Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1508 Clues, secret infiltration (please subscribe)

Zhen Cheng didn't know that a family of farm scoundrels that he didn't pay attention to was about to bring him huge trouble. Instead, he was extremely excited and eagerly recited some of the mantras given to him by Meng Yan.

His eyes were enthusiastic and cheerful, and it was obvious that he had gained a lot.

This mental formula comes from a strange book of heavenly martial arts. According to legend, it was created by a frontier general from the ancient Emperor Ming Dynasty. It takes part in creation and can directly enter heaven and man, and even condense the fruits of gods and demons. It is a peerless magical power.

However, this magical book of Tianwu has been damaged by the passage of time, and only fragments have been left here and there. What Meng Yan told Zhen Cheng were two of the key points of the mind, which he accidentally obtained while traveling in the world. .

The content is about how to efficiently condense the vitality of heaven and earth, and how to use the vitality of heaven and earth to temper the physical body, strengthen the foundation of the foundation, and increase the chance of winning against the master realm.

Originally, Zhen Cheng didn't take Meng Yan's words seriously. After all, he didn't even learn the full text of the Meng family's Red Flag Order, and how could he expect him to come up with anything good? He just wanted to make a fool of himself.

However, his martial arts skills are extremely high. After hearing the inner formula, he immediately realized its great value and felt as if he had found a treasure. He felt that this method was indeed mysterious and unpredictable, which gave him great inspiration.

This kind of inspiration is not enough to allow him to change his martial arts foundation, but it can help him consolidate his foundation and enhance his combat power based on his existing foundation. It is indeed an unexpected surprise.

Of course, Zhen Cheng, who was obsessed with studying the new hand technique, did not completely lose his vigilance, and did indeed see the old man from the neighboring farmer going out.

But he had already found out that the grandson of the family was seriously ill and needed medical treatment. These days, the whole family was jumping up and down, raising money everywhere, and didn't take it seriously. However, it was this little negligence and contempt for ordinary people that Let him taste the bitter fruit...

In the Meng family of Lingwu City, in the past few days when Meng Zhao issued the reward, there have been hundreds of tip-offs, reported by various forces in the city, ordinary people, and even gangsters on the street.

Some people do it for the generous reward, and some people do it for the friendship of the Meng family.

After careful and meticulous processing and analysis, it was found that most of them were false reports and false alarms without value, and only a few actually related to abnormal situations and had value.

According to the investigation, it is known that these few abnormal people are probably disguised as a group of people who have been causing trouble for the Meng family before. However, this group of people is extremely cautious and cautious, and often changes their identities and appearances, so the reference value is not high. big.

The old farmer trembled and cautiously followed the flow of people to the Meng family manor. After registration, questioning, and related identity inquiries, he was quickly received by important people in the Meng family, and further explained all about the old man next door. Exceptions.

Not to mention, all the situations he mentioned just confirmed some of the information he had received before, adding to the credibility of this old man's words.

After inquiring, the Meng family learned that the old man's grandson was seriously ill, and then they expected to receive a reward, so they specially gave him precious medicine as a gift to him. As for the reward, if it can be proven that what he said is correct, it will be distributed.

This was because Meng Zhao showed mercy and had the idea of ​​​​buying people's hearts, and the old man became the beneficiary.

Of course, if it really counts, if what the old man said is true and he helped him catch that group of people and even rescued Meng Yan, his contribution was very great, so there is no need to care about some yellow and white things.

The Meng family immediately dispatched troops and generals, sending Meng Chuan, Lu Le, and Zhou Hu, together with seven innate masters from the Meng family worship hall, to verify the evidence. If it was true, they would capture the person and bring him back for interrogation.

Among them, Meng Zhao gave Qian a warning and Wan instructions to arrest the thief if he could, and kill him if he couldn't. As for the interrogation, they should not interfere. Meng Zhao would handle it if he brought him back.

But he had already guessed the origin of this group of people, but he was not sure, so he gave extra instructions just in case.

Although Meng Chuan and others did not understand Meng Zhao's intentions, they did not dare to disobey them and naturally followed orders...

That night, a group of people followed what the old man said and came to this small village in the countryside outside the city. They sneaked into it under the night and moonlight.

Among them were the Yang brothers, masters of the Meng family's worship hall. They were from a hidden sect and were very good at spying on information, so they were given the important task of sneaking into the farmer's house where Zhen Cheng lived to investigate.

Although Zhen Cheng was an innate master with extremely powerful martial arts skills, he did not notice anything unusual at this time.

One of the root causes is that he was addicted to the two fragments of Wu Qi's book on the day of study and practice. With his mind infused, he was inevitably much slower to the disturbances in the outside world, and he felt quite undisturbed by external things.

The second root cause is his arrogance, which makes him underestimate ordinary people who are not familiar with martial arts. He does not think that an innate master like him will be plotted by a small person and is defenseless.

Furthermore, the Yang brothers who took refuge in Meng Zhao were really powerful. Their ability to hide their aura and their ability to sneak in and spy on them were extraordinary and had their own merits.

In this way, a multi-pronged approach was adopted. When the Yang brothers had discovered that Meng Yan was trapped in the east hall room, Zhen Cheng still stayed in the west hall room to meditate and practice Qi, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, in an attempt to temper the body and consolidate the foundation.

The Yang brothers did not rush ahead because of greed. After discovering Meng Yan, who was suspected of being trapped, they withdrew very rationally, found the leader Meng Chuan, and reported the information.

Meng Chuan was immediately overjoyed. In the past few days, he had not been able to eat well, sleep well, and had no energy to practice. The main reason was that his brother was missing and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

Now that we have received news about it and can rescue it immediately, how can we not be happy?

After discussions with Lu Le and Zhou Hu, we finally formulated a feasible policy and adopted a plan that combined the right and the odd to make a breakthrough in this farmhouse.

The so-called righteousness means attracting the thief's attention, surrounding him, confronting him head-on, and providing sufficient manpower to prevent his accomplices from suddenly appearing and rescuing the person.

The so-called miracle is that Meng Chuan personally took action to rescue Meng Yan. With his martial arts and the power of the Meng family's Red Flag Order, it was more than enough.

So, after the Yang brothers took the lead and sneaked into the farmer's house again, Lu Le and Zhou Hu followed closely behind, and Meng Chuan passed through the other side of the courtyard wall, turned over and sneaked into the east hall where Meng Yan was.

Although Zhen Cheng was focused on nothing, he had not lost his keen sense as an innate master. He finally sensed that strange Qi was approaching him, and there were quite a few of them, including top masters. Upon closer inspection, he found that he was already surrounded by many enemies. among.

I was angry and frightened for a moment, not knowing what went wrong.

He had already understood clearly in his heart that the person who came to look for him at this time was either the Meng family or the people from Qixing Tower.

The highest probability is that they are from the Meng family.

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