Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2076 Difficult Situation (Subscription Request)

In fact, Lei Chongmao has always had a clear understanding of himself. He is neither arrogant nor inferior to himself or others.

He was just looking at Meng Zhao and the Lei family from an objective perspective.

As he said, Meng Zhao has the potential to be a god, a demon, or even a supreme being. This is not just an empty talk. At least after being in contact with Meng Zhao for a period of time, Lei Wanche agreed with this statement.

However, as for the Lei family, even if they are a master like him and have the potential of Lei Chongmao, they are really incompatible with gods and demons. Even if his physique, foundation, and potential have improved after receiving the divine subjugation, he still cannot get rid of his own limitations.

Therefore, Lei Chongmao's attitude is very obvious. As long as Meng Zhao does not collapse, it is best for them to follow Meng Zhao's footsteps closely. This journey may not be smooth and may encounter many difficulties and obstacles, but the prospects are still Quite gratifying.

"You have great confidence in Meng Zhao. In fact, I also know that now our Lei family has no choice but to do this.

However, Meng Zhao is now in a bag and cannot be hidden. Sooner or later, he will become a thorn in the side of the Beitang royal family and a thorn in their flesh. The conflict between the two will only happen sooner or later. How should our Lei family deal with it by then? "

This is exactly what Lei Wanche is worried about. The Lei family has temporarily hidden the fact that they have taken refuge with Meng Zhao. This is indeed good news. At least there is no problem in stabilizing the current situation and continuing the Lei family's development plan.

But if one day, Meng Zhao asks the Lei family to resist the Beitang royal family, or do something detrimental to the Beitang royal family, such hiding will be meaningless, and all the secrets will be revealed. By then, their Lei family will What will happen to the family?

Should he continue to follow Meng Zhao and climb all the way to the top, or should he be destroyed by the Beitang royal family halfway and lose his future?

It is really difficult for Lei Wanche to see the future path clearly.

The uncertain future fueled his inner hesitation.

Lei Chongmao fell silent, which was inevitable.

Let me talk about a possibility first. Meng Zhao does have all the characteristics of a son of destiny, and may even be the top figure who will dominate the land of China in the future. However, this is only a possibility.

Looking back at the long history, there are actually countless examples that show that what you think is just an illusion. No matter how many possibilities and great potentials there are, if they are not realized, there is a risk of premature death.

So, does Meng Zhao have the potential to be a god or demon?

Yes, 100% yes, there is no doubt about it.

But at the same time, will Meng Zhao become a god and demon?

It is estimated that no one can answer this question, except Meng Zhao himself. He has absolute confidence, but outsiders and people in the world do not.

This is the uncertain future.

Also, to take a step back, even if Meng Zhao really becomes a god, demon, or even a supreme powerhouse, and is attached to Meng Zhao, can the Lei family, as the second and fifth son, be able to smoothly survive the attack of the Beitang royal family and reach its peak?

Not necessarily so.

Therefore, this is the helplessness of the weak. They can only be controlled by others and lack the possibility of independence.

"Father, in fact, what you are saying right now is just unfounded worry. From my point of view, we can only take one step and see one step at the moment."

Lei Wanche nodded and sighed, yes, no matter how much he talks or thinks, it is just unfounded worry. It does not help at all. Instead, it only contributes to the growth of his own troubles and disturbs his own state of mind.

However, it is an irrefutable truth that everything will be successful if it is forewarned and will fail if it is not forewarned.

"In my opinion, even if we hide the key information about taking refuge in Meng Zhao, we are still in a bad situation, and my father should also know that."

Lei Wanche hummed and said,

"Yes, there are many problems to be solved right now. The first one is Beitang Shu's side.

I previously informed him of the existence of Jianmu Dongtian, and wanted to use his subordinates to jointly develop, expand, and manage this secret realm of Dongtian. At the same time, I also wanted to rely on Beitang Shu to fight against Meng Zhao.

Now it seems that this is the wrong decision, but it will make us passive. If we don't handle it well, the Lei family's hundreds of years of accumulation may be destroyed in one day. "

Speaking of this, Lei Wanche's intestines turned green with regret, and he wished he could give himself a slap in the face.

But you really can't blame him, after all, no one can predict the future.

Previously, although he valued this secret realm very seriously, he did not really realize its value.

After all, before, the Lei family only wandered around Lei Ze and the Poison Cave. Although they had some small gains and helped him enter the realm of a master, after all, they were not the kind of people who had to protect him in a bowl and not tolerate others. Huge reward for peeping.

At the same time, it was also because he had lost so many men of the Lei family in Lei Ze and the Poison Cave that he could not bear it.

Therefore, this Jianmu Cave was actually a bit like worthless food to him, tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

Therefore, he handed over the existence of Jianmu Dongtian to Beitang Shu, in an attempt to deeply bind the two to deal with Meng Zhao, who put great pressure on him.

But today's facts prove that he was wrong.

The first mistake was to underestimate Meng Zhao. I did not expect that this contemporary Dragon King of Northern Meng would go straight to Huanglong, follow him into the Jianmu Cave, and subdue a group of people, making Lei Wanche use the Cave to conquer the others. The direct purpose of making friends with Beitang in the secret realm turned into a joke.

Although it sounds a bit unpleasant to say this, the fact is absolutely correct.

Wanting to rely on Beitang Shu to deal with Meng Zhao, he became Meng Zhao's subordinate and had to unite to deal with Beitang Shu. This is a bizarre and absurd reality.

The second mistake was that he really had no ability to explore the true mystery and value of Jianmu Cave.

He thought that the secret realm of the cave was only the place of Lei Ze and the poison cave, which was dangerous and dangerous. The value was obvious at a glance.

However, the real secret realm of the cave was vast and boundless, with endless resources in the vast sea, on the islands, and under the sponge.

If he had known that Jianmu Cave had such great value, he would not have revealed a single thing to Beitang Shu even if he killed Lei Wanche.

It was precisely because of Lei Wanche's own stupid operation that their Lei family fell into a very embarrassing situation.

How should he explain to Beitang Shu?

He knew the existence of Jianmu Cave very well. Although he might not know its value, he would never let go of the fat meat in his mouth.

Meng Zhao had said before that Jianmu Cave Heaven was his personal property, and the Lei family was only temporarily guarding it for him, and would assist his subordinates in the future to help develop and operate it.

There were many things involved, and any mistake could trigger an explosion.

So for the Lei family father and son, the future of following Meng Zhao for a long time was unclear, and there was no need to speculate. Instead, the difficult situation they were facing now needed them to deal with urgently.

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