Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2043: The earth veins rise, and the poisonous dragon emerges (Subscribe)

If there is a great man like Meng Zhao who is superb in martial arts and has transcended the ordinary to guide them, the two will definitely achieve success in their future practice.

The way of practice pays attention to the law, friends, wealth and land. Among them, the friend is an indispensable part. Meng Zhao can make up for the dilemma that the great practitioners of the Yinshan lineage have not appeared and cannot guide them.

These are definitely not the horse-faced ghost's own fantasies. Just because he only watched Meng Zhao's methods a little bit, he had so many insights and inspirations. It is obvious that the other party has reached the realm of one law and a hundred laws. Even if he has never really practiced the Yinshan Dharma, it is more than enough to guide them.

At this time, a dazzling light burst out from the sky of the poison cave, covering the entire land.

It was the golden dragon that Meng Zhao blasted out, which penetrated into the eyes of the small heavenly way with the momentum of tearing the sky, and generated a great storm.

Under the strong light, the entire poison cave space, the originally dark earth, now seemed to be stained with paint. In a very short time, it turned from black to white, and then from white to red, and finally turned into a blood-red earth, a desolate and desolate scene, like a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

Yan Libing had not yet discovered anything wrong except the color change, but the horse-faced ghost had already sensed something and was greatly shocked.

But in his divine sense, in this huge poison cave, within the range of perception, there was no living thing, all were corpses killed by the strong light.

This was only the range of his divine sense, but according to the horse-faced ghost's estimation, even outside the range, it should be the same scene.

In other words, the aftermath of this storm destroyed countless living things on the huge land.

Poisonous insects and poisonous creatures were all killed, and the corpses became waste, soaking the earth, and the blood-red color was caused by the flow of blood.

If there is such a thing as killing sins, then with just this one strike, Meng Zhao and the Little Heavenly Dao Eyes have worked together to kill all the creatures in this space. It can be said that they have committed a lot of killing sins and will be killed by the Heavenly Dao.

Of course, the horse-faced ghost and Yan Libing had no chance of survival, but they were protected by Meng Zhao's power on their bodies, and their true qi was special, so they were not afraid of the explosion of the bright light, which is why they were able to escape.

The horse-faced ghost was thinking, was this result caused by Meng Zhao deliberately?

After all, this Little Heavenly Dao Eye was formed by the power of the incomplete soul of the great power and the Little Heavenly Dao.

In this poison cave space, the power of the Little Heavenly Dao represents invincibility and irresistibility.

However, first, the strange poison king who consumed the origin of the poison cave was eliminated, which was regarded as a weakening of the power of the Little Heavenly Dao.

Now, the countless poisonous insects and poisonous creatures bred by the poison cave space have all been killed. Is it also a consumption and loss of its original power?

Just as he was thinking, an extremely shrill, angry, and desperate roar came out, and at the same time, his body began to shake and he almost fell down.

This was simply incredible. With the martial arts foundation of the horse-faced ghost and the strong lower body strength, he actually fell down, which shows how strong this turbulent force is.

The sound of the clattering sound came out, and the ground under his feet rumbled and cracked.

In the dark yellow and dark green light, a huge, slender ground vein like a real dragon body shattered countless soil and rocks, moving slowly, as if a real dragon that had rested for tens of thousands of years finally woke up at this moment, and the dragon came out of the abyss.

The place where his head was located was actually where Meng Zhao was.

Yan Libing felt panic, and with his knowledge, he could not see what happened at this moment and why there was such a change.

This is probably his shortcoming and deficiency.

It is true that he is knowledgeable and familiar with many classics. His knowledge of some natural treasures far exceeds that of others, but in terms of martial arts realm and vision, he has never surpassed his innate limitations.

The horse-faced ghost is different. If he was just suspicious just now, then at this moment, he has already confirmed that the countless poisonous insects on this land were killed, which should be the result of Meng Zhao's deliberate calculation.

At this time, the dragon veins of the earth suddenly rose from the ground and showed their true bodies, which was obviously also Meng Zhao's plan.

But, how did he do it?

How did Meng Zhao do it?

It is simple to say, and it is also simple, and it is difficult to say, as difficult as ascending to heaven.

The eyes of the small heaven contain the power of the heaven. Even if it is only in this poison cave space, it is also a super-standard power level. Although Meng Zhao has cultivated into a primordial spirit, he may not be able to block it without any damage without using the Emperor Yu armor or even the mirror of the god of the sky.

Therefore, he calculated the dragon veins of the earth in this poison cave space.

The emperor's qi-gazing technique can detect the three elements of heaven, earth and man, and it is also common to find dragon points.

Meng Zhao can find the earth dragon vein in this poison cave space, which can be regarded as the location of the poison dragon vein. In fact, it is not something that ordinary great masters can do.

After all, dragons can be big or small, can rise or hide; when they are big, they can create clouds and mist, and when they are small, they can hide their shapes. Their power is extremely high, and they cannot be found without special means.

Even if they can be found, ordinary strong men cannot activate it.

Only Meng Zhao, who has a purple dragon body and cultivates the way of the emperor dragon, can deceive the way of heaven by using the true dragon's qi to activate the power of the dragon vein.

With the blessing of the power of the earth vein, there was a scene of resisting the thunder from the sky.

Later, the golden dragon penetrated into the blood-red vertical pupil and burst into strong light. In fact, Meng Zhao was deliberately using force to fight force.

Borrowing the power of heaven, he killed countless poisonous insects on the earth and annihilated all things.

This is a thorough and severe blow to the earth, and also a severe blow to the dragon vein.

Meng Zhao once again used his own true dragon power to completely detonate the counterattack instinct of the poisonous dragon vein, thus leveraging the power of the earth.

In short, in this poison cave space, the power of the heavenly way and the power of the earth vein should have been in the same group, like a couple.

As a result, Meng Zhao, the sixth brother, used the body of a true dragon and the power of the emperor dragon to hook up with the earth vein and turn against the heavenly way.

The heavenly way was furious, and under Meng Zhao's deliberate induction, it severely damaged the earth vein, eliminating the possibility of the dragon vein growing stronger.

Meng Zhao, the sixth brother, deliberately stirred the relationship between the two, and completely detonated the contradiction between the heavenly way and the earth vein.

At this moment, the earth vein, that is, the dragon vein of the earth, showed its true body and slowly leaped up. At the dragon head, Meng Zhao stood with his hands behind his back.

It was about to carry Meng Zhao to travel in the sky, and fight a desperate battle with the eyes of the heavenly way.

From a third-party perspective, Meng Zhao's methods are extremely clever, using the opponent's force to counter the opponent's force, turning the impossible into the possible.

This is definitely not something that can be achieved by relying solely on the martial arts realm and cultivation.

It also relies on Meng Zhao's blood and physique.

But no matter what he relies on, being able to do it is enough to prove that Meng Zhao's understanding of the power of heaven, earth, and humanity has reached an extremely high level, and ghosts and gods are unpredictable.

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