Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1729 Divine Sword, Hidden Sword (Please subscribe)

Kaiming City is an outer city surrounding Yanzhou City. It is not small in size. It is called a county town, but it is actually the size of a county town. There are 700,000 people living inside and outside. Especially after the heavy snow disaster, Liangzhou was severely hit. , there are only a few tens of thousands of people who came here to escape famine.

It is already densely populated and can be regarded as an affiliated city outside the state city, so it is built quite grandly. A large river is mighty and tens of meters wide, flowing eastward around the city gate. It is a natural moat to cross. The river must be crossed by a huge stone bridge built above the river.

On the huge stone bridge, there is a lot of traffic and pedestrians. With the rushing river below, it forms a unique bright color. It can be regarded as the most magnificent scene that Meng Zhao and his party have seen in recent days.

At this time, Lu Hou'er had almost completely digested what he had gained from Lishou Mountain. His cultivation became more pure and his realm was quite lofty. He could be regarded as a strong man who could stand alone and had a majestic bearing.

However, around Meng Zhao, he was quite enthusiastic. He kept telling Meng Zhao about the local customs, anecdotes and anecdotes, mixed in with some descriptions of various forces.

The reason why Lu Houer is so excited and even so familiar with this place is very simple. This Kaiming City is the headquarters of his platoon gang. Coming here means that he can go home safely. How can he not be excited and happy?

Based on what Lu Houer said, Meng Zhao finally understood some of the tricks and positioning of this enlightened city.

First of all, the geographical location of this place is quite special, because the relationship between this natural moat is somewhat similar to Lingwu City. It is a strategic location. It can be connected in all directions and quickly develop relationships in all directions with the help of waterways in a short period of time.

Therefore, Tan Changming stationed 30,000 troops in Kaiming City. The camp was built on the outskirts behind the south city gate, which could ensure that the army could be mobilized in the shortest time and attack along the waterway. This was a military method.

Also because of the large army stationed there, even if there are complex ranks, many warriors, and intertwined forces in the Jianghu, it is still difficult to cause a big disturbance, because there is a large army on the side, like a tiger crouching on a hill, how can we not be wary?

Secondly, many of the forces here are actually secondary derivatives of the forces in Yanzhou City, and they can barely represent the positioning of many forces. The internal situation is relatively complicated.

Like Lu Hou'er, he has a platoon, and he is also a first-class innate warrior. He can cross the rivers and rivers. He can be said to dominate one area and has the power of a strong man.

But in the final analysis, he can gain a foothold here, not because of anything else, but because he is Tan Changming, and the leader of the Sirius Alliance. He is protected by two big bosses, and has the double backing of the official and Green Forest. Like a fish in water, you have the achievements and status you have today.

This is also the biggest difference between him and Xu Tingyun and others. For example, although the other families are inevitably surrendered to the Tan family and the leader of the Tianlang Alliance, they are not deeply involved in the end. Maybe they just have a name and are more independent.

Of course, the Tan family is powerful, but it cannot be said to dominate Yanzhou. There are still many forces that can influence the situation in Yanzhou. For example, one of the thirteen families, the Shenlong Sees the Head but Not the End, Shen Dao Tang, can also be called the Demon Sword. Hall.

Among the thirteen martial arts holy places, there are two forces that are relatively special, but also very powerful and terrifying.

One sword and one sword, the sword is the Divine Sword Hall, and the sword is the Hidden Sword Palace. The first owners were all the supreme geniuses who rose like comets after the collapse of the Emperor Ming Dynasty. They are known as the two heroes of swords and swords, and they are unique in the world.

The reason why these two forces are special is that they are both unique forces formed by the gathering of scattered people, and a scattered force gradually evolved over time to form a world-famous martial arts holy land.

The original Divine Sword Hall and Hidden Sword Palace actually refer to two people, the Divine Sword Master and the Hidden Sword Old Man.

The two of them were rivals of each other. In the era when the Emperor Ming Dynasty had just collapsed, they fought many times, winning and losing each other. They were dissatisfied with each other and vowed to fight for the first place in the sword or the way of the sword.

Later, when their martial arts reached a bottleneck, they called on sword monks from all over the world to study together and focus on martial arts practice, hoping that they could work together and use collective wisdom to break through their own limits.

Maybe it was because they had calculated that the fate of martial arts would be weakened by all the people, which caused the two of them to notice something abnormal, and they hoped to solve the fate of the decline of martial arts, so they came up with this idea.

Both of them are extremely talented people, and they are both people with broad minds. They have nothing to hide in what they think and see.

Therefore, it has indeed attracted swordsmen and swordsmen in the rivers and lakes to rush to him like crucian carp crossing the river. They will practice by his side for at least several months, and at most for several years or even decades, studying martial arts carefully, and slowly, from Individuals form a collective, and collectives form a specific force.

Therefore, there is a certain degree of chance and particularity in the formation of these two martial arts holy places.

And because nine out of ten warriors in the world are swordsmen, even if they are disciples of Buddhism and Taoism, there are many warriors who specialize in swords, which naturally makes the two families stronger and stronger.

To this day, the Divine Sword Hall and the Hidden Sword Palace have become the two peaks of swordsmanship and swordsmanship in the world.

The sword skills and sword manuals hidden in it can be said to be as numerous as the stars in the sky, and there are many unparalleled magical skills that can enter the realm of gods and demons.

Another obvious characteristic of the two major forces is that they are both self-respecting and generous. It can even be said that they have eliminated the so-called prejudices about martial arts.

It is said that the broomstick is cherished, which means that it is only open to practitioners of the Tao, that is, those who practice swords can only go to the Divine Sword Hall, and those who practice swords can only go to the Hidden Sword Palace for advice. Some martial arts practitioners, who practice both, and As long as those who are not recognized by the two forces and think that what they have learned is not good or expert, they will never agree with Qimen Weapon, let alone teach the essence of it.

Speaking of being generous and breaking away from martial arts prejudices, it refers to people who are dedicated to the art of swordsmanship and swordsmanship, and have enough talent, potential, or good luck to go to the two holy places of martial arts to accept the test.

Whether it is the righteous path or the evil path, whether it is a famous sect or an unknown individual.

Once you pass this test, you will be carefully trained by a martial arts holy land, and you will have magical skills and magic weapons.

Yes, these two forces are also the ones with the most hidden magical weapons.

For example, in the Hidden Sword Palace, there is a place called the Sword Tower. There are endless swords hidden in the building. It is a twelve-story pavilion with twelve ladders representing twelve levels of swords. It is even said that there is a heaven-level divine sword. Once someone can awaken its sword heart, Mastering the Divine Sword makes you not only invincible, but also allows you to reach the supreme realm of swordsmanship.

Another example is the Divine Sword Hall, which has a knife-sharpening pool with countless knives. According to legend, there is a magic sword in it, which is as powerful as a heaven-level magic weapon.

This is also the reason why the Divine Sword Hall is often called the Demon Sword Hall.

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