Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1501 Traitor (please subscribe)

"Fourth brother, if that group of people really did it, will third brother be in danger? Although Lu Le and I had previously speculated that third brother might have taken advantage of the opportunity of fighting the attackers in Qixing Tower to escape, but after summarizing all the information, it is even greater Maybe he was captured by this group of people."

Meng Chuan and Lu Le already understood that the only one who could escape was the surviving person from the Seven Star Tower. Meng Yan was most likely captured by the attacker. The possibility of escaping was slim because they had searched all around and found no trace of Meng Yan. Clues and information left behind.

The only thing that is more reliable is that there is a room in this house reserved for Meng Yan.

He may have left some traces when he was having fun, such as using a knife to make wood carvings, and a bamboo flute that Meng Chuan was familiar with and made by Meng Yan himself. These are all traces of Meng Yan's life.

In addition, according to the inspection of an experienced policeman who had retired from the government brought by Meng Zhao, there was an 80% chance that Meng Yan was controlled and taken away by someone else.

"Don't worry, that group of people can kill the people in Qixing Tower, and they can also kill Meng Yan. The reason why they didn't kill him, but took him away, must have their own intentions. They are either plotting against the Meng family in Nan'an or plotting against me, so Meng Yan It should be safe for now.”

But Meng Zhao didn't say anything. Temporary safety does not mean eternal safety. Just like kidnapping, the kidnapped person might be able to escape if he didn't see the kidnapping person's appearance. If you see the true face of the kidnapper and get the ransom, you will definitely kill someone and silence them even before getting the ransom.

Meng Zhao believed that the identity of the group of people who had been targeting the Meng family must be extraordinary, so he had been trying his best to avoid the Meng family's search and investigation. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity of Qixinglou's visit to Lingwu to divert trouble.

This shows that the other party is unwilling to reveal their identity, and once Meng Yan finds out their origin, he will definitely die.

Meng Zhao would not tell Meng Chuan these things. It would be useless and would only increase troubles. In addition, Meng Zhao was also very angry at the trouble Meng Yan caused.

If it weren't for this person, he wouldn't have provoked the Seven Star Tower, let alone the current situation. If he didn't handle it properly, he would most likely face the behemoth of the Seven Star Tower. How could Meng Zhao not be angry?

"There is another doubtful point, that is, the person from Qixing Tower who is suspected of escaping. After investigation by experts brought by the young master, it is found that there are indeed fourteen people living here in Qixing Tower. Seven elders and seven younger ones. They should be one master and one disciple. There are seven people of the same generation, which shows that the fifth master and I guessed well before.

But the person who ran away was never seen alive or dead, which I think is very problematic. "

"Because the people in Qixing Tower have the Tiangang Beidou Formation. Once the arrangement is successful, the seven innate forces will work together. Even if the skills are different, there will be few innate opponents. If the seven people with strong skills and superb martial arts are deployed, it is not impossible to deal with the grandmaster.

Once the Tiangang Beidou Formation is successfully deployed, the seven people will live and die together, advance and retreat together, and there is no chance that one person will escape and six will die.

I suspect that this person may be related to the people who attacked the Seven Star Tower. Only if he cooperates inside and outside can such an outcome be possible. "

Lu Le's various speculations are not aimless, but are very likely and reasonable speculations.

"Yes, and one thing to note is that the arrival of Qixinglou this time is not with a big fanfare, but to conceal his identity, and he did not enter the city, but came to this remote place to live in a remote village, waiting to negotiate with me.

Where did the group of people who caused trouble for the Meng family get this news, and how did they accurately judge the force of Qixing Tower and kill them with one strike?

I think the key point is what Lu Le said, there was a traitor who was involved, which led to the defeat of the people in Qixing Tower. Otherwise, how could Qixing Tower be so easy to deal with? "

A strong fortress is often breached from the inside. This saying makes sense.

If we boldly assume that one of the elders in the Seven Star Tower is an accomplice of the attacker and has revealed all the information, in fact, the Seven Star Tower has lost the initiative.

Coupled with the fact that the attacker himself was extremely powerful, and there were two or five young men assisting him from the inside, it was natural that this would be the outcome, thus causing countless troubles to Meng Zhao.

"Yes, that's it. I just took a look at what was said in the dossier. One of the people analyzed the corpse and said that the disciples in the Seven Star Tower all died neatly and without any power to fight back. In fact, they didn't even have any movement in their bodies. There were no signs of success, indicating that he didn't even think about counterattack.

If they are facing strangers, they should always be on guard. In other words, it is very likely that an acquaintance attacked them, which is why they were killed without any precautions, and the Tiangang Beidou Formation was useless. "

Meng Chuan also thought of a doubt and pointed it out.

Meng Zhao was lost in thought. His mind was running rapidly, and he was thinking about who wanted to deal with him. What was the most fundamental purpose?

He has many opponents. If we look at it more broadly, the opponents and enemies of the Meng family can actually be regarded as his opponents and enemies. After all, the Nan'an Meng family and the Lingwu Meng family are still one in the eyes of the outside world.

Therefore, the target range is too large, and it is even more difficult to find the real mastermind.

However, there are really not many people who dare to deal with the Meng family and provoke the hatred of Qixing Tower. At least it shows that the other party has considerable confidence and can withstand such pressure after being exposed.

Meng Zhao had a vague guess in his mind, but he was not sure. Even if he was sure, he would not be able to retaliate, at least not for the time being, if it was really the force he thought about.

"So, this person from the Seven Star Tower who seems to have escaped by good luck is one of our main targets next.

It would be of great benefit to us to find him, pry open his mouth, or use him as a trump card in future negotiations with Qixing Tower. "

"Fourth brother, do you think he will be with the third brother, pretending to be captured together, but in fact, he is spying on the third brother overtly and covertly with that group of people?"

Meng Zhao shook his head,

"Impossible. The purpose of that group of people is to blame me and the Meng family for this murder. Therefore, he will never be with the people who attacked the Seven Star Tower. Instead, he will pretend to be hiding. XZ The Meng family looked extremely worried until Qixing Tower sent someone again.

When the time comes, he will blame everything on the Meng family and trigger a war between our two families.

This is far more useful than if he stayed with Meng Yan. "

Lu Le also nodded silently. The man behind the scenes this time was not an ordinary ruthless person, capable of doing such things.

Now the conspiracy has turned into a conspiracy. The people from Qixing Tower are dead, Meng Yan is missing, and there is still a person from Qixing Tower who is most likely an accomplice of the attacker, waiting for a fatal blow.

I'm afraid it will be really hard to pass this test this time.

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