Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1690 Heavenly Man, Monk (Please subscribe)

The twelfth prince Beitangxing didn't know this. His face was gloomy, he thought for a moment and said,

"Master Liu, can you find a way to enter that blessed land? Although Meng Zhao has the upper hand, I don't believe it. There is no chance at all."

According to his thoughts, even if he doesn't get the opportunity, he can still think of ways to harm Meng Zhao's benefits. This is probably an idea that if I can't get it, you can't get it either.

Especially Liu Laodao himself is a master in this field, so he can give it a try.

Liu Laodao has lived for such a long time. He is not so wise as a monster, but he is also quite understanding of human nature. He knows Meng Zhao's attitude just now, and he offended Beitangxing so much. At this time, he wants to use his hands and feet to ruin the other person's good deeds. .

Regarding this point, Liu Laodao himself has no objections. After all, he has learned relevant knowledge, and the ancestors of the past generations have used this to gain the trust of the Tian family. Unfortunately, there is a difficulty here.

"I can't help it. Master Twelve, in my opinion, the so-called blessed land should be a cave world that is completely different from China. It is different from the plane we are in. If you want to find this cave world, you must be a warrior of gods and demons, or someone who is good at it. Those who are powerful in the way of space may have ingenious shortcuts, otherwise, it would be difficult to find the cave.”

In fact, as a dignified prince, Beitangxing's vision and knowledge are among the best in the world. How could he not know this truth?

It was just his unwillingness and Liu Laodao's past aloofness that made him miss him.

Now that his thoughts were broken, he was disappointed, but he was not too entangled. He did what he should do, but he couldn't do it. That was another way of saying it, and it was also a characteristic of his character.

At this moment, the compass pointer in Liu Laodao's hand suddenly began to rotate violently and chaotically.

In the same world, on the other side of the mountain, a golden auspicious cloud slowly floated across the sky, and there were soft but not dazzling golden lights, from far to near, and soon came to the mountain where the two of them were.

Liu Laodao was shocked. He had not seen such an expression and expression in the past several years, but today, it appeared one after another. This shows the shock that this sudden change brought to him.

"No, Master Twelve, it seems that there is some strong man approaching you and me. He has a strong magnetic field on his body that can even affect the heaven and earth. That's why the compass, the artifact passed down by my master, has become like this. Looks like this, so be careful!”

Speaking of people who were powerful enough to affect the magnetic field of heaven and earth, and on Lishou Mountain, Beitangxing's first thought was Meng Zhao. He also suspected that Meng Zhao had malicious intentions and deliberately changed his identity to deal with him.

Liu Laodao also thought about this and said suspiciously,

"No, if it's Meng Zhao, he must have come to silence him because of his previous attitude, for fear of offending Master Twelve."

However, he then thought about it, if he really wanted to silence him and was absolutely sure, it seemed that there was no need to do anything extra. He could just do it directly, so why come here to make up for it now?

Therefore, he immediately denied it,

"No, no, no, it's not Meng Zhao. Let's not talk about whether it is unnecessary for him to do this. In terms of martial arts alone, there is a big gap between the two. This person is probably the best in the world, and he has already understood the heavens and humans."

Beitangxing didn't think much of it at first, but when he heard what Liu Laodao said, that the person coming might be a master of heaven and man, he was also shocked.

Now it is no better than before. Since the collapse of the Huangming Dynasty, the great fortune of martial arts has been ruined. It is difficult to raise dragons in shallow water. The strong masters are already the best in the world. Unattainable peaks.

How could such a person exist? Even if he existed, why did he meet him by such a coincidence?

As for whether this heavenly being is Meng Zhao, Beitangxing has never doubted this.

No matter how talented Meng Zhao is, he is expected to become the supreme god and demon, but he still needs time to realize his talent and potential. If there is not enough time, he can only be regarded as a rising star, and the grandmaster is already at his peak.

Heavenly beings are beings who have cultivated their souls and placed themselves in the void, with the hope of picking up a Dao Fruit in the Heavenly Dao.

Meng Zhao may hope to become a heavenly being in the future, but it is absolutely impossible for him to achieve such martial arts at this stage.

However, if it wasn't Meng Zhao, who was this powerful celestial being?

Although Beitangxing was vaguely worried, this worry was only limited to the uncertainty caused by the opponent's powerful martial arts.

As for why Liu Laodao could confirm that the other party was a master of the heavenly level, not Meng Zhao.

The root cause is that the powerful celestial being is already a non-human creature, and the magnetic field of the physical body is very different from that of ordinary warriors.

This has nothing to do with whether he hides himself or not. It is simply an external expression of strength.

While the two were talking, the golden auspicious clouds on the other side seemed to be dragged by an external force and kept falling downwards. The wisps of auspiciousness finally turned into an elderly man wearing monk robes with a beard on his face and a beard on his neck. A middle-aged monk wearing prayer beads the size of his fist.

However, what is different from ordinary monks is that this middle-aged monk has short hair similar to Meng Chuan's. The roots are upright and thick like dark clouds, instead of being smooth.

His body is not very tall and majestic, just an ordinary person's height, but it gives people a sense of majesty that is as high as a mountain and can hold up the sky and the sea.

Walking towards Beitangxing and Liu Laodao step by step, there was no sound, and exquisite ripples in the sky appeared under their feet, turning into the shape of lotus flowers. They were almost the same as the Buddha in ancient myths and legends.

At this time, Beitangxing was almost certain that the monk with short hair and never shaved before him was probably one of the strongest men he had ever seen in his life.

The reason why I say he is one of the best is because he has never seen clearly what level of martial arts and martial arts his father, the Great Emperor Beitang Sheng, has reached.

After all, this monk is a heavenly being, but his father's behavior at certain times seems to be even worse.

But no matter what, there should be no doubt that there are only two strong ones.

As for Cui Wei, the governor of that day's punishment hall, compared with his father and this monk, he was still one level behind.

Such martial arts, not to mention unparalleled in the world, is also rare in this world. I have never heard of a master from a Buddhist temple or monastery who has become a powerful person in the world?

Landa Temple is one of the Thirteen Families, a holy land of martial arts and the head of the temple. There are as many masters as clouds and strong men as rain in the temple, and I have never heard of any strong men or gods sitting there.

Who is this person?

The monk grows lotuses every step of the way, with a calm temperament and a style of compassion and great treasure.

When he came close to the two of them, he smiled slightly, put one hand on his chest, nodded slightly, and said,

"Donor, this poor monk sees that you have an extraordinary demeanor and an extraordinary appearance. I don't know your name. Which family are you from?" (End of Chapter)

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