Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1470: Superior Skills (Please subscribe)

The moment this vision of a pure golden nimbus appeared, hundreds of people in the vast area outside Washington, suppressed by the bloody and bone hands, suddenly felt relaxed physically and mentally, like fish that had been trapped on the shore for a long time and could not breathe, reentering the water. Breathing, there is a sense of joy in surviving the disaster all over the body.

It's like a ray of dawn in the darkness, a glimmer of hope in despair.

Not only that, the demonic power of the bloody and bone hand was overwhelming. Although it was a hundred steps away from Han Pu, it was only a blink of an eye. It was about to touch Han Pu, who was wrapped in a pure gold halo. When he was between heaven and earth, that Within the pure gold light wheel, strange syllables appeared again:

"Nangma Siddhi, Siddhi, Susi, Siddhikara, Raya Kuyan, Sanmomo Sili, Ajama Siddhi Sabhaha!"

This syllable is strange and difficult to pronounce, but it is extremely clear. It is clearly imprinted on the ears of hundreds of people. When they hear it, their will becomes steel, they are tenacious and unyielding, brave and fearless, and they seem to be able to conquer all evil spirits and heretics.

In their hearts, in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, there seems to be a holy monk with profound Buddhist teachings, explaining the scriptures to them, reciting Buddhist scriptures, and blessing them for their cultivation.

Of course, what made everyone find it even more strange was that the sound of chanting sutras was echoed with a very clear, sweet and high-spirited dragon chant, causing golden flowers and golden lotuses in the sky to connect from beginning to end. He takes the form of the Heavenly Dragon Bodhisattva and changes the celestial environment.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, he transformed into a holy monk, transformed into a dragon, and flew to heaven. This wonderful scene will be unforgettable for the rest of his life.

How could everyone think that the real Buddha had come to this world? Otherwise, how could he have such great power?

What made everyone even more stunned and astonished was that every time the dragon recited a word, the pure gold halo in the void differentiated into a majestic real dragon and flew towards the extending direction. Hands of blood, water and bones.

The dragon entered between the bone hands, dancing like a sledgehammer, and the smashed bone hands made a clanging sound.

One word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one dragon, one word, and with constant beatings, they hit the blood-water bone hand. This was originated from the residual move of the powerful master of the hell path. The blood-water bone hand gradually shrank like going back. He was beaten continuously and turned upside down, retreating back into the mud ball between the eyebrows of the hell king's messenger.

The tiny cracks that were originally created by the Hell Dao King's messenger also returned to their original appearance without any scars, new and tidy after the disappearance of the peerless master's residual moves.

However, it was as if he had been hit by some invisible blow. He threw his head back and took a few steps back. His face turned red, and he spat out a mouthful of blood mist. Then his face turned pale as white paper, and his breath was almost inaudible.

The pure gold halo surrounding Han Pu, as well as the sounds of various dragons chanting Buddhist sutras, all disappeared without a trace as if they had completed their missions after repelling the bloody and bone hand.

To be precise, it didn't dissipate, but integrated into Han Pu's body, recuperating his injuries, quickly making up for the lack of energy and blood just now, and actually becoming more refined.

For a moment, going through the whole process, nearly a thousand people who saw two peerless experts fighting each other in the air felt quite like a dream, in the clouds and in the mist.

He only thought that what he had just seen, what he saw, was just an illusion, not reality.

However, the eyes and ferocious face of the messenger of the Hell Dao King, as well as the blood mist all over Han Pu's body, spreading the fragrance, and even the fact that many strong men were injured by the blood-water bone mobile phone, told everyone present that that Not a dream, not an illusion, but the real reality, the truth!

This is martial arts, this is magical power, this is the most powerful and invincible master in the world!

Suddenly, nearly a thousand people outside the huge Washington DC were silent, and even their breathing could be heard clearly.

The hundreds of soldiers of Meng Jiayang's military army were just fine. After a period of hard work, their minds were firm, but the more martial artists and Sanren who were watching had flushed faces and longing and longing in their hearts.

In everyone's minds, the scene just like a myth and legend was replayed all the time. The blood-water bone hand spread out from the mud ball between people's eyebrows. It had the ability to block out the sky and the sun, but it was chanted by the golden dragon around Han Pu. The sound of sutra forces him to retreat.

Such martial arts, almost magical, are simply beyond the imagination of warriors like them.

Even if you spend your whole life, life after life, you may not be able to practice such unparalleled martial arts.

It is their luck and their sorrow to see such magical power.

Especially Zhu Kuan, Tu Liang, and the Meng family's innate worshipers. They surrounded the messenger of the King of Hell Dao. They were relatively close to the king's messenger. Naturally, they understood more clearly the domineering and powerful power of the bloody and bone hands. Not what they could have imagined.

Just a wisp of energy emanating from this bone hand can suppress them to the point of being unable to move, and even shock their internal organs. It would be effortless to kill them if they really wanted to.

In contrast, the Dragon Chanting Sutra was able to force the peerless master to repulse his remaining moves in full view of the public. This was also a peak of skill, at least something that innately powerful men like them could not understand and comprehend.

Of course, this increased everyone's confidence. There is no doubt that this time they fought in the air, they were still the gods in their hearts. Beimeng Dragon King was superior in skills, repelling the backhand of the peerless master of the hell path, and won in the end.

From this point of view, isn't the choice made by myself and others the right decision?

There is a saying that if you attach yourself to the tail, you can travel thousands of miles; if you climb the honghe, you can soar across the world.

These people have limited qualifications and insufficient potential. Only by following an unparalleled hero, a life-changing hero, can they have the opportunity to climb another level of peaks and see another scenery.

Different from the masters in the Meng family camp, the faces of those in the hell realm were gloomy.

Whether it was the envoy of the King of Hell who was nearly dead due to the backlash, or the strong woman who was captured alive by Han Pu with his superb martial arts, or Hua Zizai, who was captured without any help and was a model of understanding current affairs, there was a feeling that her faith had been shaken. .

Regardless of what the three of them had thought, whether they had any selfish thoughts, there was a consensus.

The master of his own hell path is an extremely powerful person, and the same is true for the master level.

Just as innates are divided into three, six or nine levels, the same is true for masters. The master of the hell path is the super one above the first level. He stands above the nine heavens and overlooks all living beings, including the powerful masters recognized by many people.

For example, the hell master who died in the hands of Meng Jizu, and the ruthless Dao Wu Huaien who was captured alive by Meng Zhao.

In the hearts of these three Hell Dao disciples, compared with the Hell Dao Dao Master, they are no different than a horse compared to a unicorn, with a huge gap.

Therefore, they also respect and admire the master of the hell path from the bottom of their hearts.

The image of the other party's invincibility is deeply imprinted in his heart.

But today, the Taoist Master of the Hell Path, who had no rival in their hearts and was invincible, seemed to have met his opponent and was no longer invincible.

Their eyes are sharp and they can see clearly.

The Taoist Master of Hell Dao had a back-up plan on the messenger Wang, and Meng Zhao also had a back-up plan on Han Pu.

But no matter how you look at it, Meng Zhao's performance is better than that of the Hell Dao Master.

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