Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1715 Promise, Account (Please subscribe)

Bai Xingyun is the heir of the head of the Bai family, one of the nine surnames. He is born rich, superior to others, unruly, arrogant, and never disobeys others. Logically speaking, even if Meng Zhao behaves more outrageously, he will not be like this.

But long before Meng Zhao, he had been severely beaten by Shen Tianci, and even developed inner demons.

Meng Zhao and Shen Tianci are as famous as each other, and now they have mastered the martial arts of a grand master. They have been blessed with a heaven-defying opportunity. At least in Bai Xingyun's view, they are even better than Shen Tianci. It doesn't matter if they surrender to such a person.

This seems to involve a little bit of Bai Xingyun's own thoughts. He has dust in his heart and inner demons. Now even if he is lucky enough to complete the blood sacrifice diagram, if he wants to become a killing god like Bai Qi, he will be in the realm of human slaughter. There is a 200% chance of failure. It's possible, so it's impossible for him to defeat Shen Tianci.

In this case, it is better to save the country through a curve. As long as Meng Zhao can kill Shen Tianci, even if he does not kill the opponent and defeats the opponent, he can use the secret method to kill the inner demons, regain his clear spiritual consciousness, and practice without restraint.

Of course there is a price, which is to erect another statue in his heart, belonging to Meng Zhao, but this statue was erected willingly, and unlike the inner demons, it had no hindrance to his cultivation.

Mr. Yue is the person who knows Bai Xingyun best. Seeing this, he guessed what he was thinking, sighed and said,

"Dragon King, what the Third Young Master said is true. When we were in the Golden Palace Space, we both joined the Dragon King's sect and had no intention of going back. What's more, the world is in turmoil today. The Dragon King has obtained the Qianlong Dragon Vein and the Sheji Ding. We are talented people." I am lucky enough to be favored by the Dragon King."

Compared to the time when he was still carrying his identity in the Evil Suppressing Golden Palace, Mr. Yue is surprisingly talkative at this time, and his posture is very low. It seems to be because there are only the three of them in the room at this time, and there are no outsiders?

Meng Zhao's thoughts swirled in his mind, he smiled slightly, nodded and said,

"You are sincere, and I am not lying. The Bai family is a family with nine surnames, and the family tradition is strict. I will not ask Brother Bai to do anything extraordinary. I only hope that you can practice diligently and help me a lot. The family shares its worries.

If one day, I, Meng Zhao, raise my troops to fight within the confines of the Bai family, and Brother Bai can think about today's events, use less swords, and commit less killings, I, Meng Zhao, will be grateful. "

The translation of this sentence is, I am not telling lies. There is really nothing for you two to do. As long as you, Bai Xingyun, practice well and win over the Bai family's forces, in the future, if Meng Zhao fights against him, it is best to win it without bloodshed.

Just like playing chess, Bai Xingyun and Grandmaster Yue are just two casual moves, which are also hidden moves. They won't make a difference in a short period of time, but once the critical moment comes, they can have a huge effect.

Of course, Meng Zhao was not negotiating. If he was really serious, he would have removed the feathered insect's method long ago. The reason why he did not remove it was because he wanted to threaten the two of them with life and death.

The world does not depend on personal will, and don't always think that you can do anything.

To conquer someone, it takes time, energy, skill, and even a little bit of luck.

Bai Xingyun, Grandmaster Yue, and Meng Zhao were not sure. Even if they were sure, they would not take risks. Naturally, they could only use such threats to control the other party.

Showing kindness and gentleness is just a way to reduce the other party's resistance. No matter whether it is useful or not, at least the attitude is here.

When Bai Xingyun heard this, he nodded and gave his assurance,

"Dragon King, don't worry. This time I built the Blood Sacrifice Diagram in Lishou Mountain, which puts me one step ahead of several brothers. I won't say I will be in charge of the Bai family in the future, but I should still have a certain status and influence in the Bai family.

If one day, the Dragon King can rule the world, how can I, Bai Xingyun, be against the Dragon King since we have the friendship we have today? I must do my best to persuade my family and avoid military disaster.

In addition, I, Bai Xingyun, also have some connections and connections in this northern land, and I am willing to hand them over to the Dragon King as a sign of sincerity. "

"Okay, I will remember what you said today. If you don't let me down, I won't let you down."

After the two of them left, Meng Zhao summoned Gan Mingfeng alone.

There were only two people in the room at this time, and Meng Zhao did not hide or embellish, and said directly,

"Then Monk Huikong will go with me next, and Beitang Xing and the old Taoist priest will probably be by my side. You can't stay with me anymore, so I ask you and Mu Yi to go to the Xuan Shuang Society to take over the forces left by Peng Haibing. .

Do you know why? "

Gan Mingfeng's forehead drooped, and he could only see Meng Zhao's legs. His body leaned forward slightly and his waist was bent.

Hearing this, he hurriedly said,

"Since my subordinate has a special status, he is both an internal guard of the royal family and a disciple of the Seven Star Tower, and he has betrayed both sides one after another. If he is discovered, he will definitely cause big trouble. The Dragon King cares deeply for his subordinates, so he gave him this special gift. A fat bastard."

What Gan Mingfeng said was not wrong.

The royal family's inner guard and the disciple of the Seven Star Tower may sound nice, but in detail, it's not a good place to go.

Let’s not talk about the inner guard. He did the dirty work. He has merit and his superiors will receive it. He is a pure tool. At most, he received part of the resources to train him in his early years. But just asking Gan Mingfeng to betray Qixing Tower and kill his fellow sect is doomed. He is cold-blooded and not worthy of service.

The disciples of Qixing Tower seem to be tall and distinguished, but they are just disciples, and they still serve others as subordinates. They look beautiful, but only they know whether they are warm or cold on the inside.

But the Xuanshuang Society is different. It is still a force. Even if Mu Yi is the leader, how can he be ranked second? Not to mention gold, silver, treasures, wine and food, what makes him most excited is that he can himself Call the shots.

After all, Meng Zhao's base camp is in Lingwu City. In the future, Yanzhou will only need to obey Meng Zhao's orders occasionally. The rest of the time, he and Mu Yi can discuss it and enjoy the feeling of having great power.

It is not wrong to say that Meng Zhao gave him a fat job.

However, Meng Zhao nodded, then shook his head and said,

"Most of what he said is correct. Beitangxing is a capable person. In a short period of time, he doesn't know your identity or your situation, but as time goes by, you will show up sooner or later, so you must stay away from him.

Secondly, our Meng family is about to marry into Qixinglou. Your status is embarrassing and you will definitely not be able to show up, let alone be by my side. You will have to go out.

I originally wanted to send you to Liangzhou, where I also have several properties, but the territory of Yanzhou is very important and needs a smart person, so I will leave it to you.

When you go to the Xuanshuang Society, you have two tasks.

First, stare at Mu Yi. He is a descendant of the Yang royal family. He seems to have surrendered to me, but in the end the treasures of the Evil Suppressing Golden Palace belong to me. People’s hearts are unpredictable, and they may not be without resentment. You have to monitor carefully. If If there is any abnormality, you cannot make the decision privately. You must report it to me before you can take action.

Second, I want you to use what you have learned to train my eyeliners and nails in Yanzhou. I will send people to allocate the necessary money, resources, and manpower. What you have to do is to train people well and not to fool them.

If you do these two things well and become a master in martial arts, you will be rich and powerful in the future. "

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