Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1616 Origin, Questioning, Intention (Please subscribe)

Mu Yi's expression was indifferent and noncommittal, and he asked,

"Taoist priest, you do know a lot of secret information. Even I don't know some secret information. Everything you say now is generally correct. However, what role did you play in it? What do you want? , is it the seven-colored glazed purifying relic, or the Sheji Ding transformed from Fuyu Ding?”

In Mu Yi's opinion, the only two treasures that could be called sacred objects in the Evil Suppressing Golden Palace, the relics should be the must-have items for Monk Chengkong, and of course he would not want to give them up if possible.

However, in comparison, the Sheji Ding was the most critical and important, so he wanted to find out what this Yu Taoist wanted to do and what his purpose was.

This determines Mu Yi's attitude towards him. If it is a threat, then it must be eradicated, just like Third Young Master Bai's attitude towards him. If it is a helper and not a threat, naturally a short-term alliance can be made.

Based on this man's profound knowledge and the situation he had grasped at the Evil Suppressing Golden Palace, he was not at a disadvantage.

The royal family lineage from which Mu Yi was born has actually been quite declining. Over the long period of time, the family has experienced several ups and downs, and many inheritances and secrets have been lost.

Otherwise, he would have come to Lishou Mountain to take away the treasure he deserved, instead of waiting for such an opportunity.

Meng Zhao was also very curious. This Taoist knew a lot, and all of them were top-notch secrets. He didn't know if he had any connection with the Great Sui Dynasty, or was it that the strength he developed had something to do with the Great Sui Dynasty?

Taoist Yu laughed, his mighty expression a little more slippery, and he cupped his hands towards Mu Yi Gong and said,

"Mr. Mu Yi, my ancestor was a trusted official of the Sui royal family. Many matters related to the Evil Suppressing Golden Palace were secretly coordinated, planned, and implemented by my ancestor. Therefore, the relationship between you and me should be Your relationship with Monk Chengkong is similar, we are all our own people.”

As for my purpose, it is neither the Buddhist relic, nor the Sheji Ding, which can only be conquered by the descendants of the Emperor Sui, but a secret treasure left behind by my ancestors.

That thing was originally my family's property, but for the plan of making a comeback, I had to give it away and use it as a boost to promote Fu Yu Ding's transformation.

Mr. Mu Yi, you are of royal blood. You may inherit the legacy of Emperor Sui and compete for the world in the future. You will not covet the treasures of my ancestors, right? "

What Yu Dao Ren said is true. There are people present who believe it and some who don't believe it. The main reason is that just now Yu Dao Ren concealed and hid his origins, but now he said it so easily, which seemed a bit frivolous. , not worthy of belief.

But then again, this background happened to explain why Yu Daoren was so familiar with the secrets of the Evil Suppressing Golden Palace and even the Sui Dynasty. His ancestor was a key figure at the time, so he knew it very well.

As a family inheritance, it is very possible for it to be recorded from generation to generation and become the family's heritage and known to this Yudao people. At least it makes sense in logic and reality.

However, Mu Yi is not so easily fooled.

"Oh, if you really have no ill intentions towards me, why would you reveal my identity here? Don't you want to kill someone with a borrowed knife and let Master Yue kill me?

Also, I don’t believe that there is such a coincidence in the world. I come to Lishou Mountain, you come to Lishou Mountain, and the descendant of Luo Yanzong also comes to Lishou Mountain. Isn’t there something fishy in this? "

Even Third Young Master Bai nodded, having to admit that Mu Yi's thinking was very thorough and crucial.

First of all, after knowing this guy's true identity, he did have the desire to kill him. If Taoist Yu hadn't kept talking loudly, he would have asked Mr. Yue to take action.

Secondly, he also felt strange, how could it be such a coincidence that the descendants of the former Emperor Sui got together and came to his team through Lu Houer's relationship, all the way to the Evil Suppressing Golden Palace.

He would rather believe that there is a conspiracy and a trap in it, and that Huang Sui's descendants may just be pawns of some old Yinbi, so that he will feel better.

In fact, it is not only Mr. Bai who thinks so, most of the others are also thinking about this issue with the same thoughts.

The same is true for Meng Zhao. He feels that what this Yu Daoist said is half truth and half false. For example, there should be no big problem with his identity and origin.

Monk Chengkong was also confused and explained to Mu Yi,

"The young monks have been going to Lishou Mountain for many years, but they have never waited for the right time.

This time, the young monk did come here by chance and did not have too much involvement with others. Monks do not lie. "

Yu Daoren pointed at the quicksand-like material outside the four-dimensional space, which looked like a giant blue dragon.

"Master Mu Yi, I have pointed out your identity, but I have no intention of killing anyone with a knife, because no one can kill you here, not even the master, so I boldly tell you all this.

The purpose, on the contrary, is to consider the young master. After all, the young master is expected to win the Sheji Ding and inherit the spark of the emperor's comeback in the Sui Dynasty.

However, if you want to conquer the world, you don't just rely on personal martial arts or a magical weapon. You also need the help of the world's talents and the assistance of many forces.

Mr. Mu Yi, look at these people. They include the overlord of the Yanzhou force, disciples from the current martial arts holy land, and noble sons from families with nine surnames. Even the one with the lowest achievements is still the outstanding one.

If these people could be subdued, wouldn't it be helpful to the young master's imperial hegemony? "

This may sound a little interesting, but it also makes everyone very angry.

Especially Third Young Master Bai and Mr. Yue, they thought they were in control of the situation from beginning to end, but now in the eyes of Daoist Yu, they have become the party that allows people to be preyed upon. How can they be willing to do so?

Furthermore, his Bai family was of such noble origin. Although his ancestors were not the masters of one dynasty, their status was not necessarily inferior to those of these dynasties. They were recognized as gods of war and gods of death, supreme figures comparable to ancient gods and demons.

The Sui Dynasty royal family may have extraordinary blood, but in today's world, the Yang family has declined to dust, while the Bai family has taken advantage of the situation and has become one of the nine surnames today. Although it is not as powerful as its ancestors, it still stands at the top of China today. .

Is a mere descendant of a down-and-out royal family worthy of having the third son of the Bai family surrender?

To put it bluntly, even the Chao Beitang royal family is now only the eldest brother of their Bai family, not their master, and others can't even think about it.

No one will get used to being a slave after being a master, nor will they be willing to do so.

As the old saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

The third son of the Bai family is unwilling and impossible to be a slave for others.

Yu Daoren is talking nonsense.

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