Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1388 Tips, return (please subscribe)

However, Meng Zhao is different from ordinary martial arts geniuses. He also has the identity of a general to raise military power, and he often sits in the army. Wu Huai'en, the successor of the ruthless Tao, may not have the courage to come directly to assassinate him.

After all, Meng Jizu could use 10,000 elite soldiers to ambush and strangle the master of the hell realm. Meng Zhao was under the heavy protection of 60,000 troops. Even one more master might not be able to do anything to him.

Beitang Ang and Beitang He and his son also knew this, so they just gave Meng Zhao a warning this time.

"Also, Brother Meng, the assassination of Beitang Shu has caused quite a stir. The imperial court must have expressed something and will send an imperial envoy to travel in the north.

Firstly, it is to deter bad people, and secondly, it is also to ease the current tense situation in the North.

This imperial envoy is most likely a close confidant of the emperor. I don't know his identity yet.

Of course, he definitely holds the Emperor's token and may be a little unruly, so you should be more patient with him when the time comes. "

Meng Zhao frowned when he heard this. This was not good news for him.

Now in Lingwu City, he said that he was happy to cooperate with Beitangang and his son, and he was considered to be the dominant one.

The imperial envoy photographed above represents the emperor's will. To a certain extent, it will suppress his authority and even be detrimental to him.

However, this matter does not depend on his will. He can't just assassinate Beitang Shu and then kill the imperial envoy. It's not that it can't be done, but once he does this, the imperial court will look at him very much. Maybe he moved from the south to the north, which would be a great obstacle to his development and planning.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I understand that as long as it's not too much, I can satisfy the imperial envoy's request. If we are really disgusted with each other, the worst thing we can do is stay away. With His Majesty's mediation, it must be enough."

Imperial envoy is a good position to make money. He patrols the Northland all the way. Officials, big and small, and powerful families have to rush to bribe him. Meng Zhao is not immune, so he only hopes that the man's appetite can be smaller.

And just as Meng Zhao said, the worst thing is to hide away. With Beitang He as a partner in front of him, he can be made to use the imperial envoy as a weapon.

No matter how powerful the imperial envoy is, in terms of nature, he is nothing more than a servant of the royal family. Beitanghe is from a royal family despite his size, so there is a high probability that the other party will accept it as he pleases.

In addition to reminding Meng Zhao to beware of the assassination of Wu Huai'en, the successor of Jueqing Taoism, and the impending dispatch of an imperial envoy by the imperial court, Beitang He also sought Meng Zhao's opinion on mobilizing five thousand elite troops to conduct a search inside and outside Lingwu City. The posture of plundering evil spirits.

This is also a face-saving project that has to be done to prevaricate Beitang Shu. Anyway, the momentum is here. As for the harvest, it depends on the beholder and the wise.

Meng Zhao agreed without hesitation and immediately agreed...

After leaving the palace, Meng Zhao, surrounded by a group of guards, did not choose to return to the army, but went to the Meng family manor in the outer city.

After entering the manor, Meng Zhao first summoned a group of women in the back house and told them that there might be an enemy attack in the recent period. They should stay in the manor unless necessary and not go out at will.

These women also knew the priority of the matter and did not refuse.

The main thing is that the eldest sister Liang Muchiu did a good job. After understanding Meng Zhao's situation in detail, she took the initiative to connect several women. Even Ding, Xun, and Zhuo had no objections.

Ji Rushuang, who is new to the Meng family, gave birth to a daughter not long ago. She is still in confinement. She is weak and busy taking care of her daughter. Naturally, she will not wander around.

Immediately, Han Pu was asked to mobilize five thousand elite soldiers from the Yangwu army to defend the Meng family manor.

There are many warriors in the village, including many innate masters. With five thousand elite soldiers, ordinary invasions can be resisted. I am afraid that the master warriors do not respect martial ethics and use their superb martial arts skills to carry out sneak attacks.

Simply put, Meng Zhao is now also a strong master and a top expert. It is not difficult for his woman to have some means of self-defense.

Of course, the best way is to have a powerful master sit in the manor, which can offset all risks.

In the past, Meng Yuanqiao played this role, hiding in secret, and he did help Meng Zhao solve a lot of troubles.

Now that Meng Yuanqiao has left, Zhou Wangqiao can barely take care of him. He may not be as skilled as Meng Yuanqiao, but he is still a master warrior.

It's just that this old boy didn't make any move even after assassinating Beitang Shu for so long. I don't know if he ran away or hid and didn't dare to show his face.

Meng Zhao was in the study room thinking about the defensive measures in the village and whether he could lure the snake out of the hole and kill the ruthless Wu Huaien.

His brows suddenly widened, and he looked at the white wall in the west direction. With his hands behind his back, Shi Shiran walked out of the room and ordered no one to follow him.

Not long after, he came to a remote courtyard he had specially prepared for Zhou Wangqiao.

I saw Zhou Wangqiao, who had just come back after a long journey and didn't even have time to drink.

After all, he is a strong master. Even though his face is weathered, he is still energetic and energetic, showing no sign of fatigue.

Seeing Meng Zhao, Zhou Wangqiao also swallowed his saliva and opened his eyes wide, but not with thirst, but with shock.

Before he left, this Dragon King of Beimeng seemed not as enigmatic as before. Even he felt like he was standing on a high mountain. Why had he changed so much after not seeing him for a while?

He has profound cultivation and keen feelings. The contrast between Meng Zhao's performance before leaving and his performance now is too strong. Naturally, the feeling becomes deeper.

Soon, he thought that Meng Zhao had obtained the Moruo Transformation Blood Soul Sutra from his own hands, and had completed the last level of foundation, and was qualified to attack the master.

However, he understood that the qualifications to become a master should be full of difficulties and hardships. Even if he successfully advanced, there would be a period of adaptation and his breath would be unstable.

However, the Beimeng Dragon King seems to have no such adaptation period at all.

That is to say, it is not only the impact of the master's martial arts, but also the foundation of this martial arts road, and it has gone a long way, which is even more terrifying and terrifying than some senior masters.

Even if they are both masters, there are differences between them.

Although there were many speculations in his mind, Zhou Wangqiao had done enough to save his face. He cupped his fists and saluted Meng Zhao and said,

"I pay my respects to the young master. Fortunately, Wangqiao has fulfilled his mission. Everything goes well on this trip. I have fulfilled the great trust of the young master."

Previously, he had mostly taken advantage of Meng Zhao. Although he was very respectful, he still had the arrogance of being a master warrior.

However, facing Meng Zhao, who had now become a grandmaster, the arrogance in his bones was completely interrupted, and there was no room for survival anymore.

In terms of martial arts, combat power, potential, and trump cards, Meng Zhao surpassed him in every aspect.

It may even have potential beyond that of Monk Huikong.

Why would you be unwilling to surrender to such a person?

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