Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2114 Analysis, Request (Subscription Request)

Now that a top powerhouse appears, and he has enmity and disputes with the Beitang Royal Family and the Dayong Dynasty, he can definitely make friends with him to win over such a nuclear bomb-level force.

Such people, unlike ordinary talents, are extremely rare, even unique, and they are very useful. Even if the martial arts fortunes further flourish in the future and the martial arts realm is further liberalized, they will still be a force that can be trusted and relied on.

After hearing Meng Zhao's inquiry, Liu An explained,

"These two are famous people in front of the emperor, and they are also our leaders. Where they went and what they did are very hidden and they have not told us, but they should be inseparable from the investigation of the assassination of the twelfth prince. , maybe the person who is chasing them is the real murderer of the Twelve Princes? "

Liu An's analysis cannot be said to be wrong, but it is too conventional.

In his understanding, Beitang Sheng's only purpose in sending this group of people was to investigate the case. After all, what kind of thing could be more important than his son being killed?

But he forgot that for an ordinary family, a son is a son and has blood and family ties. But among the royal family, the son is just a threat to his own power and position. The so-called blood and family ties are not so valued.

Guessing that deviates from the direction will naturally lead to the opposite result.

Although others had different thoughts, they did not dare to come to any other conclusion. It could not be said that Beitang Sheng ignored his relatives and did not care about his son's death, and instead focused on other directions.

Meng Zhao also knew that these people were too low-level to have access to the inner circle of the unknown father-in-law Zhao Ruling and Yu Changkong. Even if he knew some information, it was mostly trivial and insignificant information.

"Well, let's not mention these for now. Lord Lei Hou, how are the arrangements between you and Beitang Shu regarding Qiao Nian?"

Lei Wanche hurriedly told the progress of these days. In fact, he was the one who made suggestions and was willing to take the initiative to remove Beitang Shu from the responsibility for Qiao Nian's death. The Ninth Prince was definitely overjoyed.

The result is also very obvious. It is exactly what they discussed before, linking Qiao Nian's death to the investigation of Beitangxing's assassination, giving him some sweetness and adding some posthumous glory. At the same time, it also helps the Bloody Marquis Mansion to lead Let's get some political help to offset the Bloody Marquis's accountability in this matter.

After all, Lei Wanche is a seasoned politician. Although he has not been around the court for a long time, he is also a complete old fox in the military and political circles of Jizhou, and he is very aware of the twists and turns inside.

After the death of a son, the Blood-clothed Marquis Mansion would indeed be heartbroken, but dying in vain and dying in a valuable way were two different things.

Heartache is heartbreaking. Although a wealthy family like theirs loves and cares for the younger generations, they value the inheritance of the family and the growth of the power more. Compared with this, everything else must be put in the background.

Meng Zhao nodded and said,

"Okay, that's it for now. In addition, I need to discuss a few things with you. You can also listen and make some suggestions."

Lei Wanche felt a little uneasy, but he did not dare to have any objections and acted like he was listening.

"The first thing is to give me a list of the forces, characters, and relevant names that your Lei family has friends with. Don't worry, I won't try to dismantle your Lei family. I just want to understand your Lei family's existing power base and relationship. scope, make some preparations.

In the future, people who are not yours or mine will not be allowed to exist in Jizhou. "

Although the sentence was plain and simple, the message and domineering power revealed in it made everyone present feel frightened.

The roster is indeed the core resource of various large and small forces and families. If you master the roster, you will have a huge network of relationships and channels. It is extraordinary. This is something much more valuable than the so-called gold and silver wealth.

Meng Zhao's request for the Lei family's roster was a bit abrupt and overbearing, but it was still in line with common sense.

The lives of the Lei family's father and son are under Meng Zhao's control. One thought of life and one thought of death are by no means empty words.

What belongs to the Lei family naturally belongs to Meng Zhao. This is a powerful person plundering the weak one.

Of course, the methods of plundering can range from clever to shallow, deep to superficial, and the methods vary in level.

Although Meng Zhao has no intention to interfere in matters related to the Lei family for the time being, he never wants to be a blind man because the Lei family can cause trouble under his nose.

In addition, as Meng Zhao said, in the future, it will be difficult for people who are not his or the Lei family to survive in Jizhou.

So, what will happen to someone who is not a Lei family or a Meng family, but a member of the Beitang family?

The four of them, Lei Chongmao, Liu An, Shi Jiawen, and Yan Libing, were almost subconsciously certain that it would be extremely miserable and that the destruction of their families and clans would only happen overnight.

This is almost a sign to everyone that the Dragon King of Beimeng is by no means a loyal minister. He has different aspirations and has great malice towards the Beitang royal family.

However, at the moment, few people don't think there is anything wrong.

First of all, they can only listen to what Meng Zhao said, but cannot spread it to the outside world. Otherwise, they are seeking death. After all, they are already in the same boat as Meng Zhao. If Meng Zhao's boat capsizes, they will also Gotta drown.

Secondly, everyone knows what the Beitang royal family is like. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the imperial power has been divided a lot. Regardless of the fact that it was a period of weak martial arts, the royal family has a deep foundation and strong high-end power, so that it can go smoothly. .

Now is the time for heroes to fight for supremacy and the time for the revival of the martial arts world. The little advantage of the royal family has long been exhausted.

Let alone Meng Zhao's lip service, the rebellion in the south and southwest is in full swing, and has even spread to the Central Plains, and the Beitang royal family has not taken any effective measures to stop it.

It's still the old saying that any loyalty and any expectation have their limits.

Meng Zhao is not sure whether the Beitang royal family really has no strength to end the rebellion or has other plans.

But the rebellion that has not been ended for a long time has indeed dealt a heavy blow to the reputation and prestige of the royal family.

Everyone is not blind. Since your royal family is not strong enough, don't blame the strong people for coming forward.

The Meng family, Meng Zhao, is definitely strong in the eyes of these people.

Of course, Meng Zhao then slowly spit out a message, which made everyone's heart beat wildly, and their thoughts were messy and difficult to collect.

"Lord Lei, I am not targeting you. Not long ago in Yanzhou, I have made an engagement with General Tan Changming's granddaughter, Tan Caier, and General Tan has given his approval. I have also kept a copy of the Tan family's roster, so you can rest assured."

The meaning of this sentence was earth-shattering to the people in the tent.

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