Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2067 Trying to mend the sky (Subscribe please)

This great magical power will also be a great foundation for Meng Zhao to enter the realm of supreme gods and demons in the future.

As for the possibility of success, it is actually very high.

The first is the thunder punishment attribute of the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, which is connected with the Lei Ze Small World. The second is that the evil weapon and evil calamity are Meng Zhao's real name and divine weapon.

The third is still related to the metamorphosis insect. Meng Zhao has accumulated the foundation of a cocoon and a butterfly. He can transform and sublimate at any time to integrate possibilities and pry miracles. It is to turn the uncontrollable into controllable.

Therefore, Meng Zhao pays great attention to the Lei Ze Small World. Deep in his heart, he also has some ideas, considerations, and plans.

Otherwise, he would not leave the Lei Ze Small World so cleanly.

Meng Zhao had previously fought on equal terms with the Heavenly Dao of the Lei Ze Small World. After the Heavenly Dao will was awakened, he was indeed slightly defeated, but he still had the Emperor Yu armor, the Sheji Wang Ding, and even the Zhaotian Shenjing, which had not been used, so the outcome was still unknown.

Therefore, his departure was also part of the plan.

However, all this was based on the premise of maintaining the past and not changing.

Now, an accident has occurred and a change has occurred.

The origin power of the Lei Ze small world can be improved in both quality and quantity after invading, assimilating, and devouring the Poison Cave small world.

By then, the possibility that Meng Zhao would deal with the Heavenly Dao of the Lei Ze small world and refine it would be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Meng Zhao's face was so ugly, because this destroyed Meng Zhao's original plan.

However, Meng Zhao also had some doubts. Even if the balance between Lei Ze and the Poison Cave was broken, there shouldn't be such a quick change.

This is a battle between two small worlds, invasion, assimilation, and devouring. Even if the Poison Cave was damaged by Meng Zhao, its origin power was greatly damaged, and it was less than 60% of its peak period, but it was still a complete small world.

To put it bluntly, under normal circumstances, the devouring and fusion of the two worlds would take at least hundreds or thousands of years to start, and it is not uncommon for hundreds of thousands of years to be slow.

But now, how long has it been since Meng Zhao and others left the poison cave and Lei Ze? Not even a day.

But such a huge change has occurred, and Meng Zhao also feels that there is something strange about it.

"Could it be that the will of heaven in the Lei Ze space has completely awakened, deliberately speeding up, and even consuming its own essence, so it has caused such a big commotion?"

Meng Zhao fell into deep thought, and at the same time, he was also thinking about what he should do.

It is definitely not okay to leave it alone.

Because the existence of the Lei Ze small world itself is a threat to Jianmu Cave Heaven. If the other party is allowed to grow, it is very likely to cause obstacles and difficulties for Meng Zhao to control Jianmu Cave Heaven.

Moreover, now it is not a question of whether Meng Zhao should care or not, but he must care.

It depends on the bloody sky above this sea area. What will happen in the future is really hard to say, and we must prepare for the rainy day.

Meng Zhao thought about it, and told everyone his speculation and concerns. These people are also powerful elites, and they should be able to give some good suggestions.

However, what disappointed Meng Zhao was that there were indeed suggestions, but none of them met his expectations.

What about finding a way to kick Lei Ze out of the small world, what about temporarily giving up Jianmu Cave Heaven, and waiting for Meng Zhao's divine power to be perfected in the future, and then fighting again, it's just bullshit.

Doesn't he know that when his divine power is perfected, Jianmu Cave Heaven will be in his pocket?

The key is that Meng Zhao doesn't want to give up the fat meat that is about to be in his hand, and he must drive away the flies on the fat meat.

Meng Zhao shook his head, ignored Lei Wanche and the others, and stepped forward on his own. In his eyes, the Emperor's Qi-seeing Technique unfolded, one hand behind his back, and the other hand pinched in front of his chest, his fingertips turned into afterimages, and he fell into a wonderful state.

At the same time, Meng Zhao was no longer stingy at this time. He borrowed the Sheji Wang Ding in his body to stimulate the latent dragon energy in it to enhance his own luck. He borrowed the strange divine power of the Zhaotian Shenjing to enhance his understanding, thoughts, and thinking. The speed was more than ten times faster than usual, and it provided countless changes and paths.

The Bull Head God and his people did not dare to disturb, but they were a little uneasy in their hearts, especially Lei Wanche. He now barely had the rationality to suppress the murmur in his heart. If the power of the origin of the Lei Ze small world grew stronger, wouldn’t he be completely reduced to a puppet?

Therefore, he is now the person who most hopes that Meng Zhao can think of a way to contain the Lei Ze small world and devour the poison cave space.

About half an hour later, the blood color above the sky, not only did not fade, weaken, but became more and more dense and gloomy.

Occasionally, blood-colored rain balls as big as fists fell from the sky and hit the blue sea, dyeing the nearby sea area faintly into blood red.

Just when everyone was about to give up, Meng Zhao finally woke up from a kind of calculation and entered a state of meditation. He felt like he had just woken up from a big dream.

At the same time, his aura changed slightly, becoming more calm and composed, and even a little excited.

Meng Zhao looked up at the sky and said,

"Everyone, I have a way to temporarily relieve the pressure of the Poison Cave Small World, prevent the invasion of the Heavenly Dao of the Lei Ze Small World, and reconnect the once fragile balance. However, I need everyone's help. I wonder if you are willing?"

The Bull-Headed God and the Horse-Faced Ghost looked at each other. The two of them were okay. They were masters, and their strength was second only to Meng Zhao. Although Lei Wanche had some problems because he had been summoned by a spirit, his master martial arts could not be faked, and he was a help.

Liu An, Yan Libing, and Shi Jiawen, can you help me?

It's not that they are arrogant, it's that their strength and realm are very different.

Of course, although I have doubts in my heart, I won’t say them out loud.

"King Menglong has instructions, so even if you speak out, we will definitely go through fire and water."

Yan Libing was quite aware of current affairs and spoke first.

Ever since he saw Meng Zhao riding the Earth Dragon Vein and flying into the sky to fight against Little Heavenly Dao, the status of this Meng Long King in his heart had been rising steadily. He was not a god, but he was not far behind.

Now that Meng Zhao had an idea, he naturally expressed his support immediately and created a sense of presence.

No matter what other people think in their hearts, they are as supportive as Yan Libing.

Meng Zhao pointed to the blood in the sky and expressed his thoughts to everyone,

"Everyone, the Poison Cave Small World has a incomplete origin and insufficient foundation, just like a house leaking air everywhere. This gave Lei Ze's small world an opportunity to take advantage of.

However, what if you and I repair all the broken parts of Poison Cave Small World and strengthen our foundation, at least in a short period of time, we can compete with Lei Ze Small World?

Therefore, I want to try to repair the blue sky and ask for your help. "

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