Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1879: The Past of the Divine Sword (Subscription Request)

The two of them walked and walked until they came to the corresponding position in front of the Ye family's main door. They also saw the word Chengjun on the plaque of the Ye family's door.

While Tong Lie was chewing the bean cake, he looked at the door of Ye's house with twinkling eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

The middle-aged fat man also watched for a while. When he noticed Tong Lie's strange reaction, he was startled and said quickly,

"Tong Lie, you must not have any ideas about the Ye family. Although the Ye family is not in decline, there are no famous strong men. If you challenge the Ye family, it will have no effect at all."

Tong Lie did not agree, but said something meaningful,

"The Ye Family's Divine Sword is not only widely spread in your Central Plains region, it is also a first-class hero in our polar ice fields.

Lao Xia, do you ever know how Ye Shaoqiu, the Ye family's divine sword, resisted the coalition of hundreds of tribes? "

Fatty Xia was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about this, and it hadn't been recorded in history. He knew what Tong Lie meant?

Thinking of this, Fatty Xia almost gave himself a big mouth. This Tong Lie was born from a barbarian tribe in the polar ice fields.

The barbarians have always been among the top three tribes in the polar ice fields. Every time they invade China and there is a war, there must be barbarians.

Presumably, there were masters among the barbarians who experienced this personally, and this is why some information from that time was passed down.

Suddenly, Fatty Xia was also curious and asked,

"Then I really want to listen carefully. Uncle Tong Lie Tong, please tell me carefully!"

Tong Lie rolled his eyes and was very disdainful of Fatty Xia's attitude of using people to face the front and not using people to face the back, but he didn't say much.

"Hey, this goes back to the size of the coalition of hundreds of races back then.

As far as I know, when China was in chaos, you human race were fighting among themselves. Liangzhou is adjacent to the polar ice field and is a fortress. If we, the hundreds of tribes from the polar ice field, want to attack Liangzhou, we must use sufficient strength.

This coalition army has a total of 200,000 troops. They are all strong men who have experienced fighting and fighting in the polar ice fields and are extremely fierce.

There are definitely many masters among them. There are two great celestial beings who are the chief and deputy commanders of the coalition forces, ten grand masters, and dozens of other grand masters. With this power in the land of China today, let alone conquering a small Liangzhou, even if It’s enough to conquer the world! "

Speaking of this, Tong Lie's face was still full of pride.

Fatty Xia didn't have much to say. To be honest, in terms of strength on paper, if this coalition of hundreds of ethnic groups really attacked the current Dayong Dynasty, it would still have no problem conquering half of the country, not to mention the entire world.

However, the key point is that if you can occupy it but do not have enough manpower and strength to manage it, you will be defeated sooner or later.

The land of China is huge, with fourteen states and a vast territory. You can calculate for yourself, how many people are needed to govern it?

What's more, most of the people from the hundreds of tribes are working hard for food and clothing, and not many are literate. If they want to govern the country, they simply don't have that many talents.

Furthermore, there is also a huge gap in ideology. This is not a struggle for hegemony between humans and humans, but a struggle between humans and alien races. It is impossible to surrender easily.

Therefore, all knowledgeable people in China understand that it is impossible for the remnants of the hundreds of tribes to counterattack China. Even if they have a large enough military advantage, they can only show off their power for a while, lengthen the regional front, and lengthen the long-term front. The remaining evil will surely be defeated.

This also refers to today’s China, and counting back.

That is to say, the land of China where Ye Shaoan was at that time. Although the world was full of wars, one thing is that the arrangement of counting all the people at that time should not have played a significant role. Beitang Gong had not yet been born, which naturally made martial arts still in its prime. The prosperous stage.

Powerful people emerge in endlessly in the land of China. You have many masters from foreign races, including gods, great masters, and masters. However, the masters and strong men of the human race in China will only be more than you.

It was only because of the serious internal strife that everyone was in separate camps, so the aliens seized the opportunity and planned to plunder them, but they didn't expect to meet such a divine man as Ye Shaoqiu.

Tong Lie didn't have the ability to read minds, so he didn't know what Fatty Xia was thinking, so he continued,

"At that time, the coalition forces of hundreds of tribes had arrived in front of Tianguan, but unexpectedly they only rested for the night. That night, many tribal leaders and generals had their hair cut off, and it was clearly placed beside their pillows. At the same time, they were engraved on the ground. The word "leaf"

Fatty Xia was surprised.

"You mean, Ye Shaoqiu sneaked into the camp with the Allied Forces of Hundreds of Clans, and cut off the hair of the leaders of the Allied Forces as a threat? This, this is unlikely."

Although Fatty Xia didn't understand the art of military battle formations, he at least knew that once the collective strength of the people was mastered, it would unleash the power of causing mountains to collapse, making all assassins unable to escape.

What's more, there are two heavenly beings in the army. How could Ye Shaoqiu, who is a great heavenly being and a martial artist, do such a thing that defies heaven and feel like he is alone in a 200,000-strong military camp?

“Ha, it’s not just you who doesn’t believe it, I don’t believe it, even the coalition commanders and generals at that time didn’t believe that someone could do such an earth-shattering deed.

However, before they could ask for confirmation, Ye Shaoqiu was already sitting on the only road before the Tiantian Pass, holding off the 200,000 allied forces of hundreds of tribes with his own strength. "

Speaking of this, Tong Lie's face was full of surprise, admiration, and disbelief.

He himself is also a powerful master, possesses the Heavenly Savage Body, and practices supreme magical skills such as the Dutian Shensha Bronze Man Sutra.

No matter how he calculated it, even if he entered the realm of heaven and man, it would be absolutely impossible for him to achieve Ye Shaoqiu's feat.

It's not just a matter of force, it's also a spiritual breakthrough.

Two hundred thousand, not to mention two hundred thousand alien coalition forces that look like wolves and tigers, even two hundred thousand pigs, that can still bluff people, right?

What's more, there are many strong men in the military formation. If you really count, they can probably kill gods and demons.

How could Ye Shaoqiu have the courage and deal with it calmly?

What Tong Lie cares about is not whether he can do it, but whether he has the courage to do it. This is a big difference.

Ye Shaoqiu's spiritual state is so high that even Tong Lie doesn't know how to describe it.

Fatty Xia also listened with great interest, oh wow, Ye Shaoqiu is indeed a hero recorded in history, his courage is unparalleled in the world.

Not to mention anything else, based on Ye Shaoqiu's ability that Tong Lie said, if he wanted to, he could completely surrender all the major separatist forces in Liangzhou at that time, and then dominate Liangzhou and then compete in the world.

This is not just a wild thought, but it is quite possible.

Because Ye Shaoqiu's strength is obviously superior, this is his biggest advantage.

Not only that, although the Ye family was exterminated, the relationships, reputation and accumulation over the years cannot be underestimated.

At least with Ye Shaoqiu as the leader, he can definitely unify the forces in Liangzhou if he wants to. (End of chapter)

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