Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1512 Study Room (Please subscribe)

To put it bluntly, among Meng Chuan, Lu Le, Zhou Hu and others, who among them didn't hold Meng Zhao's thighs soaring up and reaching the current level of cultivation along the way?

Meng Yan is just a little lazy and a little more realistic, but he is also a sweet-tempered person. When it comes to hugging someone's thigh, he doesn't shy away from it, but gives people a sense of intimacy.

Especially Lu Le and Zhou Hu. They didn't have a good impression of Meng Yan at first, but when they heard that Meng Yan praised their young master so much, they couldn't help but feel a little close to him.

A few people left the room. Meng Yan faced the bright white moonlight and saw Zhen Cheng tied up like a rice dumpling. His heart moved. Is this the person who has been taking care of him for several days and pried away the Tianwu Qishu from his hands?

Zhen Cheng was not blind, so he saw the group of people coming out, especially Meng Chuan, who stood out the most. His tall and majestic figure was like the reincarnation of a giant spirit god in the human world. Even though he was not skilled in martial arts, he still gave people a full sense of oppression. , not to mention its aura rushing fiercely, like the Yangtze River, rolling in with heat waves?

"Mr. Meng, would you like to listen to me?"

This was the first thing Zhen Cheng said after being kidnapped, and it was definitely not aimed at Meng Zhao's men, but Meng Yan.

He knew very well that it would not be a good thing if he fell into the hands of Meng Zhao. Fortunately, this place was far away from the Meng family, and Meng Yan, as Meng Zhao's cousin, should have some influence. If he could be persuaded, It is not impossible to let yourself go.

Unfortunately, it was not Meng Yan's turn to reply. Meng Chuan had already snorted coldly and glanced at Zhen Cheng like lightning.

"Don't waste your words and sophistry. Fourth brother has already explained that once you and your accomplices are arrested, no one is allowed to talk to you, let alone interrogate you. Everything is left to him.

Come to think of it, Fourth Brother has already made some guesses about your origins, so just stay calm! "

Zhen Cheng was even more upset after these words. He, Jiansi, and Luo Peng all prided themselves on being cautious and thoughtful. In the past, they basically did not reveal any flaws in dealing with the Meng family. This is what Meng Zhao really has. With such great magical power, can they guess their origins?

However, if he hadn't guessed their origins, how could he have given such an order? He obviously didn't want other people to come into contact with them, was he afraid of breaking his face and ending up badly?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

He had seen countless powerful people in his life, and the emperor had seen them all more than once, but he was still frightened when facing the Dragon King of Beimeng. He felt that this person was terrifying, and he ranked among the top three people he had ever seen.

After all, the emperor is paying attention. How can the peerless person who has to deal with suppression be an ordinary mediocre person?

He also gave up the idea of ​​befriending Meng Yan. The third eldest son of the Meng family is a pure loser. Meng Zhao may save him for the sake of blood and family ties, but if he wants him to obey him and obey his advice, there is no way he can even think about it. .

Running at full speed all night, we finally arrived back at the Meng Manor at dawn.

Like Meng Yan, as the third son of the Meng family, he was assigned a beautiful maid to serve him. After washing, he was taken to a fragrant room to rest.

As for Zhen Cheng, after taking off his disguise, he was taken to a slightly elegant and quiet study room.

In the huge room, thousands of volumes of books can be seen on the rows of bookshelves. The strong smell of ink mixed with the fragrance of paper wafted in the air, making Zhen Cheng who entered it feel moved and panicked in his heart. The anxiety and fear seemed to gradually calm down with the room full of books.

Meng Chuan, who brought him in, was a little cautious. He picked up a scripture from the side of the bookshelf and sat on a wooden chair leaning against the wall to read it. He was very fascinated.

With Meng Chuan's skill and energy, even if he didn't sleep all night, he was in high spirits and showed no signs of fatigue.

Although Zhen Cheng's martial arts was banned, his eyesight was still there. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the scroll Meng Chuan was looking at was actually a secret book on swordsmanship. In addition to dense insights on mental techniques, there were also sword manuals such as moves.

He was very knowledgeable, but he only tasted a few mental skills. He felt that although this method was not a powerful martial arts, it was more than enough for practicing and honing his swordsmanship. Especially when he saw the two-move sword technique, it matched his mental skills. The technique of Fa Yun Jin is quite ingenious and can be compared with the superior swordsmanship.

A thought crossed his mind. Could it be that the bookshelves in this large study room were filled with thousands of books, all of which were martial arts secrets?

When he thought of this possibility, he felt dizzy. How could this be possible? There were so many martial arts, so vast. Is it possible for Meng Zhao alone, or even the Meng family, to collect so many martial arts?

This is simply much more exaggerated than the so-called martial arts holy land.

Fortunately, he glanced at it and found that in addition to the book in Meng Chuan's hand, there were many books on the nearby bookshelf labeled with astronomy and geography, mountains and terrain, humanities and biographies, etc., which made him feel at ease.

Although Meng Chuan was reading this sword technique, he was also distractedly paying attention to Zhen Cheng. When he saw that he was frightened at first, and then understood and relaxed, he sneered,

"Why, are you scared? You think this room is full of martial arts secrets?"

As he spoke, he raised the sword manual in his hand.

Zhen Cheng composed himself and said,

"I was really shocked at first, but even in the Holy Land of Martial Arts, there may not be a Musashi of this size, so if I think about it carefully, I know it's impossible."

"You are right. Even in the holy land of martial arts, it is impossible to have such a collection of books. But if my fourth brother is willing, he might not be able to turn all the books in this room into martial arts.

For example, the sword manual in my hand was created casually by my fourth brother in just two sticks of incense. "

Speaking of this, Meng Chuan's tone and expression couldn't help but reveal a sense of respect, admiration, and enthusiasm.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed such nonsense.

However, it is precisely because I have seen it with my own eyes that I know how evil Meng Zhao is and how difficult it is to catch up with him.

Of course Zhen Cheng doesn't believe in this kind of thing. Although martial arts has a high position, it must also follow the basic rules, that is, there are specializations in the arts.

Meng Zhao may be able to create some relatively superior martial arts in the field he is good at, but to say that he is omniscient and omnipotent and can fill an entire study room is a bit of a fantasy.

"Ha, I know you don't believe it, but it doesn't matter, my fourth brother doesn't have this ambition either.

I just want to tell you through this matter, don't be self-righteous or play tricks in front of Fourth Brother.

He is a man of great wisdom. As long as you cooperate honestly, you may have a chance of survival. "

"Don't doubt it. The reason I'm telling you this is because Third Brother told me that when you imprisoned him, you treated him quite well and didn't treat him harshly. Although he hated you for catching him and imprisoning him, he also treated you somewhat. gratitude.

I hope you won’t let down my third brother’s kindness. "

After saying that, Meng Chuan waved his hand and continued to focus on the sword manual. Zhen Cheng was stunned for a moment, and his attitude softened in his heart. (End of chapter)

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