Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2029: Entry, Sudden Change (Please subscribe)

However, Meng Zhao did not raise any objection. According to Lei Chongfeng's personality and temperament, even if Lei Wanche said it was wrong, he would obey it. At most, he would complain a little bit, just like sharing the secrets of the Cave Heaven Secret Realm with everyone. The Ninth Prince Beitang described this matter.

"Also, remember, if something happens to us in the Dongtian Secret Realm this time, you have the opportunity to return to the camp, see Chongmao, and tell him that this Jianmu relic has a close relationship with the Dongtian Secret Realm. It may be the same place. The Movable Cave is very important to our Lei family and is the foundation of all eternity.

With him, our Lei family will not be afraid of anyone or any force in the world, even Meng Zhao and the Beitang royal family.

You must never give up. It is best to find all the secrets of this Jianmu Cave, completely master this secret realm, and not give other people a chance.

Alas, if I had known the truth of this secret cave, I would never share it with others. "

Lei Wanche looked very annoyed at this time. He shot himself in the foot.

Meng Zhao was speechless secretly. The pressure he put on the Lei family was actually so great, a greater threat than the Beitang royal family?

But on the surface, he acted very obediently, nodding his head to show that he had remembered everything.

He also vaguely understood why Lei Wanche said these words to him and not to others.

Thinking that Lei Chongmao had handed the token to him, Lei Wanche already knew about it. Among the Lei family members, he was the one with the greatest chance of survival, besides Lei Wanche.

However, all this is destined to be in vain. Meng Zhao is just Meng Zhao, but not the real Lei Chongfeng.

What's more, he is bound to get the Jianmu Cave Heaven and cannot give it to the Lei family.

On the other side, Liu An's four-person team also gathered together, showing great unity and clear defenses against the outside world.

The Minotaur God and the Horse-faced Ghost looked at each other, their bodies upright, looking at the Jianmu relics in the distance, with inexplicable thoughts in their hearts.

After communicating secretly, an agreement was reached and the ultimate purpose of the trip was clarified.

The sky gradually darkened, the sun set in the west, everyone made fires, and in the moonlight, there was a short but extremely long wait.

Until it was close to early morning, the surface of the entire giant tree began to glow with aquamarine light, rippling, and it was very conspicuous in the dark night.

At the same time, endless starlight fell from the starry sky, shining brightly and buzzing into the Jianmu relics.

Under the earth, the mounds bulged and then flattened, and waves of earth-yellow divine light leaped up like snakes, gradually joining the Jianmu Cave sky.

Between heaven and earth, colorful tides of vitality surged towards Jianmu's relics in an endless stream.

Suddenly, the canyon that originally had only a few sparks of fire became extremely bright and dazzling, even more shocking than during the day.

It was the first time that Liu An, the four people, the bull-headed god and the horse-faced ghost saw such a scene. They were all shocked and dazzled by this scene.

This is such a creation of heaven and earth, so mysterious and natural.

Not only that, they who stayed near the Jianmu relics could feel that in this endless energy gathering environment, even if they had not used kung fu, there was still a lot of pure energy pouring into their bodies, starlight, earth energy, Mixed in it, the body is transparent and clear, unconsciously and invisibly, it has undergone a relatively obvious transformation.

Meng Zhao has not changed much. With his physical body, bloodline, supreme bones, and talents, these energies are simply a drop in the bucket for him, and there is almost no change.

The momentum he created during his current practice may not be as good as this Jianmu relic.

This vision lasted for about a quarter of an hour. On top of the building, in the flowing light, it was like a slowly unfolding picture scroll, showing the mysterious cave world to everyone.

There, fish jumped out of the sea, goshawks struck the sky, thunder and lightning, and endless mineral veins all disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It is simply a world that cannot be more real, vast, and like China.

Leize, Poison Cave, is just a corner.

"Okay, it's so big. Could it be that this cave world is not just the two areas of Lei Ze and Poison Cave?"

Qiao Nian murmured, and the light in his eyes became more and more frightening. If so, its value would be worthy of his promise to Lei Wanche to help with the marriage.

Lei Wanche said at the right time,

"Everyone, please come behind me. I will open the door to space with the secret key. After entering, space and time chaos will occur, and then you will be transferred to different regions.

But don’t panic, everyone. Although there is no handover between these regions, they can all leave together through the secret key, regardless of the distance between them.

I hope everyone can gain something in the limited time. "

After saying that, he waved his right hand, and a cyan aura immediately enveloped his body. Everyone in the Lei family, including Meng Zhao, was also covered in cyan aura, as if they were wearing a layer of cyan clothes.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly came behind Lei Wanche, and they were all blessed by the power of the secret key.

How to put it, it's like Lei Wanche opened a small hook for each of them. Through this layer of cyan aura, they can directly establish contact with the illusion shown by Jianmu Dongtian, from virtual to real.

At the same time, this layer of aura will not improve or help their strength in any way, but when they are in the Cave Heaven Secret Realm and want to leave, they can use this cyan aura to communicate and establish contact with the Cave Heaven Secret Key. A guaranteed escape route.

Of course, this guarantee is not perfect and requires a certain amount of activation time.

Meng Zhaoze knew better. This aura should be an application of the Taoist principles of Jianmu Cave Heavenly Daoguo, which could ignore the influence of any power below the Daoguo level.

When he realized the power of the soul, he gained nothing, but he did feel a vast and boundless aura.

Converging their own ideas, under the leadership of Lei Wanche, everyone in the Lei family, Liu An, the four, as well as the Minotaur God and the Horse-faced Ghost, passed through the cyan aura and fell into the building one by one like fish entering the water. Ripples appeared in the cave.

It wasn't until everyone disappeared that this strange phenomenon slowly dissipated.

However, the canyon, which was originally beautiful and full of vitality, like a blessed land, turned into a barren mountain and poor water in a very short period of time. The environment was harsh, the vegetation was dead, and the waterfalls stopped flowing.

There is also a strong, indestructible death energy, gradually rising, red and black energy, intertwined and swirling, filling the canyon.

At this time, if an outsider enters, they will immediately be attacked by this black and red vicious death energy. Those who have insufficient cultivation, or even those who have sufficient cultivation but insufficient foundation and foundation, will be greatly impacted.

Lei Wanche and everyone in the Lei family have never seen such a change. If they saw it, they would probably be shocked.

Because, when they entered the Cave Heaven Secret Realm before, there were people from the outside to guard them, and there was no such huge change.

Today, this time, I don’t know why, there is such a change.

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