Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2063: Statement (Subscription Request)

Of course, Meng Zhao still had something to say, but everyone knew it.

In this way, Meng Zhao has a way to bypass Leize and the Poison Cave and reach Jianmu Dongtian, but it is estimated that only he has it. This is a very important bargaining chip for controlling Jianmu Dongtian and cannot be given up easily. .

Having said this, everyone was silent for a while, and their thoughts were very complicated.

It's like the Minotaur and the Horse-faced Ghost. From the beginning, they were eyeing each other, to now they are safe. It can be said to be a 180-degree turn.

Liu An, Yan Libing, and Shi Jiawen were full of contrast. After all, they came with huge expectations and wishes, and they did not hesitate to share the information about Nangong Yao and the Chaos Body with the Ninth Prince Beitang Shu.

As a result, they may have gained something, but it was not as rich as expected.

Another Qiao Nian died, which may cause quite a stir in Yujing City in the future.

No matter how you calculate it, why do you feel that Jianmu Dongtian and his party have lost money to my grandma's family this time.

As for Lei Wanche, his mood is relatively dull in comparison.

He is the one who has the greatest expectations, expectations, and investment in Jianmu Dongtian among all the people.

After careful calculation, many backbone members of the Lei family, as well as potential members of the tribe, died in the Jianmu Cave. If he hadn't had the foresight to ask Lei Chongmao to follow him, I'm afraid this young man from the Lei family would have died. Lord, there is no escape from death.

However, his harvest should be the biggest among everyone.

Regardless of whether the Lei Zu True Pill and the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Sword Technique were conspiracy traps or were specially prepared to allow him to adapt to the magic of gods and spirits. He at least used this to break through the master's martial arts. This is a huge reward. .

A grandmaster is better than countless people in the Lei family, and is above everything else.

To put it bluntly, even if the Lei family is dead and Lei Wanche lives, his strong vitality can completely remarry and spend his energy to give birth to many children and extend the bloodline of the Lei family. Therefore, Lei Chongmao said It's important, it's important, but to say it's not important doesn't mean it's really necessary for him.

In the entire Lei family, he is the only one who has become a master, Lei Wanche.

Besides, the book on the jade tablet made Lei Wanche completely reborn, solidifying his foundation in the master realm and taking a big step forward in his cultivation.

At the same time, the scriptures of gods and demons taught by the Jade Board Book are also a huge gain, even more than Lei Wanche's own cultivation as a master.

It's very simple. With this technique, the resource supply of the Lei family, and Lei Wanche's talent after being transformed by the gods this time, the gods and demons dare not tell, but the grand master can still have a glimpse.

Moreover, this magical skill can also be taught to other children of the Lei family as a martial arts passed down from generation to generation.

Why is the Meng family in Nan'an so famous?

The fierce and domineering nature of the Red Flag Order accounts for a large part of the factor. After all, it is a fragment of the Divine Art of the Emperor of Heaven. Even though it is limited to the martial arts of the Grandmaster, looking at the world, at the same level, it is not inferior to the ordinary martial arts of gods and demons.

It is precisely because of his unparalleled power and sudden collapse that he has been recognized by the martial arts world and is regarded as a martial arts family.

The Lei family is far behind. Although their martial arts skills are good, their reputation in the martial arts world is not on the same level as that of the Meng family.

But things are different now. With the martial arts of gods and demons by their side, the Lei family can also make their own cry.

As for surpassing the Meng family, that's just a dream. Don't you see that Meng Zhao alone can suppress most of the martial arts world?

Divine and Demonic Martial Arts, this is only Meng Zhao's standard equipment, not all of it.

Therefore, Lei Wanche felt regretful, unwilling, regretful, and heartbroken about the construction of Mudongtian.

This weird atmosphere lasted for a while. Shi Jiawen took the initiative to break the silence and said,

"Master Lei Hou, you haven't answered the previous question from King Menglong. Do you want to be friends with King Menglong? Are we all in the same boat?"

Lei Wanche sighed, knowing that he had no room for change.

"Do you think I have any other options?

What's more, I have to admit that although King Meng Long is still young, his study in martial arts has far surpassed ours. He is my senior. I can still accept it in my heart to invest in such a powerful man. "

Is it really acceptable?

Not necessarily, but Lei Wanche said it himself. He had no other choice. As long as he didn't want to die, as long as he still wanted to get out of this Jianmu Cave, he could pass on the martial arts of gods and demons that he remembered in his mind to Lei Chongmao. As the foundation of the Lei family's inheritance, we must follow Meng Zhao.

Meng Zhao had no special reaction to Lei Wanche's praise. He just smiled and made a promise.

"Don't worry Lord Lei, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't care about getting people in the future just for vanity.

You are my friend. This is a secret matter. Only the big guys here today know about it and it will not be spread outside.

Therefore, how should you deal with the Meng family on weekdays? Just do it as usual. I won't make things difficult for you.

At the same time, I will treat your Lei family equally in the future. I may not be as close as the Meng family, but at least I can ensure that your Lei family can fight for everything that should belong to you on a relatively fair platform.

What I say may not be said to be true to your words, but it can definitely be regarded as true to my word and I will never break my promise. "

Lei Wanche made a grateful expression and nodded to Meng Zhao. This was already the limit. It would be difficult for him to do anything else.

At the same time, Lei Wanche didn't really relax. Meng Zhao was not a three-year-old kid playing house games with them.

Is there really no precautions, no trump cards, no control methods, just letting them go?

How much do you look down on them, thinking that they are humble and rushing to lick Meng Zhao, or do you think too highly of yourself, treating yourself as a succubus with infinite charm, and everyone will obey, worship, respect, and follow him from the bottom of their hearts?

So, don’t think that Meng Zhao has always been very courteous to him, but this is just an appearance.

Lei Wanche is mentally prepared, and it is inevitable that the corresponding means will be planted on him.

And at this moment, he has no shame at all, and he is not uncomfortable in front of others.

In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a marquis after all, and now he is just bowing his head in front of a young man, and there are other people watching.

If he knew about courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame, he would have committed suicide long ago.

But Lei Wanche knew, did he really think that Meng Zhao’s target was only himself?

He was certainly the object that Meng Zhao tried his best to win and surrender, and the same was true for other people on the small island.

The Bull-Headed God and the Horse-Faced Ghost were born in the Yinshan lineage and cultivated the martial arts of the Grandmaster. Could Meng Zhao allow such a character to go out with all the secrets of Jianmu Cave Heaven?

Liu An, Yan Libing, Shi Jiawen, and the nobles of Yujing City, and even the royal family, are closely connected.

Similarly, they will not be allowed to speak nonsense to the outside world. (End of this chapter)

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