Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2056 Collision (Subscription required)

Of course, the destructive power of this sea of ​​thunder formed by the power of the origin of Lei Ze is really incredible.

Even though Meng Zhao has many unique skills and a supreme physique, and has been reborn many times and tempered his blood, it is still a huge impact to swim into this sea of ​​thunder with the body of a real dragon.

It's like an ordinary person who is suddenly hit by high voltage electricity. His whole body is trembling and shaking. The surface of his skin and flesh is like being pierced by countless fine silver needles roasted by flames. The pain goes into the bone marrow, large pieces of scales are broken, and purple blood oozes out. Then, it is healed by the supreme magic skill. It is simply a kind of destruction.

The punishment of slow slicing is already unbearable for people, but the pain Meng Zhao is experiencing at this time is much more cruel than slow slicing. At the same time, under the abnormal healing speed of his body, this cruel torture is still going on over and over again.

In the vast ocean, with wind and thunder everywhere, and in the endless violent thunder, a ten-foot-long real dragon was experiencing torture, pain, and the tempering of will.

At this time, a purple star shone brightly at the center of Meng Zhao's dragon head's eyebrows, emitting the most noble, refined and pure aura, which was transported to Meng Zhao's entire dragon body. The dragon scales on the surface of the body were constantly breaking and healing, and under the effect of this aura, some purple veins and lines gradually appeared.

However, under the strong stimulation and oppression of the outside world, Meng Zhao's purple dragon body actually underwent a qualitative change.

And with the further improvement of Meng Zhao's physique, the damage and harm caused to him by the aura that could destroy everything in the sea of ​​thunder was gradually decreasing. The restlessness and violent power that could annihilate the small world seemed to be gradually tamed and softened, and began to become controllable, and derived a different kind of fortune.

It just corresponds to the saying that after suffering comes happiness, and things will turn around when they reach their extremes.

However, if the opportunities and fortunes in this Lei Ze were so easy to obtain, they would not be worthy of being regarded as the foundation of a small world.

Just when the ultimate destructive power was about to be transformed into the ultimate creative power, the time between the two.

In the huge sea of ​​thunder, the rain and dew transformed by the surging thunder turned into steam in large pieces, floating above the sea of ​​thunder, and finally formed a huge human-shaped light and shadow.

This human-shaped light and shadow was extremely tall, ten feet long, with healthy limbs, hazy facial features, and lightning flowing all over the body.

However, compared with the general Dharma image and Qi Jing condensed form, this human-shaped light and shadow has a spirituality that does not belong to dead things.

He slowly lowered his head, and his eyes burst into two auroras, shooting sparks and black smoke into the void, and then stretched out his arms and grabbed the ten-foot-long real dragon body transformed by Meng Zhao.

It looks like just an ordinary person's capture action, but every move contains the divine form of the heavenly way, which is the result of the true martial arts operation and reveals the endless martial arts mysteries.

Meng Zhao even felt that his head and tail had been caught by this giant thunder god, and then torn into pieces.

The power of the thunder god giant this time is more fundamentally improved than the endless thunder energy impact and explosion in the thunder sea.

The power difference between the two is like the difference between hemp rope and steel bar.

The destructive power of the thunder sea is indeed endless, but it is ultimately divided and scattered, and it cannot kill Meng Zhao's true dragon body with one blow. Instead, it gives Meng Zhao the opportunity to constantly repair his body and restore his state, and finally form a balance, and even have the possibility of persisting until all the disasters are overcome.

This thunder god giant is different. It condenses the scattered and chaotic destructive power into a rope, just like the nature relationship between water and ice. They are clearly the same substance, but the sense of power they show is very different.

Of course, Meng Zhao would not sit and wait for death, and he had been secretly alert all the time, and would never be overwhelmed by excitement when he was about to enjoy the fruits of victory.

His dragon body moved slightly, and his dragon tail slapped in the sea of ​​thunder. His winding body was blessed with some kind of power, and he suddenly jumped out dozens of feet away, avoiding the capture of the Thunder God Giant.

The martial arts concept he adhered to at this moment was still four words, using the force to fight the force.

Just like a fish in the water, although it is moving, it is also using the ubiquitous water pressure and buoyancy to move, so as to avoid being hunted.

In the current situation, Meng Zhao is like a fish in the water, with an extremely agile and agile body.

Although the Thunder God Giant has supreme power and exquisite and clumsy martial arts, in front of Meng Zhao, who is at the same level of martial arts, he is as clumsy as an ordinary farmer, who can only clumsily flutter in the water and try to catch this fat fish.

The two chased and fled, and persisted. What they competed was willpower and the ability to avoid mistakes.

This scene, which was extremely common in the sky, was projected onto the Lei Ze land below, and it was another scene like a myth.

The extremely tall, ten-thousand-foot-tall giant, with his head touching the sky and his feet on the ground, and a real dragon with a prominent head and horns and ferocious scales, kept tearing and colliding.

Above the shaking earth, huge lightning pillars burst out, towering into the clouds. The slightest touch of the thunder aura could tear innate warriors like Liu An and Shi Jiawen into pieces.

Even a master martial arts master like the Bull Head God would be directly blasted into pieces when facing any thunder pillar.

Fortunately, he was never involved and remained safe.

"This, the head of the Lei family, has become so powerful?"

Liu An was a little dumbfounded. In his cognition, the existence of the Thunder God Giant was the transformation of Lei Wanche.

Because Lei Wanche had already shown extraordinary fighting power before, far beyond the so-called Grandmaster realm.

As for the Bull-Headed God, I'm sorry, although you are very strong, compared with the current Lei Wanche, you are simply a poor match.

"It may not be him. I can see that the jade plate is a bit strange. It automatically entered the body of Lord Lei, and then he underwent earth-shaking changes. It's okay for his cultivation, but there is not even a trace of human flavor. I'm afraid he has become a puppet and chess piece of some big shot.

In comparison, I am more curious, who is that person, could it be the Northern Meng Dragon King who is on par with Nan Shen?"

The Bull-Headed God's vision and martial arts are higher than the other two.

He can see that this is not Lei Wanche fighting Meng Zhao at all, but some big shot is using Lei Wanche's body to fight Meng Zhao.

Of course, he couldn't guess who it was, but he felt that this Lei Ze space was a little weird and might not be a good place.

He was a little worried about the horse-faced ghost who had been separated from him.

If Lei Ze space was like this, it was conceivable that the poison cave space was not a good place either, and it might be even more dangerous.

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