Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2116 Shock (Subscribe)

Seeing that Lei Wanche and Lei Chongmao were still dubious, Meng Zhao explained,

"I have 100,000 Yangwu troops under my command. In addition, I also have 120,000 private troops in Liangzhou. They are all elites and brave warriors. However, the number of good generals and generals available is limited. In this way, we need to train more Some talent available.

The Lei family has been a general for generations, and their skills in military use, including the first Marquis of Beining, have been passed down from generation to generation. Even today, they have few opponents in Dayong. The Meng family also admires the Lei family's skills in military use.

Therefore, I hope to temporarily transfer some of the available talents to Lord Lei's sect and serve in the army, so that they can learn advanced troop formations, increase their knowledge, and improve their abilities.

Secondly, I also hope that these people can interact with Mr. Lei more often. They will all be our own people in the future, and avoid unnecessary troubles if there is a joint army in the future. "

Meng Zhao's words were sincere, but everyone focused on what Meng Zhao said about Liangzhou's 120,000 private troops.

This is the land of Liangzhou. Not to mention it has raised 120,000 soldiers, and they are all elites. It is 20,000 more than the nominally orthodox Yangwu army. How is this possible?

Liu An, Yan Libing, and Shi Jiawen were all just amazed, while Lei Wanche and Lei Chongmao and his son were horrified.

In terms of military strength alone, Meng Zhao alone controlled an army of 220,000 people. These were not just soldiers who were thin and underfed and could only serve as cannon fodder, but were truly brave men. Incredible.

If we do the math again, we include the soldiers of the Meng family in Nan'an, the soldiers of his Lei family, and the army of the Tan family in Yanzhou.

To put it bluntly, the entire northern land is actually in Meng Zhao's possession. At least from a military perspective, the resources and military power that Meng Zhao can mobilize are enough to be called the number one warlord, and it is in a fault pattern. of the lead.

And this just confirmed what everyone had thought before, that Meng Zhao had plans in Yanzhou, and indeed he also had methods in Liangzhou.

Of course, the difficulty here is definitely not small.

Lei Wanche thought thoughtfully. Under normal circumstances, if such a large military force appeared in Liangzhou, it would not be impossible, but it would be discovered soon.

However, due to a severe snowstorm that had not happened in a century in the northern land, Liangzhou was severely affected, and the government system was almost paralyzed. Powerful people from all over the country came together, and tycoons appeared frequently, which gave many ambitious people an opportunity.

However, even if the external environment is favorable, it does not mean that such a big thing can be easily accomplished.

By chance, Meng Zhao smashed the big man's plate, took advantage of the plunder, and seized 30,000 elites and many masters. Based on this, the backbone continued to grow, and it was now the size of the 120,000 army.

Of course, Mrs. Jie, a native of Liangzhou, also put in a lot of effort.

If Meng Zhao could meet Nangong Yao in the future, he would keep his promise, kill this person, seize the origin of the Chaos Body, and avenge Lady Jie.

"Of course it's possible. King Meng Long is indeed a talented man. A god and a man, he has managed such a huge situation silently while still alive."

Meng Zhao laughed and said with deep meaning,

“If you don’t plan for the eternity, you can’t plan for the moment; if you don’t plan for the overall situation, you can’t plan for a region.

I just gave it a little more thought.

In fact, Beitang Shu could have gathered the military power in Liangzhou, but unfortunately, he was assassinated and was a step too late. Although Liangzhou is still a peaceful and beautiful scene, after all, it is leaderless. "

Others didn't hear anything special. However, as a person who experienced it personally at that time, Lei Wanche's pupils shrank and he was shocked by Meng Zhao's boldness.

He heard that the Ninth Prince Beitang Shu originally wanted to go to Liangzhou to gather military power, and planned to take him and the Lei family army with him.

However, a sudden assassination nailed Beitang Shu to Jizhou, and he no longer dared to go out openly.

At that time, everyone thought that this was the work of someone from the evil path, and the purpose was to demonstrate against the Beitang royal family. This triggered a massive anti-evil movement, resulting in countless deaths and injuries.

Even Meng Jizu led an army, arranged formations, and became famous after killing a powerful evil master.

Now Lei Wanche heard that the assassination of Beitang Shu at that time was actually Meng Zhao's handiwork.

In addition to surprise, shock, and deep fear.

At that time, Meng Zhao did not have the momentum and martial arts that he does now, but he was already able to arrange such assassination methods and instruct an evil master to do things for him. This was really beyond his expectation.

Meng Jizu probably didn't have such background and means at that time.

In addition, Meng Zhao's methods were too cruel.

I'm afraid that King Menglong has long had the ambition to dominate the north. In addition to secretly developing his own power and gaining more troops, he will weaken his competitors.

As for those who are expected to compete for hegemony in the north, Beitang is ranked second, and no one dares to claim first place.

It's a very simple truth. Bloodline and reputation are Beitang Shu's first core competitiveness. How can other people compete with him if they don't have a righteous name?

Thanks to the uncrowned king strength of the Lei family and the Meng family in Jizhou over the past many years, as well as the two-power struggle for hegemony, it was difficult for Beitang Shu to carry out his ideas no matter how powerful he was.

In addition, the decline of the Beitang royal family in recent years has also made Beitang Shu constrained and difficult to develop.

It is precisely because of these reasons that although Beitang Shu is Meng Zhao's biggest opponent in dominating the north, he has made little progress.

Until he forced back the coalition forces of the Hu and Man tribes through military exercises, and was rewarded by the court and appointed as the governor of Ji and Liang states.

Although Liangzhou is large, it is governed by its own government. And because of its unique geographical location and environment, except for the Fire Dragon Cave, one of the thirteen families, there is no dominant family power like the Meng family and the Lei family, which is second only to the Nine Surnames. It is much easier to tame than Jizhou.

Beitang Shu did have the opportunity and ability to temporarily restrain the Liangzhou army at that time, and even hoped to hold Liangzhou in his own hands.

It's a pity, a pity, Meng Zhao's simple and rough assassination directly broke Beitang Shu's plan.

Not only did the plan of the ninth prince fail, but it also indirectly led to a great change in his temperament. Now he is moody and no longer has the posture of a wise king.

Lei Wanche also heard that this was Meng Zhao's intentional point out.

As for why he did this.

He probably thought that it was this Bei Meng Dragon King who was now relaxed and wanted to integrate the forces at hand and at the same time give him a deterrent.

Count how much information Meng Zhao revealed to them today?

The engagement with the Tan family, the private army in Liangzhou, and what he said today, the conspiracy against Bei Tangshu.

Each of these things was information that would cost lives and destabilize a region.

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