Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1693 Prevention, Incitement (Please subscribe)

He never believed in love for no reason, just like when he was in the Yujing City Palace, every time Beitang Sheng rewarded him, he had to think over and over again to see if there was anything wrong with it.

Is Beitang Sheng, the father, really out of love for his son, or does he have an ulterior motive, or is someone else deliberately guiding him?

Think twice before deciding how to respond. Acceptance is inevitable, but there are ways to give it as a gift, for personal use, or whatever.

It's not that he is asking for trouble, but sometimes, he thinks too little and gives others an excuse.

Conspiracy and conspiracy, in the palace, have always been as simple as ordinary people eating and drinking.

Such a life is of course sad and pale, just like a traveler who always lives in darkness and is always on guard against assassination in the darkness.

There is no end point and no reliable friends. Throughout his life, he has been fighting against the darkness and the open and hidden arrows that come from nowhere.

Only by constantly moving forward, constantly climbing, and constantly defeating opponents can we gain a little solace.

In fact, even if you reach the top, you still can't get rid of this dark environment, because it is too cold at high places, and there will be no close friends.

Perhaps, only at the moment of death can we truly bid farewell to this pale, cold, and cruel life.

However, precisely because of this environment and background, Beitangxing did avoid countless hidden arrows.

This middle-aged monk had such high martial arts skills that he could not imagine, and he had no way of knowing what his intentions were.

However, it is enough for Beitangxing to know that he will always be wary, vigilant, and on guard against this person.

However, even so, he still made some efforts to test this person and said,

"Thank you very much, Master, for passing on the power and giving me the treasure. However, I don't know who the master is and whether he has a dharma name so that the disciples can chant sutras and pray to him morning and night."

The middle-aged monk didn't care about the other party's temptation. Like a giant elephant, he didn't care whether an ant stretched out its left foot or right foot first. It was meaningless.

But he didn't seem to really regard Beitangxing and Liu Laodao as meat on the felt board, he said mysteriously,

"You don't need to go into details about my identity as a teacher. If you really want to, you can call me a Dharma monk. I am not from any temple in the world today, and I am not from Buddhism. However, what I practice is indeed the authentic Buddhism, and it is the supreme and wonderful Dharma.

As for your basic martial arts, it is the Ziwei Yaoshi Art of the royal family. This martial art is a martial art that the royal family has studied deeply. It is powerful and has the blessing of human dragon energy and national luck. Its prospects are no less than the stunts of gods and demons. There is no need to change it. "

Beitang Xing was moved in his heart and said quickly,

"Master, I'm afraid there is one thing you don't know. In today's world, a precious body of crape myrtle is born, and the stars are shining down. The method of crape myrtle that we and the royal family have learned has great hidden dangers. I don't know if there is any good way to solve it. ?”

The middle-aged monk who claimed to be a Dharma monk nodded and replied directly,

"The body of the stars is headed by the crape myrtle, the sun, and the lunar yin. When the crape myrtle is born, the stars in the sky avoid and protect it, so it is also called the emperor star.

If it's a prosperous age, that's it. The Ziwei star body can be transformed into civil servants and generals. It will be suppressed and contained by the prosperous dynasty, and its aura of hidden dragon and true dragon will be gradually eliminated, and in the end it will only have the appearance of a python.

However, now is a sign of troubled times, and the world is in endless chaos. The birth of Ziwei's treasure body is a sign of the emperor's star shifting.

Your worries are not unreasonable, but as long as you, my disciple, wear the Buddhist beads added by Master, you will be protected by the supreme Dharma, and even the Lord Ziwei will not be able to counterattack you. will not be affected. "

In fact, Beitangxing already had Taoist talismans in his body, and the Ziwei treasure body had a very weak influence on him. Now with the addition of Buddhist beads, he can sit back and relax even more.

He was even thinking about whether he could use these to gain status, allies, and more say in the royal family.

Just as he was thinking about it, Bei Tangxing's eyes suddenly lit up and he said quickly,

"By the way, Master, my disciple just met a person. According to what I, Master Liu, said, he intercepted the opportunity that should have belonged to me, and he is the son of contemporary destiny. I don't know, Master, can you imagine this person?" Meet him?"

But it was Beitang Xing who had the intention to kill Meng Zhao, and his intention to kill was only aroused because of his lack of ability.

As a result, he met such a great master of heaven and man, and he accepted him as his disciple in a very dramatic way and gave him benefits.

So, can we use this cheap master to kill the world-famous Beimeng Dragon King in Lishou Mountain?

Beitangxing's intentions are indeed sinister, but in fact, if he didn't have some scruples, Meng Zhao's thoughts would not be much better. It can only depend on the level of the two people's methods.

If you are sure, you will pursue and fight fiercely to completely eliminate the opponent. If you are not sure, you can only stay low and be small, and tolerate it for the time being.

Hearing this, Liu Laodao also suddenly realized, and quickly added,

"Yes, Master, that Meng Zhao actually practiced in Daci'en Temple in Yujing City in his early years. Xiaodao had met him before and used the secret method to treat him.

As a result, after just meeting the other party, I found that the other party had the appearance of a dragon, the bones of an emperor, and the body of a silkworm. He was no longer what he used to be.

Not only that, his appearance is quite normal, full of chaos, and the secrets of heaven are unknown. The fate of the people around him has also undergone tremendous changes and transfers. It is very strange. He is a monster that neither the veteran nor the master has ever encountered.

Xiaodao suspected that Meng Zhao had achieved the greatest fortune in Lishou Mountain and was involved with Shaohao and Di Yu who had left a legacy in the mountain, which was why such a vision happened. "

After hearing what these two people said, the middle-aged monk's expression changed slightly for the first time, and his eyes became much deeper.

"Meng Zhao, the rumored Dragon King of Northern Meng, is he in Lishou Mountain?"

How cunning Beitang Xing was. As soon as he heard the middle-aged monk's tone, he knew that even if he was not very hostile to Meng Zhao, he was very interested.

Anyway, no matter which attitude it was, I would not ignore it, so I quickly replied,

"It is none other than the Dragon King of North Meng, Meng Zhao. He is a very powerful martial artist. He has cultivated a master's martial arts and is the best in the world.

My disciple originally wanted to rekindle our old relationship through the relationship we had with him when we were young, but I didn’t expect that he had a cold attitude and was unwilling to interact with me.

In this case, the disciple will not miss the old relationship for the time being, but is willing to tell the whereabouts of this person and help the master seize the opportunity.

That Shaohao was the ancient Emperor of Heaven, and Emperor Yu was the first human emperor in the Middle Ages. They were both detached supreme beings.

If the opportunity and legacy of these two supreme masters can be owned by the master, they will definitely provide great help for the master to become a god and demon in the future and to harvest the Taoist fruits. "

Beitang's jargon is highly inflammatory, both internally and externally, but this inflammatoryness is not repulsive.

Because it is very simple, there is something in it that is worthy of the middle-aged monk's attention.

That is the realm of gods and demons, the possibility of picking the Tao Fruit.

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