Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1680: The desire to seize the direct descendant (please subscribe)

But then again, the Ziwei treasure body was born, and the Ziwei star power had an owner. Those who practiced the acquired Ziwei martial arts had to act according to others' moods, and there were many obstacles. It was not incomprehensible that they wanted to find another way.

Even if this young man himself did not have a Taoist innate magic talisman that could transfer the power of Ziwei, he would have thought of a way to solve this hidden danger.

"I have heard a little about this matter. The birth of the Ziwei treasure body and the loss of the star destiny are indeed a hidden danger and threat to those who practice Ziwei martial arts, but it is not absolute. As long as the Ziwei treasure body can be found, or killed, or used, and the Ziwei star destiny can be slowly taken away from the royal family, then it will be a great benefit to those who practice Ziwei martial arts. Jiu Ye must have been assassinated by the evil demons, and he was uneasy in his heart, so he had this idea, which is not surprising." Liu Laodao didn't want to get involved in these things, so he had to try to figure out the young man's thoughts while saying, "No, not only that, other royal families are fine, like the descendants of my father, they all practice the Ziwei Yaoshi Jue passed down by the great ancestor, which contains a supreme Ziwei aura, which is an indispensable martial art to carry the destiny of my Great Yong. Now Jiu Ge has found another way. To be honest, it is really surprising. Doesn't he know what this means?" Liu Laodao thought in his heart, how could he not know? There is actually a basic key point in the inheritance of the throne of the Beitang royal family. The first is that they are born in the orthodox royal family and have no bloodline. In fact, this is also the foundation of the inheritance of any royal family, or even aristocratic families.

The second is to practice the Ziwei Yaoshi Jue passed down by Taizu, because this skill is closely related to the national destiny of the Dayong royal family.

According to Liu Laodao's understanding, if the emperor of the current dynasty practices this martial art, he can often show outstanding combat power across a large realm.

For example, if the emperor of the current dynasty is a master, then practicing Ziwei Yaoshi Jue can burst out the power of a grandmaster.

By analogy, a grandmaster can burst out the power of a celestial being, and if he cultivates into a celestial being, he can burst out the power of gods and demons, which is equivalent to temporarily condensing a Ziwei Dao fruit.

This is the power of the dynasty's national destiny, the power of the human dragon energy, and it is also the key to the Ziwei Yaoshi Jue far surpassing other martial arts for the Beitang royal family.

To put it bluntly, the land of Shenzhou is a world of supernatural power and martial arts. In order to maintain the throne, in addition to tyrannical power, it is also necessary to give people strong military power.

And the Ziwei Yaoshi Jue can take on such a responsibility, helping the person who sits on the throne to maintain a very high level of combat effectiveness, and the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the blessing, so that the person sitting on the throne will not be just a puppet.

Moreover, this is based on the fact that the Great Yong royal family is not a truly unified dynasty.

Although the imperial power is high, it is not supreme, and it is still necessary to share power and national destiny with other forces.

If you can really control power and be supreme, then even if a person with poor qualifications practices the Ziwei Yaoshi Jue, it will be like having divine help, and the power is immeasurable and invincible.

It is for this reason that, like the ninth prince Beitang Shu, who is obviously the son of the emperor, but turns to practice other methods, it is equivalent to automatically giving up the right to inherit the throne and announcing his exit in advance in the struggle for the throne.

However, it was not easy for Old Taoist Liu to say these things in front of the young man, so he could only say vaguely, "This, perhaps the Ninth Master has other ideas. Twelfth Master, you only need to practice Ziwei Yaoshi Jue carefully and wait for the right time. You will be able to turn things around naturally, and you don't need to worry about anything else." The young man did not comment, and was not satisfied with Old Taoist Liu's vague statement, so he continued, "Master Liu, do you think that Ninth Brother really has no intention of the throne, or is he retreating to advance and deceiving us first?" As soon as these words came out, Old Taoist Liu felt even more frightened. The fight for the throne among the princes has always been an extremely dangerous matter. The intrigues and conspiracies are like turbulent undercurrents. Many people with profound wisdom, prominent family background, or powerful martial arts have been involved in it and died and their families have been destroyed. Although Liu Laodao wanted to cling to this young man who had the Emperor's will, he also knew that he was not strong enough to intervene in the fight for the throne so early. He could only sigh and said, "Twelve Lord, in my opinion, you, Nine Lord, and even other princes, do not have this opportunity for the time being. Not to mention that the current emperor is in his prime, martial arts are powerful, and unfathomable, and he is even better than the previous two emperors. Just talking about the current situation, the world is turbulent, rebellions are everywhere, and we must not lose our composure. In the internal struggle, we give others an opportunity to take advantage of it." "Whether Nine Lord did it intentionally or unintentionally, it doesn't matter now. Only improving yourself and consolidating your foundation is what you should do now. This is the truth that the heaven is vigorous and the gentleman strives for self-improvement." The young man nodded. It must be said that Liu Laodao's words really temporarily dispelled some of his suspicions. Yes, Beitang Sheng is in his prime, and the great era is about to begin. No one knows how many years this person can sit on the throne. Thinking about the fight for the throne now is simply asking for trouble. He was not afraid of offending other brothers, but was afraid of being suspected and hated by Beitang Sheng, who was first an emperor and then a father. This completely cut off the possibility of a normal accession to the throne.

In addition, the current situation is indeed not very good.

The twelfth prince, from Yujing to the north, although there were not many soldiers on the way, there were also bandits everywhere. The local noble families, powerful people, gangs, and sects all expanded their power. The big fish ate the small fish, and the small fish ate the shrimps, forming an inherent process.

Many times, it is not even ambition that motivates people to act like this, but rather that if they do not grow stronger, they can only be eliminated. In order to survive and live, they can only continue to expand outwards.

This is just the reaction of local forces under normal circumstances. What about the top forces?

Not to mention the Nine Surnames and Thirteen Families, the Meng family alone is now in big trouble.

According to the private research conducted by the twelve princes themselves, the Meng family in Nan'an has already penetrated into various places in Jizhou through its accumulation and operation for more than a hundred years.

There are many nobles in Jizhou, including a large number of marquises and uncles, but the two families of Nan Anbo and Beininghou, headed by them, have almost divided up the entire power of Jizhou.

Other nobles either followed one of them, or several of them joined forces to protect themselves, so that Jizhou was either Meng or Lei, almost comparable to a family with nine surnames.

Especially the Meng family, when Meng Zhao rose like a comet and illuminated the land of China, their intimidation and influence were increasing day by day. Those nobles who originally remained neutral and tried to protect themselves had vague thoughts of turning to the Meng family.

If it weren't for his ninth brother, who acted as a prince to balance the situation and suppress some people with strange thoughts, the Lei family would have been defeated.

In other words, the Meng family has a tendency to become too big and become a hidden danger.

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