Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1489 Situation (please subscribe)

In mid-June, the southern rebels and the imperial army fought outside Pingjiao City. For three days, Pingjiao City became a veritable flesh and blood mill.

The imperial army continued to attack the rebels in the city, and even dispatched two fierce generals who had temporarily risen to the master level using the battle formation method. However, they were unable to do so, and instead suffered serious losses.

However, there were many riots in the southern rebel war camps, and 20% of the logistics supplies were burned. It was suspected that imperial spies were secretly causing trouble and sabotaging the rear. In the end, the southern rebels were defeated in this battle, with nearly 30,000 casualties.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to win, the imperial general deliberately extended the battle line to Aoqiu outside Pingjiao City in an attempt to completely surround the rebels in Pingjiao City. If there were other sources of rebels, they could attack them halfway.

In terms of strategy and tactics, there is no problem with such a decision. The chief general of the imperial court is also a person who is good at conquering and fighting, and is not an ordinary person.

In this desperate situation, the southern rebels made a prompt decision. At the end of June, taking advantage of the flood season with heavy rains, they dug up the Ronghu Lake embankment, causing torrential floods to surge down. Not only did they submerge all the ten thousand acres of fertile farmland in Aoqiu, but they also The defense line set up by the imperial army with great efforts was completely destroyed and inflicted heavy losses on the imperial army.

Of the 120,000 imperial troops, 40,000 were directly dispersed, and the casualties were countless.

Of course, one thousand enemies were injured and eight hundred were lost to oneself. Although the southern rebels were well prepared, they still suffered heavy losses due to the disease after the floods receded.

The two sides fought many times, going back and forth with each other, and it was difficult to determine the winner. However, both sides were seriously injured and called a temporary truce.

The chief general of the imperial court was withdrawn at the end of July due to the unfavorable outcome of the war. On the way back to Yujing, he was assassinated and his head was hung high in the imperial palace bag.

In early July, the news that the imperial army was overwhelmed by floods and submerged reached Weizhou. Suddenly, people were boiling and careerists broke out.

In just five days, no fewer than twenty rebellions were launched in various places.

There were large and small scales, and the purpose was clear. They all attacked the yamen at the first opportunity, which greatly damaged the dynasty's administrative system in Weizhou.

Fortunately, the powerful Weizhou family worked together to suppress all these rebellions.

However, although the rebellion has stopped, there are still small groups of restless people operating secretly, causing endless troubles.

And in mid-July, the brewing reached its peak. Headed by a warrior named Chen Zhiwei, he planned to carry out attacks and beheading tactics against various county and county offices. The harvest was fruitful, and the imperial court's ruling power in Weizhou was once again severely weakened. Hit hard.

This time, the big and small families in Weizhou, powerful and even sects, were thunderous and rainy, making Chen Zhiwei's reputation huge.

In the world of martial arts, there are rumors that the uncrowned king of Weizhou, the Wei family of nine surnames, is suspected of having evil intentions, and that Chen Zhiwei is just a puppet pushed out by the Wei family.

It was also the middle of July. In addition to the huge mountain barbarian rebellion in Yizhou in the west, there was also a Taoist who called himself the Lord of Chitian. He inherited the destiny of heaven and established a human Taoist kingdom. In just ten days, seventeen people were killed in a row. The city can be said to be invincible to those who stand in its way, and they can escape in the face of the wind.

The number of the Taoist army snowballed from three thousand at the beginning to 160,000. Although the good and the bad were uneven, they were ultimately a force that could change the world.

Xiongyue, the governor of Yizhou, personally took action and fought a decisive battle with the Taoist known as the Lord of Chitian on the top of Yongyuan Mountain. After fighting for a day and night, he was finally killed by the Lord of Chitian. The Chitian Rebellion intensified and Yizhou was in turmoil.

Even some powerful local families in Yizhou have taken refuge in the Lord of Chitian, giving them enough strength and foundation to reorganize the Taoist army and lay a solid foundation for a great cause.

At the end of August, barbarians invaded the border on the border of Liangzhou in the north. Fortunately, they were retreated by the army guarding the border. However, the storm was rolling. Countless people realized that troubled times were coming, and fled to the Central Plains with their families, hoping that A wave of refugees also broke out in both states.

In a short period of time, the whole of Dayong was no longer just a rebellion in the south, but in the southeast, northwest, and everywhere, wars and wars were not carried out, and there was a real sign of a precarious state and the collapse of the country.

The Nine Surnames family is very active either in front of the stage or behind the scenes.

Most of the thirteen martial arts holy places keep their gates closed, as if they don't want to get involved in the right and wrong of this world.

Even recalling many of the disciples who served in Dayong Tianxing Hall would be a huge weakening and blow to Tianxing Hall.

The reaction of the Dayong Dynasty was also surprisingly fast. They deployed troops and generals one after another in an attempt to suppress all the rebellions except in the south in the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, they encountered many obstacles, which made the suppression of the rebellion unsatisfactory.

At the suggestion of an elder of the royal family, powerful families from all over the country were forced to recruit strong men and rebels to resist the rebellion.

There is no doubt that this is a collision between the Beitang royal family and the powerful family, and the outcome is obvious. The royal family fell, and the powerful family gained the upper hand, and even obtained huge benefits through it.

Compared to the war-torn land of China, Lingwu City, located at the junction of the three states, appears to be increasingly prosperous, prosperous, and peaceful, as if it has become a paradise in troubled times.

The forces of Lingwu City, headed by Meng Zhao and Beitang Ang, built and set up three small military towns on several important roads near Lingwu City to accommodate the increasing population.

At the same time, the Yangwu Army, which originally had 50,000 troops, was expanded to a full 80,000. Counting 20,000 auxiliary troops, it was a real army of 100,000.

It is impossible and unrealistic for an ordinary city to support a hundred thousand troops.

However, Lingwu City is an exception. It is rich, powerful, and has earth-shattering potential.

Even this 100,000-strong army is still not the limit of this majestic city in the North.

Meng Zhao, on the other hand, quit when he saw the opportunity. He did not indulge in the pleasure of expanding the army. Instead, he calmly trained his soldiers, improved the quality and combat effectiveness of his soldiers, and recruited more, stronger, and military-qualified masters to serve him. .

With three military towns as bridgeheads in three directions, Meng Zhao's tentacles of power have already stepped out of Lingwu City and spread to the three states of Hebei, Liang, and Yanzhou. With the help of the Wolf Alliance, Demon Lord Palace and other forces, it has achieved rapid development and expansion.

Developing with nothing is naturally difficult, but once you have the help of the leading party, everything will just fall into place.

During the nearly eight months of repairs and dormancy, Meng Zhao basically encountered no major disputes. Even if there were conflicts during the expansion, he and his forces were defeated with overwhelming force.

Similar to the rapid growth and expansion of his power, Meng Zhao's martial arts is still improving at a rapid rate.

As for what level he has reached, few people know, because with Meng Zhao's identity, status, and martial arts reputation, almost no one makes a move against him or even challenges him.

It was under such a good situation that Meng Zhao received a piece of news that was not very good to him. The third son of the Meng family, Meng Yan, who had run away from home for many years and was living a wild life, was arrested. (End of chapter)

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