If others don’t know, doesn’t Meng Zhao know?

The Prince of Yanping County is the downfall of the royal family, the loser in the struggle for power.

In order to gain some military power and live a more dignified life, he did not hesitate to cooperate with him. His family was very poor, and his relationship with the central royal family was not very close.

Of course, perhaps Beitang Aung Beitang He and his son did not know that the Central Royal Family intended to deal with the Meng family, but if the Central Royal Family gave the order, it was still difficult to tell whether they would be enemies or friends.

Meng Chuan also nodded, thinking about it, the Beitang father and his son were very shabby before Meng Zhao became famous. Without Meng Zhao's rise of Qifeng, which established the general trend of Lingwu City in one fell swoop, where would they get their current prestige?

"Then, why don't you ask Beitang and his son, maybe we can resolve the misunderstanding between us and the royal family?"

Meng Chuan was still very naive and thought that the royal family wanted to deal with the Meng family because of some misunderstanding. He never thought that the Meng family would provoke such a behemoth as the royal family.

Gan Mingfeng looked at Meng Chuan as if he were a fool. This man was very powerful in martial arts, but unfortunately his political wisdom was low.

Lu Le explained,

"The Fifth Young Master is obsessed with the situation. This move may easily arouse the enemy and cause things to get sidetracked. It's better to follow the Young Master's orders."

Meng Zhao nodded,

"Only you, me, and Gan Mingfeng know about this matter, and it must not be spread outside.

You two don't have to worry. Although the Dayong royal family is powerful, it is not without opponents. What's more, the world is in chaos and the emperor is dealing with everything. He is just afraid of the Meng family, not really getting rid of it. Otherwise, this time, It won't be two or three big cats and kittens that deal with us and use such despicable methods. "

Meng Chuan's eyes also lit up. Yes, if the emperor really wanted to deal with them blatantly, how could he only have such a few means? It should be just a tentative idea. If so, the Meng family is not that dangerous.

In addition, after he calmed down, he also thought about it. The Meng family now has extraordinary strength, wide connections, and many good friends. There is also Meng Zhao, a peerless master and unparalleled genius. If the court rashly takes action, how can it not avoid backlash? ?

In this way, the Meng family may encounter some conspiracies and tricks, but on the surface, even the emperor will not easily issue some orders that are unfavorable to the Meng family. This is enough.

Gan Mingfeng also carefully observed the expressions of Meng Zhao and Meng Chuan. Seeing that Meng Zhao was not surprised or flustered from beginning to end, he knew that the Dragon King of North Meng had absolute confidence, but Meng Chuan was a little worse. He only looked like that after calming down. mean.

This is not surprising. It is said that people with great skills are bold. Meng Zhao has become a peerless master. He is the most powerful person in the world, comparable to the top ten in the world. Moreover, with his talent in martial arts and his current age advantage, he will have great potential in the future, and may be able to enter the world. The martial arts of heaven and man.

By then, the Meng family may be in various dangers and face countless crises, but Meng Zhao will be able to remain invincible by relying on his extremely strong personal force. If he is willing to hide, with Dayong's control over the world, he will absolutely There was no trace of him.

Of course, the Meng family may not reach that point. Looking at it now, there may still be some competition.

"Let's put aside the royal family matters for now. I'll ask you again, you cooperated inside and outside, harmed everyone in Qixing Tower, and still want to survive, what do you rely on?

You know, your actions have almost pushed our Meng family into a desperate situation, and the conflict with Qixing Tower is difficult to resolve.

Do you think that by being humble and small, you can get us to let you go?

If I don't hand you over, how can I prove my innocence, and how can I resolve the bloody fight between the two families? "

This is where the Meng family got to the key point.

Gan Mingfeng also directly recounted his current situation without reservation.

"King Menglong, do you know what situation I was in before you found me?

It is definitely not what you think, colluding with Luo Peng and others, and being ambitious.

On the contrary, you are being watched and guarded, without any freedom, just like a prisoner.

I just waited for someone from Qixing Tower to pretend to have a lucky escape according to the instructions of Luo Peng and others, and then used some excuses and lies that could not withstand scrutiny to try to divert trouble and provoke a fight between Qixing Tower and your Meng family. "

"I don't want to do this because I don't want to die. Just as I betrayed Qixing Tower because I was worried that those people would reveal my identity and leave me with no place to stay. Qixing Tower would hunt me down.

I have always wanted to protect myself, not to serve other people's ambitions.

If I really follow what Luo Peng and the others say, there is a high probability that the elders of the Seven Star Tower will expose the lies and then be killed in their hands. Luo Peng and the others are by no means the only smart people.

So I thought hard, the royal family regarded me as a pawn, they were unreliable, and they didn't care about my life or death. There was no way I could go back to the Seven Star Tower. Once I went back, I would definitely die.

Therefore, I was wondering if I could seek refuge with you, the Dragon King of Beimeng, to find a chance of survival. After all, your great tolerance is well known to everyone. "

"It was originally a delusion, but I didn't want it to become a reality. It also shows that there must be a fate between King Menglong and me."

Meng Chuan snorted, rolled his eyes, and said speechlessly,

"I know how to flatter you. I've had this idea for a long time. Why didn't you come to my fourth brother in the first place?"

Gan Mingfeng was choked. How did he know that Luo Peng and others were so useless and didn't regard themselves as human beings at all.

After all, he was also a royal guard, and he was also a high-level spy who broke into the Seven Star Tower, which is very rare.

If he had known that this would be the result, he would not have even taken a step out of the Seven Star Tower, or would have faked his death to avoid disaster. How could he have been in today's situation?

However, I couldn't say these words, I could only stay silent.

Meng Zhao waved his hand and glared at Meng Chuan.

"It's useless for you to say this. Again, I can let you go, but if I let you go, I can't explain to Qixinglou. If the relationship between the two families is broken and a war breaks out, it will be all my responsibility.

Give me a reason to live. "

Gan Mingfeng nodded,

“It’s easy to say it’s simple.

I have already left some evidence in the Seven Star Tower to prove my identity and my helplessness.

As long as King Menglong informs the people in Qixing Tower about the evidence, there is a high probability that the suspicion will be eliminated.

Also, I can also leave some clues to prove that this matter has nothing to do with the Meng family, but someone is deliberately guiding this matter and blaming the Meng family.

I just ask King Menglong not to hand me over to Qixing Tower, but to let me leave here and retire from the world. "

Meng Zhao did not agree or refuse, but said,

"That's all. Didn't you say that you know a big secret and it will be of great benefit to me, the Dragon King of Beimeng?"

Gan Mingfeng was a little hesitant. Meng Zhao's eyes were deep and powerful, and he felt a chill in his heart. He said,

"It is indeed true, but I am not sure about this. I just said this out of urgency at the time." (End of Chapter)

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