Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1887 Reaction (please subscribe)

This is only a short time. If time goes by and the influence becomes greater, it will not be impossible to lead Dayong Chaotang to respond and react.

The main reason is that the matter is too far-fetched. The Ninth Prince Beitang Shucai received a generous seal for forcing back the barbarian coalition forces. Now there is the incident of Tong Lie, a barbarian who shows off his force unscrupulously in Liangzhou. I don't want to attract too many people. Not even Lenovo.

Therefore, after changing places in succession to inquire for information, Fatty Xia worriedly returned to the small courtyard where he rented and found Tong Lie who was practicing boxing to discuss countermeasures.

After hearing this, Tong Lie stopped practicing boxing, picked up an earthen pot the size of a basin, swallowed it down, then wiped his lips and said,

"So what? Rumors are just rumors. What's more, with the martial arts I've shown, even if ordinary people are dissatisfied, what can they do?"

It has to be said that during this period of time in the human race, Tong Lie's mentality has really drifted, and it has drifted quite far.

There was no other way. Before coming, he had done a lot of psychological preparation and regarded this human race place in the Shenzhou Pass as a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

The leader of the Bronze Hammer Tribe, who had the same idea as him, even gave him the tribe's inherited sacred weapon, the Flying Sickle Ax, so that he could have a way to deal with any danger or trouble.

It was precisely because his expectations were too high and he thought that the human race's force in the Shenzhou Pass was too powerful. Therefore, after coming, he also had the idea of ​​​​discussing with each other and issued a letter of war to many warriors and forces.

As a result, the more they fight, the more confident they become. The more they fight, the more they feel that the strength of the human race is nothing more than this. Even the so-called Fire Dragon Cave, a powerful force listed as one of the thirteen martial arts holy places, is just a name in vain.

This made Tong Lie's heart full of disparity.

He used to be cautious and cautious, walking on thin ice, but now he is arrogant and domineering, extremely arrogant.

It's not that there is no reason, on the contrary, the reason is very simple. Tong Lie thinks he has mastered the actual strength of the human race.

Of course, he also agreed with what Fatty Xia said. The human race still had a strong foundation and strength. It should be possible to find someone who could match or even surpass him, but it would not be easy.

Because of this, his behavior became more and more unscrupulous.

What he relies on is his unparalleled magical power and the flying sickle and ax hidden in the depths.

With such martial arts, equipment, and status, if you meet an ordinary celestial being, you may not be incapable of defeating him. You will know who is stronger only by touching each other.

"So what? Tong Lie, Tong Lie, you really don't know the heights of the world.

Do you really think that our vast human race cannot find anyone who can compete with you?

Even if there is none, if a large army attacks the territory and forms a battle formation, with the Grandmaster as the main general, the formation will be strong enough to fight you and even behead you. "

Fatty Xia was extremely angry and his tone was not very good. Of course, he was still talking about the actual situation.

There must be human experts, but I don't know if they will take action.

Well, even if you don't take action, if a military general comes and forms a military formation with his army to look for Tong Lie, Tong Lie may not be safe and sound.

"It's okay if you don't tell us about the army and the military formation. Now that you do, I really want to give it a try and see what the differences and mysteries are between your Chinese army formation and my barbarian warriors."

Tong Lie is not telling lies.

The power of the military formation is actually the power of gathering people, and it is the strongest means of the Human Emperor Xuanyuan. He once used it to defeat the great demon Chi You, and conquered China. He was called the Human Emperor but was actually the Emperor of Heaven.

The power of gathering people later derived the power of national destiny, the power of human dragon energy, the power of military formations, the power of all living beings' wishes, the power of incense, etc., but generally speaking, it can be called the power of humanity.

The power of humanity can defeat the heavens. With the master as the center of the formation, forming a military formation may be able to deal with the great master. This is absolutely feasible. It is not only theoretical, but also a practical example that has appeared many times in history.

Of course, apart from being a great master in martial arts, what Tong Lie is most proud of is his savage body, which he has trained to become indestructible. Only in this way can he fight in ten battles in the military formation, and even overwhelm the power of the military formation. Destroy the army's methods.

Throughout the dynasties, there were many similar people, that is, the so-called Ten Thousand Armies took the heads of generals from them, just like picking out objects from a bag.

Fatty Xia didn't want to pay attention to the arrogant Tong Lie at this time. He fell into a nervous and anxious state. He walked back and forth in front of Tong Lie for a long time before he clapped his hands and said,

"No, we can't afford to wait any longer. The possibility of an accident is too high.

Tong Lie, please clean up. We are leaving now. We will leave Liangzhou and head to Yanzhou immediately. "

The wind direction has changed, public opinion has changed, and when the time comes, Tong Lie's situation will also undergo earth-shaking changes.

But there is a premise, and that is time.

Changes in wind direction, public opinion, and personal circumstances all take time to ferment.

This trend has just begun. Naturally, we need to leave Liangzhou, the center of the storm, and go to Yanzhou before it causes too much fluctuation.

As long as you arrive in Yanzhou, the pressure will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, Fatty Xia has certain connections and can contact the personnel in Yanzhou, which will be of some help in investigating the death of Beitangsu. With Tong Lie's military support, he still has some confidence that he can solve the problem in a short time. , complete the task brought by the Demon Palace Master.

Tong Lie's eyes moved, like a ferocious beast that had been hungry for a long time and wanted to find food.

Immediately, his expression softened and he said,

"Okay, let's go, but you have to tolerate me for one night. I have to do something."

Fatty Xia immediately thought of something, pulled Tong Lie's arm and said,

"No, I'm afraid the Ye family has already made preparations. Even if you go now and kill a few people, you will only make conflicting plans and increase hatred, and cannot solve the actual problem. You can't go."

Tong Lie was not a good person. He had already thought that the Ye family might be behind such a change in public opinion.

So, I want to take revenge in one night.

But Fatty Xia would not allow things to get out of hand at this juncture.

You, Tong Lie, have been carrying the identity of a barbarian spy and outpost, and now you are ruthlessly attacking the Ye family with heroic ancestors. Isn't it true that this news is confirmed, and the conflict that was not too sharp in the first place is directly exposed? open?

By then, what they have to face along the way is not one person or one force, but everyone.

This feeling is actually somewhat similar to being rejected by heaven and earth, and being devastated by the five declines of heaven and man.

Because everyone you see around you is rejecting and hostile to you, making it difficult to survive.

This is also the reason why since ancient times, there has never been a so-called big devil who can bring trouble to the world.

No matter how powerful, invincible or even transcendent one's personal strength is, he is still powerless in the face of the entire world of China and all intelligent creatures. (End of chapter)

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