Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2036 Weird Poison King (Subscribe)

He is also well-informed and knowledgeable, but he has never seen such a terrifying thing. With just a cry like a baby, he can make these masters go insane, become extremely depressed, and even commit suicide in the end.

This kind of strong mental stimulation, even if Yan Libing has overcome it, will still cause some damage to him.

It is said that when the essence and energy are generated, the spirit will be self-evident, and the opposite is also true, because the spirit is severely damaged, and the essence and energy are also severely damaged.

But the Poison King hiding in the dark didn't even show his face.

For a moment, Yan Libing even regretted his actions. If he hadn't combined that withered soul essence with his own essence and blood in an attempt to elicit the true form of the Poison King, he wouldn't have suffered like this.

"No, both of the Lei family have been affected by the crying sound and committed suicide. Although I survived such a mental shock, my strength was greatly damaged and my condition was worrying. Then why is Lei Chongfeng still so energetic? No problem, he has a big problem!"

Yan Libing himself was an extremely alert person, and his own experiences did make him worried, but his long-standing doubts reached their peak after seeing Meng Zhao unscathed.

Even if Lei Chongfeng had the skills of the Lei family and his son, or had some miraculous skills, his performance was indeed too abnormal. Such successive abnormalities could already explain some problems.

However, now Yan Libing no longer has the time or energy to explore Meng Zhao's anomalies and secrets, because as the sound of the baby's cry gradually fades away, a figure like a demon has quietly appeared between him and Meng Zhao not far away. In front of you.

The land covered by countless poisonous insect corpses and white ice crystals, after a period of turbulence like the waves of the sea, slowly spread out a black and red cloud. In the cloud, a figure with a height of ten feet was looming. .

When the black and red clouds were absorbed into the body by the tall figure, their true colors were revealed.

What kind of monster is that? An evil thing?

The first impression gave Meng Zhao a sense of the birth of a myth, because this thing has three heads and six arms.

Three songs, one is like a python, with black skin and red eyes, a snake core as long as a foot, and scales as if they were made of diamond, and it is extremely ferocious.

One song is like a green toad, with a spider outline between the eyebrows, bulging eyeballs, swollen cheeks, and a croaking sound. At the same time, the aura and air waves around the world also surge and rise and fall.

One song looks like the head of a centipede, with winding tentacles on both sides of the head and dense branches. At first glance, it looks like the horns of a dragon, majestic and terrifying.

As for the six arms, they are also different. Some are black-skinned with red fingers, some are yellow-skinned with green claws, and some are blue-skinned with white feet...

In short, the evil, evil, and weirdness of this thing can be regarded as the only thing Meng Zhao and Yan Libing have seen in their lives, and it is absolutely incomparable.

Yan Libing just glanced at it from a distance, and his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His whole body trembled. A pair of palms naturally hanging on both sides of his body were bent unnaturally. Even if he tried his best to get rid of this reaction, he was still unable to do so.

This is definitely a monster, without any humanity at all, only pure killing, pure destruction, and pure viciousness.

Suddenly, Yan Libing understood that this thing could never exist in the land of China, because it was a taboo thing that could never be born under normal circumstances.

However, in this mysterious cave, in this remote and isolated poisonous cave, after countless years of baptism and migration, such a strange thing was finally born.

This is actually very similar to the Miao Gu magic in the Middle Ages. By placing many different poisons in the same space and environment, allowing them to continuously kill and devour each other, in the end, the strongest poison will be born. .

It profoundly explains the natural principle of natural selection of the weak and the strong.

And the number of poisons in this poisonous cave space is simply shocking. Based on this, it is self-evident how powerful the poisons that kill, devour, and are born are.

Of course, if it were just a poison, it would be nothing, but the form that the Poison King was showing now was no longer something that could be covered by a mere poison.

It is more like a demon god, with three heads and six arms, and a human body, rather than those insect bodies.

For a moment, Yan Libing's state of mind was shattered. This shows how much impact the appearance of this thing has on the existing people's understanding.

In addition to fear, Yan Libing was more worried.

Faced with such a weird, extraordinary, and extraordinary thing, can the handwriting of the ancient Confucian scholar he holds really be able to deal with it?

If they can't be dealt with, are they really going to die here?

For a moment, Yan Libing felt endless regret in his heart.

Meng Zhao was also startled by this strange thing, Poison King, and what followed was a big surprise.

It's simple. If the baby's cry earlier only slightly touched the feathered insect in his body.

So now, the very clear desire of the feathered insect in his heart shows that this thing is really a treasure.

Jiaolong Xiaojiu may not be able to use it, but it is definitely a great supplement to the Emerald Insect.

As for its special nature, Meng Zhao was not as fussy as Yan Libing.

Although in reality, this thing is indeed a miracle born by chance, there is really no shortage of such miracles around Meng Zhao.

Regardless of other things, the evil soldiers and evil calamities were accidents among accidents, and were far more difficult than the birth of this thing.

What's more, Meng Zhaoyuan's spirit is successful and he has a deep understanding of the way of heaven. The rules of heaven and earth here are weak and have loopholes, so it is easy to be exploited.

Rather than saying that this thing is created by nature, it is better to say that this small piece of heaven and earth will, under special circumstances, spontaneously tends to operate, and it is a kind of inevitability that is born?

What does it mean?

The way of heaven in Shenzhou is supreme, selfless, and thoughtless. It is a pure will that follows instinct and the development of the world.

This secret cave, the small space of the poison cave, the will of heaven or the will of rules inside, may not be selfless, and may even be the will of some powerful people. The birth of this thing may be just an inevitable result of this will under certain conditions.

Just like an individual, what kind of person he wants to be, if he has enough execution, he will work towards that direction, and if he has enough ability, he will eventually get what he wants.

This poison king may be born based on this will.

Of course, Meng Zhao looked deeper. Its three-headed, six-armed form, and its human-like body, showed that this poison cave space and the will contained in the poison cave space were likely related to a certain strong man.

This was the remains of a strong man who practiced the poison-related avenue, and the remaining will.

This made sense. (End of this chapter)

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