Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1460 Duty (Please subscribe)

The two of them were prepared to do more than that. After offering their family property and treasures, and receiving Meng Zhao's blood pool as a gift, they continued,

"General Rong, we are members of our own family and have nothing to do with rescuing Wu Huai'en. It was all because of those people from the hell realm who colluded with the Pudu sect thieves to threaten our family and put pressure on us, so we had to take action. Of.

Now that I don't want to help the tyrants in their crimes, I also hope that the general can eradicate these thieves as soon as possible, so I am willing to present to the general the identity and whereabouts of this hell thieves. "

After that, he sold out the king's envoy and Hua Zizai, who was hiding in the market.

In fact, the king's envoy was an outsider. The two of them didn't know much about it. They only knew that he was the leader of this incident. On the contrary, Hua Zizai lived mostly in Lingwu City and was quite famous. Very familiar.

Meng Zhao was also a little surprised. He had a very strong memory, and he also knew that Hua Zizai had spoken a few words to him. At close range, if the other party had the aura of an evil spirit, he would definitely be able to see him with a single glance. see through.

But he knew nothing and was deceived by the other party. It can be seen that what Hua Zizi practiced was indeed the purest righteous method. It was strange for a person of the evil path to practice the righteous method.

However, it is exactly this that allows this guy to hide in the world. Although he has a reputation, few people associate him with the evil path, and his identity has not been discovered until today.

Meng Zhao originally planned to see what the Hell Realm planned, and if he could seek peace, just give the other party a small blow, the matter would be over. After all, he didn't want to make the matter too serious.

But that king's messenger simply didn't take him seriously. He was really hateful, so he had to take some revenge.

"Okay, I will leave this matter to Han Pu later. You two will help him get the matter done. If there is any news in the future, you can come to the Meng family to find me!"

Han Pu holds the Earth-level magic weapon Changyang Divine Sword, has a star constitution, and practices magical skills. He is a general under Meng Zhao. He trusts and respects him very much. He is relieved to leave this matter to him.

As for what Meng Zhao said later, if the two of them had something to do, they could go to him. This was not a perfunctory statement, but revealed his intention to take the two of them under his sect.

The two of them had originally wanted to take this opportunity to hook up with Meng Zhao, and even sacrificed their treasures. Now that they had received the promise, they couldn't help but be overjoyed and worshiped. It wasn't until Meng Zhao waved impatiently that the two of them happily bowed to the Suzaku God. Wei's guidance went to look for Han Pu.

As for Meng Zhao, who was staying in the Bajiao pavilion, he poured himself a cup of hot sake and planned to find time to go to the strange place Zhu Kuan mentioned. The place was not far away. It's not far away, but if you go all out, you can make the round trip in one day and one night.

His cultivation level is extremely high, his martial arts is unparalleled, and he has a dragon with him. The Zhu family cannot use the body of the dragon, but it is just something in his palm, used to feed the dragon Xiaojiu.

Meng Zhao didn't need to worry about the Water Dragon Pearl. Tu Liang had his own means to recover it, present it to him, and enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Meng Zhao was leisurely, pouring and drinking, but Han Lu, who had watched the whole process and remembered the whole thing in his heart, was very worried.

She was worried about nothing else. After all, what Zhu Kuan and Tu Liang had given them were all benefits, which were of great benefit to Meng Zhaoda.

Han Lu was a little uneasy about the arrangements for the hell realm, especially when Meng Zhao left the matter to her second brother Han Pu, which made her very worried.

She followed Meng Zhao for a long time. Although she had no intention of doing so, over time, she accumulated a lot of knowledge about the general trend of the world and all the major and minor forces.

It is said that the sky has the sun and the moon, the Tao is divided into yin and yang, and the energy is divided into hard and soft. People in the world are also divided into two branches, good and evil.

Not to mention the righteous path, except for a few times when the earth is in chaos, the people suffer, and the demons rise and disappear, most of the time the forces of the evil path are suppressed, which is the undisputed general trend.

The evil path is like the yin of yin and yang, the hard and soft, day and night. Although it is always in a weak position, it has never been cut off. It even existed at the beginning of the birth of this world.

The ancient gods and demons are the ancestors and origins of the evil ways of the land of China today.

With such a long history and such powerful foundation, the evil path can be said to be a force that can compete with the huge righteous path.

And the hell realm is one of the most important forces in the evil realm. This is also the consensus of the world.

Han Lu was not worried about what happened to Meng Zhao. All the masters of Jueqing Dao were captured alive by Meng Zhao's unparalleled martial arts. Even if another strong master attacked, there would probably be nothing he could do to defeat Meng Zhao.

However, Han Pu is different. Although he is also a top innate-level master and holds an earth-level magic weapon, compared with Meng Zhao, he is no different.

The Hell Realm may have nothing to do with Meng Zhao, and there is nothing they can do against Meng Zhao, but it is definitely not difficult to deal with Han Pu.

Just to give one example, of course, if Wu Huaien assassinated Han Pu instead of Meng Zhao, there would be no possibility of failure at all.

"Sir, how can I leave this matter to my second brother to deal with? The hell realm is vicious and ferocious, and it does all kinds of evil, and there are so many masters. If there is revenge in the future, what will my second brother do?"

Han Lu was not complaining, but just praying, hoping that Meng Zhao could take back his life, or at least not leave this matter to Han Pu.

Meng Zhao shook his head,

"You, you, usually have no desires or requests, and you are very good to me. Logically speaking, if you ask for something, I should agree to it, but it is absolutely impossible to do it about Han Pu."

"Han Pu was the one I picked out from the Sun family at a glance. It was fate.

Facts have proved that my vision is correct. Your second brother is indeed an extraordinary talent with amazing luck. He can inherit the legacy of his predecessors and has excellent physique. His future achievements will be limitless. He must be mine. Right arm.

However, these alone are not enough. He has always been by my side and rarely experienced setbacks and hardships. Even if he is successful, his foundation is weak. This time dealing with the hell realm is an opportunity for him to hone himself.

As for the future revenge you are worried about from people in the hell realm, it is nothing to worry about.

With my support, as long as you don't use the big to bully the small, or use the master to suppress the innate, I will guarantee that Han Pu is safe and sound. "

As for that, if someone were to knock Han Puqian down with his innate state, Meng Zhao would not interfere.

He is just Han Pu's master and has high hopes for him, but he is not Han Pu's father. He always takes care of him and protects him as the second generation ancestor.

This sounds callous, but it's also true.

Han Lu sighed sadly, knowing that she could not change Meng Zhao's mind anyway, and made a decision.

When you have time, you must ask your second brother to be careful at all times and beware of the revenge of the hell realm. At the same time, give some of the treasures that Meng Zhao gave you to your second brother to see if you can help him.

As for the rest, since she became Meng Zhao's woman, she could only obey Meng Zhao's orders.

Do what you should do and don't do what you shouldn't do.

This is her duty as a woman. (End of chapter)

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