Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2118 Breakthrough (Subscribe)

There were also strange visions that looked like inscriptions of heaven and earth, appearing on Lei Chongmao's body. His flesh and blood became hollow, and lightning like arcs began to emerge from his snow-white bones, and amazing divine power burst out in the flashes.

These unusual things made everyone dazzled. Even though this transformation had not yet ended, everyone present could foresee that the improvement would be huge.

This was also normal. The source of power contained in Meng Zhao's Eye of Heavenly Punishment was the power of heaven, or even the power of the origin of the world.

Especially after getting rid of Qiao Nian, Meng Zhao absorbed the power of the beast bones under the water abyss of the innate formation, and the original power of the Eye of Heavenly Punishment increased greatly.

Only the power of heaven and the power of the origin of the world could have such a mysterious creation, which could reverse the weaknesses and flaws of martial arts and make up for the lack and deficiency of the foundation.

This lasted for about a quarter of an hour. Finally, with the breath of the Grandmaster realm emanating, Meng Zhao's eyes of punishment gradually disappeared, and the vertical pupil between his eyebrows returned to the appearance of thunder patterns.

Lei Chongmao's aura was surging, which exerted a huge pressure and oppression on Liu An, Yan Libing, and Shi Jiawen.

That was the difference in the level of martial arts. In other words, one was in heaven, and the other was on earth. Of course, they would feel the pressure.

"This, Lei Chongmao actually ascended to heaven in one step and cultivated the martial arts of the Grandmaster. Such means can be called immortals and gods!"

Liu An, Shi Jiawen, and Yan Libing looked at Lei Chongmao, feeling the powerful aura he exuded, and their hearts were shocked and hot.

Since ancient times, practicing martial arts has rarely been done by others, and the theory of initiation mostly exists in the acquired and innate realms.

For example, Meng Zhao's first pot of gold came from the initiation of a post-natal monk in Ci'en Temple. In addition to cleansing his hair and marrow, he also had a strong power and a deep foundation of internal strength in a very short time.

It can be said that Meng Zhao's ability to gradually stand out in the Nan'an Meng family is absolutely due to the cultivation that came from the initiation.

Going up a level, cultivating the innate nine orifices and breaking the barrier between post-natal warriors and the vitality of heaven and earth can also be accomplished through violent initiation.

However, the martial arts of the grandmaster is different. This is to improve one's own cultivation to an extremely powerful and extraordinary level, gradually surpassing ordinary people and reaching extraordinary power.

This is not something that ordinary warriors can do. The gods can create a congenital strongman, but they may not be able to create a grandmaster warrior out of thin air.

The reason why Meng Zhao can do this one after another is also due to many factors.

First, he and Liang Muchu used the method of dual cultivation. Not only did their bodies fit together, but their spirits also intersected. Only when their spirits and bodies were one could they sense Meng Zhao's extraordinary realm, which enabled Liang Muchu to make a breakthrough.

Of course, this was also inseparable from Liang Muchu's own deep foundation. As early as when Meng Zhao was still a post-natal warrior, she could already fight against Meng Ji.

Second, Meng Zhao now had the supreme flesh and blood magical power of the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, which also contained the power of heaven and the power of the origin of the world, and the mysterious creation, which was extraordinary.

In addition, Lei Chongmao's realm was not low, so he was able to directly help him break into the realm of the Grandmaster.

Of course, Meng Zhao was not really so kind. He had long comprehended his own magical power based on the seeds of the demons he had come into contact with and the seeds of the Yuanshen of Monk Huikong, which was equivalent to the differentiation of his own power. Through the power of the origin of the world, it was projected onto Lei Chongmao, which helped him ascend to heaven in one step.

This actually left a hidden danger, causing Lei Chongmao to be subject to Meng Zhao's invisible clamp in the future.

For example, his cultivation level could never surpass Meng Zhao at the same time. Such a limitation was actually the same as having it or not.

After all, Lei Chongmao was not Meng Zhao. He didn't know how many years it would take for him to break into the realm of a grandmaster, or even cultivate the heavenly martial arts. He didn't even know if he would have a chance in his lifetime.

For another example, when he wanted to attack Meng Zhao with ill intentions, Meng Zhao had the means to counter him anytime and anywhere. A thought could make a grandmaster like Lei Chongmao lose control of his life and death.

Similarly, such clamping was like taking off your pants to fart. It was also effortless for Meng Zhao to kill Lei Chongmao.

As for the third point, it is the core of the hidden danger left by Meng Zhao. That is to use Lei Chongmao to practice supernatural powers. If Meng Zhao is willing in the future, he can take back the supernatural power seeds at any time. At that time, Lei Chongmao will not only regress in realm and reduce his power, but also his supernatural powers that he has worked hard and patiently to cultivate, his power, understanding, and various ideas will become Meng Zhao's martial arts resources.

It can be said that this supernatural power seed is not much different from the seeds of the devil and the seeds of the soul. They are all evil martial arts that harm others and benefit oneself.

Of course, the evil sect is the evil sect, but the practicality is extremely strong. At least if Meng Zhao is willing to be ruthless and spread martial arts all over the world, he can definitely get a leap in a very short time.

But Meng Zhao disdains to do so.

First of all, he has great ambitions. Although he is still named Beitang in name, he may be named Mengle in the future.

By then, the land of Shenzhou will be his land, and the people of Shenzhou will be his subjects. Just relying on the favor of luck and the power of humanity will be enough to push his magical power to an unprecedented level. Why use such a lowly method to harm others and benefit himself?

Secondly, the spread of the seeds of magical power does not mean that anyone can do it. It also requires compatibility and adaptability.

For example, the magical seed that Meng Zhao split out is the thunder power in the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, which is consistent with the martial arts that Lei Chongmao has been practicing. Both parties are on the same path, so they can do it easily.

But if someone else, such as a person who practices evil magic, accepts such a magical seed of thunder power, it is estimated that the first time will not increase the cultivation level, but will go astray, and be worn out by this huge and upright magical seed. The power is completely dispersed.

Therefore, Meng Zhao can use the magical seed appropriately to control some people, but he must not spread it at will.

That will not only have little reward and effect, but also weaken his own power.

Back to Lei Chongmao, he has cultivated the martial arts of the Grandmaster, and his spirit is full of vitality. The whole person exudes a perfect and peaceful atmosphere from the inside out.

He knew that Meng Zhao had never lied to him. Not only did he raise his cultivation level to the Grandmaster level, but he also supplemented his incomplete foundation.

In addition to the leap in cultivation and the perfection of his foundation, he also sensed Meng Zhao's aura.

Just a little bit of it instantly dispelled all his complacency, leaving only fear and trepidation.

Although he had entered the realm of a master, in front of King Meng Long, he was no different from an ant.

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