Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1720 Threat (please subscribe)

Although Liu Laodao was surprised by Meng Zhao's keen sense of smell, his face showed no confusion as he nodded and said,

"I know that the emperor is the supreme master of the dynasty, and the clan mansion is just a knife in the emperor's hand to deal with the clan. If Da Zongzheng knows, the emperor must know. If Da Zongzheng doesn't know, the emperor may also know. "

"Oh, in this case, the emperor has acquiesced to the existence of Beitang Xing. Could it be that he really intends to make him the crown prince?"

Meng Zhao's words seemed to have no beginning or end, but Liu Laodao could hear the hidden meaning. This person with the emperor's Qi and the emperor's destiny, no matter who he is, even if he is a prince, for the current emperor, It's all a threat.

Unless Beitang Sheng really intends to make Beitang the crown prince and hand over the entire Great Yong world to him in the future.

Otherwise, even if they are biological father and son, even if they do not attack directly, they will definitely have corresponding means to restrain the other party. This is power play, regardless of whether the other party is his own blood heir.

"The emperor's intentions are beyond the reach of a small person like me. If you ask the old Taoist this question, I really can't answer it."

"Okay, let me ask another question, who assigned you to Beitangxing, Da Zongzheng, or the Emperor?"

This time, Liu Laodao finally couldn't sit still anymore, with a look of horror in his eyes, and said,

"Why do you say that? Is King Menglong a little overstepped?"

"Old Taoist Priest, don't be surprised. I am quite curious. When I heard what Heavenly Man said, I couldn't help but put it in my heart. After a little deduction, I realized that Old Taoist Priest did not come to Beitangxing by chance. It’s an assignment, even a mission. I wonder if what I said is correct?”

Liu Laodao felt a powerless feeling in his heart. It was clear that Meng Zhao didn't know any way to calculate, and his ideas were shocking, but all of them had something to say. He could only be called a strange person.

"The old Taoist just wanted to spend his old age in peace, so he found the Twelfth Prince, hoping to use his imperial destiny and imperial aura to enjoy glory and wealth without anyone else's instructions.

King Menglong, it is already rude for you to come without telling me today, and then you ask so many sensitive questions. The old master is really beyond his capabilities. "

Liu Laodao felt that Meng Zhao behaved like a domineering martial artist. He was unreasonable and unforgiving, and the more he asked, the more outrageous he became. However, this man was not asking random questions. He felt a little unsure, so he wanted to end the conversation.

If he said a few more words, he might even expose his old background.

However, he forgot that since Meng Zhao could sneak into his room quietly, he could not leave easily.

"Taoist Priest, what is your level of cultivation?"

Meng Zhao ignored Liu Laodao's expulsion order, his eyes narrowed slightly, a sharp purple light flashed, and his tone was unpredictable.

"This, the old Taoist cultivation is far inferior to the martial arts of King Meng Long, but it is still a small glimpse of the master's abilities."

"Yes, you are a Grandmaster, but Grandmasters are also divided into three, six, and nine levels. Old Taoist Master, your Grandmaster's martial arts may be unique, but your combat power is really low. With my martial arts, how many moves do you think I need to use to kill you?"

Liu Laodao was originally full of confidence and felt that Meng Zhao would not deal with him for no reason, but now when he heard what the other party said, his heart suddenly skipped a beat and he felt a little dizzy. His heart was beating violently, his blood was rising, and even his face was slightly pale. reddish.

"Here, King Menglong, what do you mean by this? Are you trying to harm the old Taoist?"

"It may or may not be the case. It all depends on whether the Taoist leader cooperates with Meng."

This reply made Liu Laodao feel angry, angry, and a little scared.

Just like Meng Zhao's question, how many moves does he need to kill Liu Laodao?

If he used his full strength, of course it would be an instant kill with one move. If not, how could he be worthy of Meng Zhao's supreme magical power and great master's cultivation?

However, there is room for change in Meng Zhao's words. It does not necessarily mean that he will be killed, but his cooperation is required.

As for what to cooperate with, he was obviously a tool and an information dealer, answering many questions for Meng Zhao.

After thinking about it for a while, the old Taoist priest hesitated and said tentatively,

"It would be easy for King Menglong to kill me, but the old Taoist priest is just an ordinary person, so what's the use of killing me?"

"Also, even if the Dragon King really kills me, how will he face the Twelve Princes?"

Meng Zhao lightly flicked the nail of his right index finger. He didn't use much force, but it made a hissing sound. Moreover, wherever the fingertip touched, ripples appeared in the entire space, showing his extraordinary martial arts cultivation.

"Taoist Priest, the world of the strong does not need to listen to the wails of the weak. I, Meng Zhao, do not need any reason to kill someone, as long as I like it, let alone you, even if it is ten, a hundred, or a thousand , ten thousand, what does it matter?

As for Beitangxing, do I care what happens to him?

If he is honest, that's all. If he insists on doing something, it's not difficult to kill him.

After all, the relationship between Master and me is always closer than him, right? "

Liu Laodao couldn't help but pull off a few strands of his beard with his oily fingers. He felt as if he was in a world of ice and snow. The biting cold made him shiver all over.

He never thought that Meng Zhao was a good person, so he had to believe the other person's statement that he would kill him if he liked it, because the way of the world is that the weak eat the strong. The so-called rules and laws are often made by those in high positions to restrain those in lower positions. Just a tool for the reader.

In fact, Meng Zhao is just the epitome of a kind of people. This kind of people stand on the top of the land of China and represent the upper echelons of nobles, aristocratic families, and wealthy families.

There is also the latter sentence, Meng Zhao's attitude towards Beitangxing is also outrageously casual.

The majestic prince, kill whenever you say, who do you think you are?

Also, Liu Laodao always felt that Meng Zhaolai was weird, the questions he asked were weird, and the words he said were even weirder.

These are all treacherous words, but they are only said to the people around him, the twelfth prince.

Aren't you afraid that it will spread to the ears of the twelve princes, and even the entire royal family?

Is Meng Zhao really ready to rebel?

After thinking about it, Liu Laodao couldn't figure out Meng Zhao's true thoughts. He just felt that this man was really crazy. Everything he said and did was big enough to poke a hole in the sky.

Finally, regarding the monk that day, who had a closer relationship with Meng Zhao than with the twelfth prince, Liu Laodao did not think that the other party was making lies or telling lies.

It's a simple truth. When he looked at Beitang Xing's face, it was obvious that his luck was booming and rising.

As a result, the middle-aged monk followed Meng Zhao for a walk, and Beitang Xing's appearance suddenly plummeted, which was shocking.

Obviously, the change in the middle-aged monk's attitude can only be closely related to Meng Zhao.

If Meng Zhao wanted to kill Beitang Xing, the middle-aged monk really couldn't tell what he would choose. (End of chapter)

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