Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2054 The Secret of Lei Ze (Subscription Request)

However, no matter how unbelievable or incredible it is, the reality is here. He, the Bull-Headed God, is indeed a top-ranked strongman and master in the vast martial arts world of Shenzhou.

However, at this moment, in the Lei Ze space, he is indeed extremely weak, not much stronger than Liu An and Shi Jiawen, two innate warriors.

Not to mention Meng Zhao, even Lei Wanche, who has lost his humanity and is covered by lightning armor, would find it extremely easy to kill him.

Just imagine, if Lei Wanche himself had not had problems and lost some of his autonomy, when he had mastered such a powerful and terrifying power, he would never easily let go of the Bull-Headed God, who had repeatedly opposed him.

Therefore, the Bull-Headed God can live to this day, not because of how powerful his martial arts are or how strong his strength is.

It is simply because he is lucky and has avoided his own death.

At this time, in the sky, Meng Zhao's aura was still there. A world force that was incompatible with the Lei Ze space, but extremely terrifying, stretched and contracted around his body, stimulating the surroundings to emit circles of space ripples.

It seemed that any movement or force of Meng Zhao could shake the sky, shatter the space, and destroy everything.

At this moment, he was simply a living god, and a powerful person who could be compared to the ancient supreme and could transcend at any time.

Of course, even with such a powerful and terrifying power and the power of the universe, it was still not Meng Zhao's limit.

He also had the great power of the Sheji Wang Ding, the supreme power of the Emperor Yu's armor, and even the power of the Dao Fruit of the Zhaotian Shenjing, which he had not used.

It was not until this moment that Meng Zhao truly understood his own combat power.

Even if he faced a true celestial warrior, he still had the power to fight back, and it was still unknown who would live and who would die.

The sky above the Lei Ze space turned into a vast ocean of lightning, and the power was gradually exhausted. Instead, the torn space cracks were constantly recovering, from endless size and infinite depth, and gradually disappeared without a trace.

It seems that Meng Zhao's roar had no effect on the Lei Ze space, and Lei Wanche, who had lost his humanity and was like a tool and a machine.

But in fact, Meng Zhao could be sure with his Yuan Shen perception that the repulsion and suppression of this Lei Ze space on him was decreasing.

Even if the magnitude and degree of this decrease were very small.

If his Yuan Shen had not been perceptive, and had not gathered his own martial arts, and condensed the power of the world and the universe into one, he would not have been able to discover it.

And it was this subtle and small change that made Meng Zhao, like peeling silk from a cocoon, vaguely aware of what state this powerful man in the Lei Ze space was in.

Yes, the powerful man in the poison cave space had never fallen, and his incomplete Yuan Shen had the ability to merge with the small heavenly way.

The strong men in this Lei Ze space will certainly not fall easily.

However, it is different from the remnant body and soul.

The powerful men in this Lei Ze space seem to have truly refined their own souls and replaced the Heavenly Dao of this small world.

How to understand it?

The powerful men in the Poison Cave space are like joint ventures, cooperating with the small Heavenly Dao, you have some shares, and I have some shares.

You can influence the company's decision-making, and I can too, the only difference is the proportion of each.

However, the powerful men in the Lei Ze space are different. His soul power seems to be more powerful and complete, and he has completely usurped the enterprise into his own hands. It is a 100% sole proprietorship, and he makes all the decisions by himself, without any other influence.

If Meng Zhao's reasoning and speculation are true, then it means that the Lei Ze space is now the incarnation of the Lei Ze powerful man.

The sky, earth, thunder beasts, thunderclouds, water, mountains, and even various exotic flowers and plants they saw were all part of the great Lei Ze, who had truly reached the level of being in the universe and becoming the world.

This was an achievement that some celestial beings, even gods and demons, could never achieve.

In other words, he had truly reached the alternative transcendent state of not being destroyed by heaven and earth, and not being destroyed by me, and not being dead by the universe.

Of course, the heaven and earth and the universe here simply refer to the Lei Ze space, but it is still an amazing achievement.

Perhaps, it was also because the existence of the great Lei Ze was too extraordinary and united with the world, and his personal thinking and will were also greatly limited and unnatural.

For example, in reality, the time of a thought of Meng Zhao, Niu Tou Shen, Liu An, and Shi Jiawen was extremely short.

But if the subject of this thought is placed in the huge Lei Ze world, then the time division of this thought will be at another level.

It takes one year, ten years, even a hundred years, or a thousand years in the real world to be equivalent to the time of a thought of the mighty Lei Ze in the incarnation world.

Therefore, Meng Zhao speculated that the various hostilities and even various targets he was suffering now were not necessarily the subjective consciousness of the mighty Lei Ze, but simply the instinctive reaction of a living being.

Just like when a person encounters danger, the subconscious instinctive reaction is to avoid it. This is the physiological and survival instinct of a person.

The instinctive reaction of the Lei Ze space, first of all, is to target people with the aura of the poison cave space, which is an extension of the relationship between the two mighty enemies.

When Meng Zhao first came to the Lei Ze space, he suffered a series of attacks, which is a proof.

When Meng Zhao went into hiding and suppressed the poisonous cave aura he carried, the targeting and attacks disappeared without a trace, proving that this made sense.

The second is to eliminate and destroy this consciousness when someone has the ability and consciousness to harm Leize Space.

This is the same as human beings, it is a survival instinct, and the initiative is greater than the first instinctive reaction.

Think about it, when did all the changes happen?

It was Meng Zhao who saw the Jade Board Book emitting gleaming light on the edge of the battlefield where Lei Wanche and the Minotaur were fighting under the pool.

Really understanding this jade board book is most likely the biggest chance creation in this Leize space.

But in fact, this kind of chance was nothing to Meng Zhao.

But Meng Zhao can use this as a clue to delve into the secrets of Lei Ze's space, which will then affect the security of Lei Ze's world.

It was precisely because of this that after Meng Zhao had the idea of ​​seizing the Jade Tablet Book, a bolt of thunder suddenly appeared and blocked his move.

At the same time, the Jade Slate Book changed from watching the battle between Lei Wanche and the Minotaur God to automatically falling into Lei Wanche's hands and integrating into his body, and this is what happened after that.

This can also prove that Meng Zhao's guess is correct, at least he is on the right path.

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