Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1671 The emperor looks forward to the third level (please subscribe)

However, he did not expect that these three water veins were suspected to have evolved after the death of the three powerful gods and demons.

They don't know whether the demonic nature in Gan Mingfeng and Lu Hou'er's bodies is afraid of the remnants of these three powerful Taoist beings, or whether they are afraid of the Supreme Emperor Yu who killed the three gods and demons.

However, Meng Zhao has a tough mind and is not affected by the innate formation formed by these three water veins. Instead, he feels that this place is a great opportunity for him.

What he wants to improve is none other than the Emperor's Qi-seeing Technique that he created through his enlightenment.

This martial art was realized by his own spirituality, and maybe it was derived from his bloodline and constitution, but no matter how you say it, it is indeed subtle and mysterious. It has made great contributions to him in the past and has been very useful.

Not only does it assist in practice, it also has many benefits when it comes to confronting enemies in battle and spying on hidden mysteries.

However, as he became a Grandmaster, the Emperor's Qi Watching Technique created in the innate realm became somewhat superficial.

He could also rely on the Divine Mirror to deduce the evolution of this martial art. However, after all, this martial art was created by himself, and he also hopes to improve it by himself, instead of just relying on golden fingers.

This is a sorting out of his own martial arts, and it is an improvement that even the Divine Mirror of Light cannot give.

Previously, after he had mastered the Grandmaster's Martial Arts, he practiced quietly for many days in the Mengjiazhuang of Lingwu City, carefully studied, and read ancient works, classics, and even various martial arts to serve as a foundation, and he had vaguely touched this emperor. Tips for improving the art of qi gazing to the master level.

At this time, these three water veins, forming an innate formation, unify the three talents of heaven, earth, and man. Isn't it just in line with the purpose and essence of his emperor's energy-seeing technique?

He waved his hand, with great interest in his eyes. Even the importance of the Imperial Monument was forgotten by him, and he said,

"This great formation is extraordinary and contains infinite creation. I will carefully study it and measure it to gain something. You can either practice on your own or understand these three water veins. You must not break through on your own to avoid disaster."

Having said that, he didn't care what Gan Mingfeng and Lu Hou'er thought, he stepped forward and used the Emperor's Qi Watching Technique. Within his pupils, five colors of brilliance suddenly flowed, and the three winding, tortuous, but boundless The strange path unfolded in front of him, and he fell into deep thoughts for a moment.

The way of heaven, earth and man, by observing the changes of Qi, one can reach the innate world and go anywhere, but those who have Qi can hardly hide it.

If you want to take a step closer, in addition to peering into the Qi, you must also peer into the Tao. Use the Tao to see the Qi, and use the Qi to observe the surrounding sky. You will know everything and be omnipotent.

At this time, countless classics were circulating in Meng Zhao's mind. Wonderful thoughts and exquisite techniques flashed before his eyes like a fleeting moment. Finally, he thought of the clichéd theory of three realms.

Seeing a mountain is a mountain, seeing a mountain is not a mountain, seeing a mountain is still a mountain.

Exactly, first see the outside, then look at the inside, and finally the outside and inside are consistent, the way to return to nature.

Meng Zhao's previous Emperor's Qi Watching Technique was at the first level. Now, he is about to use the water veins transformed by these three powerful gods and devils to reach the level where he can see that mountains are not mountains.

In an instant, Meng Zhao's figure blurred, twisting, deforming, and changing constantly. The feelings brought to Gan Mingfeng and Lu Hou'er also kept changing.

Sometimes when looking at Meng Zhao, it's like seeing the boundless sky and the stars in the universe. Sometimes, it's like seeing the vast earth, mountains and green scenery.

Heaven is infinite, earth is infinite, and humanity is infinite. After just a quick glance at it, the two of them felt uncomfortable all over, with splitting headaches, chest tightness and vomiting. Their blood and energy almost flowed backwards, and they were about to go crazy.

The two knew very well that Meng Zhao had fallen into a deep state of meditative practice, and that the fate was changing. They were not equipped enough to spy on it, so they had no choice but to turn their eyes away angrily, no longer looking at Meng Zhao, or even stay away from his direction.

At the same time, under the influence of the demonic nature, the two of them looked at the water veins that surrounded the sky and penetrated the earth. Although they could not see its form, they could feel the location of the emperor's monument, and felt sad.

"Brother Gan, thanks to King Menglong, you and I were able to see through the conspiracy of the head of Xingtian and avoid the fate of becoming a puppet and having his body taken away from him.

However, it seems that the two of us have stopped here. We have no chance to see the imperial monument and all the creations in it. "

Lu Hou'er used the skill of transmitting sound into secrets. He could only see his mouth moving, but no sound could be heard. Perhaps it was to prevent Meng Zhao from hearing it?

Gan Mingfeng snorted coldly, glanced in the direction of Meng Zhao, and immediately realized that he was in trouble. He quickly turned his gaze away, calmed his mind, relieved the discomfort in his body and soul, and replied,

"Lu Hou'er, I know very well what you are thinking about. You have ambitions, and so do I. Everyone wants to be blessed by heaven, and from then on call themselves the ancestors, no longer relying on others, and be free and easy.

However, do you think that you and I can be Meng Zhao’s opponent?

Now he has just comprehended these three water veins, and he has such a terrifying vision. It is simply unimaginable how powerful he is. If we have to go against him, you and I will definitely die, so why not go to the dead end? "

Gan Mingfeng was really a little bit surrendered by Meng Zhao now. What he saw along the way all revealed one thing, follow Meng Zhaochang, and perish against Meng Zhao.

Yu Dao Ren, Peng Haibing, is a perfect example.

Moreover, let alone him, even Third Young Master Bai and Mr. Yue, a legitimate son of the ninth surname and a powerful master.

They were all captured by Meng Zhao, so why resist?

Lu Hou'er's brows twisted slightly and he said through the voice,

"That's not necessarily the case. Although Meng Zhao is strong, he may not be the opponent of the leader of Xingtian. If you and I can use the supreme magic power on the emperor's monument to activate some of the power of the ancient war god, Meng Zhao may not be It’s the opponent.”

Gan Mingfeng's mind moved. Xing Tian's deterrence was still greater than that of Meng Zhao. What if, what if?

Suddenly, he thought of another thing and broke into a cold sweat. He recited the magic spell to subdue demons and said quickly,

"Lu Hou'er, don't you think what you did is a little different from your previous performance?"

The previous Lu Houer was well-informed, greedy, and at least somewhat rational. On the contrary, Peng Haibing was deeply possessed by the devil and couldn't extricate himself. He even thought he could control everything and had the idea of ​​releasing Xingtian's head.

At the moment, how similar are the performances of Lu Houer and Peng Haibing?

When Lu Hou'er heard Gan Mingfeng's words, he broke out in a cold sweat. Yes, he was always afraid of Meng Zhao before and only wanted to make a fortune. Why did he have such terrifying thoughts now?

After calming down and exploring carefully, I found that I had been contaminated by Xing Tian's demonic nature to a deeper level.

I guess it was due to the various strange phenomena that I had seen in Meng Zhao before, and my mind was in turmoil, controlled by the devil's nature.

The Alliance, like Gan Mingfeng, recited the Great Mantra to Conquer Demons and used the power of his mind to suppress the demonic nature of the descendants.

Only when my mind feels clear and clear, and some delusions have been eliminated, can I relax.

A dark cloud couldn't help but rise in my heart.

The devil's path is so dangerous, and without realizing it, I almost fell into it. It seems that I have to think carefully about whether I really want to switch to the devil's path.

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