Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1462: Capture, stubborn resistance (please subscribe)

Then, the remaining choice is very single. Resistance is death, but there may be a glimmer of hope in not resisting.

Although he didn't know Meng Zhao well, he knew that if the other party wanted to kill them, they didn't even need to use the military force. Just one palm of his hand was enough to wipe out his palace. At this time, he sent people to There is obviously deep meaning.

In addition, although he is a member of the hell realm, he basically has no conflict with Meng Zhao. Even if he collects some information through some methods, he has not offended Meng Zhao.

The one who should be afraid and worried should be the bastard King Messenger. If it weren't for him, how could there be such a tense situation and an almost unsolvable knot?

After a moment of silence, Hua Zizai sighed, then threw out the big pipe with a click. With strong force, he inserted the pipe into the back of the skull of the stone lion on the left side in front of his door. He raised his hands and moved towards Han Pudao, who was looking at him eagerly and holding the handle of the Changyang Magic Sword,

"Well, since it is General Meng's wish, I will not resist and am willing to listen to General Meng's disposal. However, there are still some people in my house. They are not the same as me, and I can't control them. You can do whatever you want. !”

After he finished speaking, he raised his hands and walked towards Han Pu and others. There was indeed no resistance.

Han Pu nodded slightly. He had received Meng Zhao's order and understood Meng Zhao's deep intentions. Seeing Hua Zizi's behavior, he knew that Hua Zizai was a smart man, more aware of current affairs, and his life was safe. There might be another good fortune waiting for him.

With a wave of his hand, the two innate warriors guarding him stepped out together, holding a chain made of divine iron, and stepped forward to tie up Hua Zizai, who was not resisting.

Although this process is not slow, it is by no means easy. Hua Zizai is well-known as a martial artist in Lingwu City. Although he is not a top master, he is not an ordinary person. If he deliberately creates suspicion and suddenly kills, these two innate talents will also It may not be possible to survive.

Fortunately, Hua Zizi sincerely did not resist, everything seemed to go smoothly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

According to the news, Hua Zizai is the first person in charge of the Hell Path in Lingwu City. Whether it is force, information, or property, he alone controls everything.

In addition, this person has good skills and has been operating in Lingwu City for many years. He has a strong foundation and is quite popular.

If he stubbornly resisted, everyone would be forced to fight, and casualties would be inevitable. But now that Hua Zizai was captured without any help, the large number of warriors led by him would no longer be willing to resist, and everyone would be saved a big trouble.

However, Hua Zizai surrendered without hesitation, but he called the inner door of Huafu and leaned against the wall. The messenger Wang, who had been paying close attention to all this, was filled with hatred. If the timing was not wrong, he would have to yell at him.

Needless to say, the envoy Wang has also been in deep anxiety these past few days. He has not slept for several days, relying entirely on his advanced internal cultivation, otherwise his body would have collapsed.

The reason why he was so anxious was naturally related to the direction of things, which was completely opposite to what he expected.

In the original idea of ​​the envoy Wang, he would unite multiple forces, and have the support of reliable information sources, and take a multi-pronged approach to rescue Wu Huai'en. Although it was not 100% sure, it was 70% to 80% sure!

However, what he expected was completely different from the reality. The men sent out, and the people inside the Meng family who were instigating rebellion, were all captured, and no one was spared, which gave him a bolt from the blue.

He felt that his planning was sophisticated. Although the Mengjiazhuang was suspected of inviting the emperor into the urn, they were not without any success. Many people inside worked for them, which was a powerful counterattack.

But no matter how much he couldn't believe it, reality was reality. He lost, and several forces that planned with him also suffered a devastating blow.

Although he had not personally seen the Pudu Cult branch helm and the earth-shattering large handprints falling over Suihan Gate, he secretly went to two places to observe them afterwards and finally came to a conclusion.

Meng Zhao's skill is unparalleled, and although his own hell path master is also a peerless master, he may not have such means.

At that time, the most longing and urgent thing in his heart was to run away and leave Lingwu City as far as possible.

However, after he calmed down, he gave up the idea.

Escape is of course the best way for him to survive temporarily, but later on, he will have to face accountability from the hell realm.

Based on his understanding of Taoist master, he must not forgive himself if he handled things so badly this time.

Death may still be a lucky thing, because if you fall into the hands of the hell realm, life will be worse than death.

Therefore, with great perseverance and courage, he stayed and pestered Hua Zizai, hoping to find a way to turn defeat into victory through this local snake.

This king's envoy's move was of course a difficult task, but no matter how difficult it was, he would do it at all costs.

As a result, Hua Zizai's identity was exposed, and because he lived in Washington, he became a turtle in the urn.

Now that the outside is heavily surrounded, Hua Zizai, a loser, surrenders easily, putting him in a dilemma.

However, unlike Hua Zizai, the envoy Wang didn't even have the slightest intention of surrendering.

First of all, he was the one who planned, conspired, and carried out the whole thing. He was the real culprit. If he caused chaos due to crime, he would definitely die. Meng Zhao might be able to let Hua Zizai go, but he would never let him go.

Secondly, unlike Hua Zizai's sad and desperate thoughts, in the Wang Messenger's view, Meng Zhao did not take action personally. No matter what considerations or reasons, the supposedly flawless action exposed fatal flaws.

Because there is one less person who can check for deficiencies and make up for them, and make sure the world is settled.

In Meng Zhao's absence, he and the few people following him all have the possibility of breaking through the siege.

When it comes to martial arts, apart from the master, who else is he afraid of in the hell realm?

Of course, besides escaping, he still has the determination to accomplish one thing. Even if he fails this time, he will accomplish it in the future.

That was to kill the two traitors, Zhu Kuan and Tu Liang, and destroy their families, so as to vent their hatred.

In terms of world conditions, there is certainly something wrong with Zhu Kuan and Tu Liang's actions, but they are also for self-protection, which is understandable.

However, the envoy Wang is not a merciful person, and he will not look for reasons from himself. He only needs to know that these two guys betrayed him, betrayed the hell realm, took refuge in Meng Zhao, and were expected to lead the party to surround them. Killing them is enough.

After controlling Hua Zizai and waiting for about half a cup of tea, Han Pu was convinced that the so-called messenger of the Hell Dao King inside was probably going to fight to the end.

No wonder Hua Zizai said that this guy was not from the same group as him, and he couldn't care about him.

"Huh, I won't cry until I see the coffin."

Han Pu didn't care. Hua Zizai was enough to make a deal. As for the so-called hell king's envoy, he just took off his head and gave it to Meng Zhao to vent his anger.

However, Han Pu was not careless. He just signaled to Zhu Kuan, Tu Liang, and other Meng family innate worshipers that he was preparing to storm into the Washington Mansion and capture and kill those who resisted.

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