Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1740 Opportunity (please subscribe)

When Lao Ba heard what Lu Hou'er said, he was even more elated and could burst into laughter. However, he didn't dare to show his emotions to avoid causing dissatisfaction to his old employer. Therefore, he suppressed his excitement and pretended to be calm, saying,

"This move by the leader of the gang is a kindness to me, no less than my biological parents. However, if I, the eighth brother, leave, who will be able to share the worries of the gang leader? Would you like to think about it again?"

Although there is a sense of being both responsible and established, one cannot be arrogant and forget his old club when he succeeds, otherwise Lu Houer can regret it at any time and hold him under his hands, and he cannot even touch Meng Zhao.

And his performance really made Lu Houer quite satisfied, saying,

"It's good that you have this kind of heart. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. King Menglong is an extraordinary person. His future is unlimited. Being able to work under him is a great blessing. But King Menglong has so many people. , not all of them can be reused and trusted.

Therefore, I value your ability and transfer you to work under King Menglong. I don’t expect you, the old man, to treat me as you did in the past. I only hope that you will really lay down a foundation and have a foothold in the name of King Menglong. Please don't forget my introduction today. "

It is ironic to say that it was Lao Ba who once acted as a introducer and sent women of the type that Lu Houer liked to his house. Now, Lu Houer acts as an introducer and plans to bring Lao Ba to his house. Meng Zhao.

Hearing this, Lao Ba quickly raised his right palm, with a serious expression and bright eyes, and said solemnly,

"I, the Eighth Prince, swear here that if I am recommended by the gang leader to work under King Menglong today, if I can really achieve something in the future, I will not forget today's kindness. If I violate it, I will be struck by thunder from the sky and die without a complete body." , and will never be reincarnated for eternity.”

This oath is quite big, but that's what it is. Oaths are just like farts. Once they are said, they are gone. There may not even be a trace left, and not everyone believes in this thing.

In fact, the best way to maintain the relationship between the two parties and bind the other party is to use a certain method to control the person like Meng Zhao, such as using time-sensitive poison. Every time, an antidote is needed to relieve the poison, otherwise it will Death from poison.

Or not poisoning, but secretly holding the person who cares about the other person, or even regards the person as life, in your hand as a blackmail. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is actually easier to operate as long as you know the person's temperament accurately.

Of course, both of the above methods are tough and can easily lead to backlash.

For this reason, Lu Houer was unwilling to use this method to bind Lao Ba. It was originally a good act of kindness, but if he did it this way, wouldn't it be self-defeating and turn against him?

The most important thing is that he still believes in Lao Ba's character. It's not about how good he is, but that he is not a ruthless person. Lu Hou'er believes that he will not misjudge the person.

Even if you really see the wrong person, you are blind and cannot blame others.

Therefore, after seeing Lao Ba swear, he shook his head and said,

"You don't have to be like this. The friendship between you and me is not shallow. Over the years, there is always some true love, so we won't restrain each other in such a vicious way.

You should also settle down. Since I said this, I must have made plans. You have to work hard and work hard. King Menglong is not as easy to dismiss as me. "

Of course he, Lu Hou'er, was easy to get rid of, because he was from a humble background, had little knowledge, and had some ambitions, but was limited in strength and power and was difficult to form, so he was easy to coax.

Furthermore, he never concealed his preferences, so Lao Ba was able to do whatever he wanted, and even found ways to help him have fun.

Meng Zhao was different. He was a serious Grand Master martial artist and was from a noble family. He had never seen anything or played with anything.

Because the levels are different, you can't even guess what people are thinking.

Therefore, what he likes may not be what Meng Zhao likes. Whether Lao Ba can continue to use his specialty of licking dogs and helping others is still open to debate.

If Lao Ba doesn't perform well and is pushed back by Meng Zhao, Lu Hou'er will have nothing to do with it. At most, he will lose a free move, and he can continue to use it if Meng Zhao pulls him back.

But Lao Ba may not be able to accept the gap from heaven to hell, and even if he is not careful, his whole person may be ruined.

Therefore, he had to get vaccinated in advance and give Lao Ba a mental expectation and preparation.

Lao Ba obviously also heard the hidden meaning in Lu Hou'er's words, nodded fiercely and said,

"Don't worry, Gang Leader, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I want to change my life against fate. This is the only time. I will seize it tightly and never let go."

How far can Lao Ba do it?

If Meng Zhao likes it, he can give all his women to Meng Zhao. If Meng Zhao likes it, he can spend all his wealth, just hoping to make Meng Zhao happy.

Because, to him, these are all foreign objects, and he also has an extremely hot and pure heart for martial arts.

He had obtained women and property before, so he never cherished them.

Martial arts is his elusive dream. For this dream, of course he can give everything he has.

Lao Ba also understands the truth that opportunities are more important than anything else.

In this world, injustice, injustice, despair, and desperate situations are happening all the time.

He, the eighth child, is actually lucky. There are many people who are a thousand times, ten thousand times more miserable than him.

These people can even give up their own lives, let alone give up everything they have?

What they lack is just such an opportunity.

Lao Ba was determined, this time he would have a foothold under Meng Zhao's family.

"Okay, if you have this intention, you'll be halfway there, but don't be too hasty.

I have something to do later and I have to go out to look for Zhao Laodao. You can take my place and go to serve King Menglong.

When the Dragon King asks something, you must answer honestly and don't be clever.

It would be even better if you could take this short opportunity to make King Menglong happy. "

As Lu Houer spoke, he tightened the wooden knife hidden under the scabbard in his hand.

This time it involves Gu Li and the Tan family. He is involved in it, and he doesn't know what the future will be. Therefore, Lao Ba is his back-up man, not his back-up man.

Lao Ba was even more happy and asked,

"Then, Gang Leader, you have to tell me carefully about King Meng Long's personality, temperament, and preferences. I don't know anything about it. If I want to do something, I can't do anything!"

"Ha, the King Menglong in my eyes may not be the same as the one in your eyes. It's up to you to see, observe and understand everything by yourself. I can't help you.

Okay, these are the limits, I'm going to set off now, you can take care of yourself! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Hou'er didn't care what Lao Ba was thinking now. He flicked his sleeves, left here, and went to Wu Wanzhong's home to invite Zhao Laodao. (End of chapter)

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