, in the final analysis, there is only a pure blood relationship between the two, and there is no concrete emotion at all.

Meng Yuanqiao left home in his early years. He had feelings for Meng Zhengan, but they were not very deep, and his relationship with Meng Zhao was almost like a stranger.

If it hadn't been for Meng Zhao's sudden rise and become the famous Dragon King of North Meng in China, it would have been impossible for Meng Yuanqiao to lurk beside him to protect this hard-won true dragon son of the Meng family.

If, what I'm talking about here is if Zhao Hun and Meng Yuanqiao had lived together since childhood and had deep feelings for each other, then Meng Yuanqiao would most likely not make such a cold-blooded decision today.

Fortunately, no matter what happened to Meng Yuanqiao, for Meng Zhao, this result couldn't be better.

After a moment of silence, Meng Yuanqiao took the initiative and said,

"Now that he is gone, there is no hidden danger to your identity. What are you going to do next?

Also, wasn't Zhou Wangqiao taken over by you? Where is he now? "

It can't be said that he has nothing to say, but from Meng Zhao's perspective, this cheap uncle is still a bit too busy, but seeing that he has done him a big favor, Meng Zhao is also willing to communicate with him more. Ichiban,

"In the next period of time, if no accident occurs, I will stay in the Yangwu Army and supervise the training.

After all, the current world is unstable, and it is still unknown whether the Great Yong Court can suppress the world and sweep away all dissidents. Only by strengthening its strength can it calmly deal with various situations.

As for Zhou Wangqiao, I arranged to do something. If this thing is done, it will count as a certificate of nomination, and I will fully accept him. "

Zhou Yuanqiao nodded. Meng Zhao was very clear-headed and rational. He did not have an inflated mentality and look down on the power of his subordinates because of the sudden increase in force and the entry into the master's martial arts. This is good.

As for the fact that Zhou Wangqiao was sent out to do things and was even asked to submit a petition, he was indeed a little curious, but seeing that Meng Zhao didn't take the initiative to mention it, he didn't hold on to it.

"You are right. Now Dayong is in a stormy situation, and anything can happen. I am just afraid that your power will expand too fast and you will have some inappropriate ideas."

After a pause, he saw that Meng Zhao's expression was as usual, calm and composed, and continued,

"The Beitang royal family is not simple. Although the imperial dynasty co-rules the world with the aristocratic family and divides and weakens the power of the royal family, as the first of the nine surnames, his background and savings are far beyond our imagination.

Take the rebellion in the south, for example. In fact, if the imperial court really wanted to put down the rebellion, it could have mobilized a large army very early and used the strength of the Beitang royal family to suppress it.

But for some unknown reason, the situation has deteriorated to the point where it is now shaking the fate of Dayong.

Nowadays, the north has just experienced a major snowstorm, and ambitious people have emerged one after another. Soon, there will also be chaos. With the power of our Nan'an Meng family, and the strength you control now, there is a lot to do in the north.

But it is precisely because of this that you and the Meng family must be cautious every step they take. No matter how cautious you are, if you make a wrong step, you may fall into death.

Therefore, you must remain unchanged in response to all changes, and you must not be the first to act against the dynasty. Otherwise, with the power of the Beitang royal family, the Meng family will be unable to stop it. Do you understand? "

Meng Yuanqiao is not a person who likes to point fingers. He has a dissolute temper, otherwise he would not have run away from home and stayed away for many years in his early years.

However, he also has a kind of enthusiasm and pride for the Meng family in his bones. He never wants the Meng family, which he is proud of, to become a victim in this era of great changes.

Therefore, today, in addition to asking Meng Zhao to admit his identity as a Meng family member, he also wanted to give him a few words of advice.

After all, in his eyes, no matter how powerful Meng Zhao is, he is still a young man, young and energetic, with outstanding achievements, which adds to his arrogance. He can easily do things that are detrimental to himself and the Meng family when his brain gets hot.

For example, with tens of thousands of troops in his hands, he did not pay attention to the heroes of the North. What's more, he was the first to show his disobedience and was attacked by the Beitang royal family and other forces.

Don't think that he is unfounded. History is the best teacher. Countless examples tell Meng Yuanqiao that whether it is a pretentious person or a really capable person, under certain circumstances, he will often do Doing things that usually seem extremely irrational.

Meng Zhao is now well-known in China, holds great power, is in a high position, and is bossy. If you don't suppress his temperament and put a little more pressure on him, he will easily get lost.

And Meng Zhao is the key figure for the Meng family to take further steps or even multiple steps in the future, and there is no room for failure.

Unfortunately, Meng Yuanqiao's worries were somewhat unnecessary. Meng Zhao was not a simple young man, and he did not really only make achievements in martial arts.

Although the memories of his previous life were not of much help to him in martial arts, they were of great help in terms of human sophistication and various visions.

"I understand what my uncle said and understand your concerns, so I won't act rashly.

In fact, there is one thing that my uncle may not know.

I suspect that the Buyi League has some relationship with the imperial court, or in other words, the Beitang royal family. "

Meng Yuanqiao was stunned. He didn't know this, but if he thought about it carefully, it was not impossible.

A very simple point is that Zhao Hun, who was just killed, was introduced into the Commoner League at Da Ci'en Temple with the knowledge imparted by the bachelors sent by the imperial court.

You must know that these thirty-six people are all noble children selected from large and small noble families. How can the court not pay attention to their safety?

Also, the Commoner League appeared too suddenly and was too large, so there must be a powerful force behind it.

Not only the Beitang royal family, but also other tyrannical forces may be involved with the Commoner League.

"Why did you say that?"

“I once heard my third uncle say that the past generations of emperors from the Beitang royal family wanted to weaken the family’s power and expand the imperial power.

However, the effect was not very satisfactory. Instead, some emperors died inexplicably, suspected of being assassinated.

From this point of view, the relationship between imperial power and aristocratic families should be antagonistic to each other.

The slogan of the Buyi League is aimed at these noble families, powerful families, and full of hatred.

I think there is a lot to say in this.

If the royal family wants to deal with the aristocratic family and take action personally, they may be criticized verbally and written, or even be attacked in groups.

Then, what if we support and establish a non-governmental organization to deal with these aristocratic families?

Also, you just said that the Beitang royal family has the ability to suppress the rebellion, but they are still hesitant.

Then we have to look at how many aristocratic nobles have been massacred by the strength of the rebels in the current corrupt situation in the south.

Although there is great chaos now, only under great chaos can there be great order.

Maybe some people in the dynasty have the courage to believe that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. "

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