Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1595 Blessed Land, Bad Land (Please subscribe)

When Meng Zhao also jumped into the black vortex behind the door beam, he immediately had an unprecedented experience.

His whole body was swaying and chaotic. He was clearly upright, maintaining a posture like a javelin, but he was top-heavy, as if he was hanging upside down, disorderly and chaotic.

Not only that, everything around him was also very fantastic. There were tiny bubbles one after another, colorful, as if they could burst with a gentle blow, but his intuition told him that these tiny bubbles were far away. It was tougher than he thought, much stronger and would not break easily.

What's even more amazing is that he can clearly feel the long passage of time. It should have been a full quarter of an hour, but the reality is that after he jumped into the black vortex, he fell into a brand new piece in just three or five breaths. on the ground.

In other words, his thoughts and ideas turned extremely slowly, and he felt some mysterious things in the black vortex. Perhaps this was related to his strong mind and extraordinary soul will, or maybe it was his training. As a master of martial arts, the divine energy is related to the perception of the laws of heaven and earth.

After landing, Meng Zhao quickly pulled away from the weird and chaotic emotions, quickly returned to normal, and looked around, looking for Gan Mingfeng's figure, but strangely, there was no one around, and there was no one around. Like signs of human activity.

It was as if a long time had passed here, and he was the only visitor here.

Looking at it, this is a very eye-catching mountain top, showing the shape of petals. The mountain is covered with various flowers, plants and trees, which are fragrant and fragrant. Just by breathing normally, you can feel an extremely fresh and natural breath flowing through the body, and the vitality is Rich, lively and vibrant.

According to Meng Zhao's eyes, this place can be described as a secluded place, a blessed place for cultivation, but it is not all a good thing, because the vegetation here is rich, so the energy of the wood element is abundant, occupying almost every inch of space, a bit to the point of going too far.

Meng Zhao used the Emperor's Qi-seeing Technique, and after a closer look, he saw that the sky was as blue as water, and the entire mountaintop was covered in blue-green vitality. The rest of the vitality and evil spirits could hardly be seen.

And in this short period of time, Meng Zhao actually felt a sense of vitality and fullness of energy and blood while breathing and breathing. You must know that his body has been tempered, polished and transformed many times. It has long been reborn and is no longer ordinary.

Coupled with the master's martial arts, life leap, which is useful for acquired and innate warriors, the effect on him is almost negligible.

But at the moment, he has a strange feeling. If he stays here for a long time, he will definitely be able to make his body go further, purify the blood, increase the power of the Purple Dragon Blood, and even stimulate the body's activity again, obtaining sixteen or seventy-seven, Even the physical state of thirteen or fourteen years old has reached the level of rejuvenation.

A master like him is like this, but if it was the day after tomorrow, or an innate martial artist fell into this place, wouldn't it be a great blessing?

You know, this is an opportunity to reshape your foundation and extend your golden practice time.

Of course, from another perspective, such an environment may not be all good.

For example, Meng Zhao has a special physique, and has unrivaled magical power to protect his body. His level is also quite high. He can use this to control the extent of his body's exhalation and absorption of vitality, and he can only do it in an appropriate amount.

But for ordinary people, even those with extreme innate power may not be able to control themselves accurately.

Sometimes, too much tonic can be more terrifying than poison.

Meng Zhao suddenly thought that if he could not understand the truth here, and simply, or even greedily, swallowed up the vitality cultivation here, he might not be able to take it back, and eventually the physical activity would be completely out of control.

Either he turns directly into a baby, or even turns into the purest baby energy and disperses here, or his body becomes deformed and he cannot bear it, and he goes crazy and dies.

In other words, this mountain is a good thing for him, but if it were Gan Mingfeng and others, it would be a dangerous and dangerous place, with a mortality rate of over 80% to 90%.

“Why am I here, why is Gan Mingfeng not here, there is not even a trace of his activities.

Could it be that the black vortex behind the door beam leads to different places, and I was immediately sent here, while Gan Mingfeng was immediately sent elsewhere?

No, that's not right. If I didn't have the Emperor's Qi-gazing Technique, I wouldn't be able to see through the truth of the mountain here. Even a master would think this is a great opportunity, think this is his own blessed place, practice with peace of mind, and even be addicted to it.

I'm afraid that in the end, I won't be able to escape the result of my flesh and blood being swallowed up by the forest and purified. "

Meng Zhao was so astute. He put aside his own particularity and looked at this place purely from the perspective of a normal martial artist or even a normal master. Based on the analysis of the existing information, he immediately figured out that there was a high probability that his flesh and blood decomposed and was destroyed. Transform into this mountain forest.

"This is, my Purple Yuan Dragon Blood was targeted by some being, so I set this trap?"

Meng Zhao thought that the only thing that exposed him might be that he used the blood of the Purple Yuan Dragon to break the erosion of the evil force of the Yin soldiers without revealing his master's martial arts, and was discovered by others.

Thinking about it again, after the Yin soldiers took advantage of the passage, the white clouds outside Yunfeng suddenly rioted and spread in all directions. Even if they did not welcome them, they might not be able to escape as long as they were in Lishou Mountain. The range of white clouds.

So, is this riot of white clouds deliberate because he feels the specialness of his own Purple Dragon blood?

Thinking back to Gan Mingfeng's constant mention, there seemed to be a voice in his heart guiding him.

Meng Zhao had a guess. Perhaps, there really was an extremely powerful being who used spiritual power, perception, and manipulation of the Yin soldiers to take advantage of the passage, as well as the white clouds, and stared at him, which was why Gan Mingfeng performed all the miraculous actions.

The Ziyuan Dragon Blood, but the composite constitution of the Ziwei Treasure Body and some kind of dragon body, is also likely to have a powerful constitution and bloodline that has never been seen since ancient times, and has the potential to be comparable to the Supreme.

Being coveted and watched by others is not so difficult to understand.

However, Meng Zhao didn't know whether he was in the golden palace now or still on an unknown hilltop in Lishou Mountain.

Because now he can't see any shadow of the Golden Palace at all.

While following his own thinking and judgment, he absorbed an appropriate amount of green energy to enhance his life energy. At the same time, he was wandering around like he was shrinking into an inch, looking for a way out, or in other words, looking for the location of the Golden Palace.

What he saw along the way also confirmed his previous guesses.

Excessive, overloaded wood vitality and strong life attributes have reached the point of annihilating everything.

Therefore, there are no living creatures on this mountain top, not ants, but all kinds of ferocious beasts, poisonous insects, etc., none of them exist.

The only one alive was Meng Zhao, who was carrying the Tianxie War Box. (End of chapter)

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