Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2121: Easing relations (Subscription required)

Shen Yuhu and Shen Hongguang, father and son, actually also had speculations, which was not surprising.

"Oh, listening to what you said, it seems that you are very convinced of the person who surrendered and drove you. You are also considered a strong person. Why are you so unambitious?"

Shen Yuhu couldn't understand it. He was a master of martial arts, armed with an earth-level divine weapon, and had extraordinary skills. He had extremely high vision, but he had to admit that the Minotaur was an extremely powerful figure. This did not mean that he had ever come to the Shen family. Trouble and make a difference.

Those who can suppress and subdue the Minotaur God are of course even more amazing, but there seem to be only a few people who can do this.

The Minotaur God didn't have any thoughts to hide, and immediately explained,

"It's not that I have no ambition, but that the person who surrendered to me is the supreme overlord in the land of China today. Do the two princes think that the young master of the Shen family cannot suppress and surrender my mother?"

At first glance, these words seemed to be saying that it was Shen Tianci who suppressed and surrendered him. However, Shen Yuhu and Shen Hongguang, father and son, knew very well that Qilin'er of their family had been practicing in seclusion recently, practicing martial arts and martial arts, and had no contact with the outside world. Possibility of connection.

Then, the identity of the supreme overlord mentioned by the Bull-headed God is obvious. Besides the Dragon King of Beimeng, who else is there?

At this time, the expressions of the Shen family's father and son also became serious and solemn, and their fear and precautions against the Minotaur God also increased.

After all, a person's name is like a tree's shadow. Although they have never seen Meng Zhao, their legendary deeds are all hearsay. The Meng Zhao that Shen Tianci saw at that time was still in a weak and dormant stage.

However, they can speculate on Meng Zhao's terror based on Shen Tianci's strength.

And as long as Meng Zhao is involved, it is impossible for the Shen family father and son to be careless in the slightest.

"You mean, the person behind you is Meng Zhao?"

Shen Hongguang had some doubts as to whether this powerful man from Yinshan was deliberately using Meng Zhao's reputation to eliminate the Shen family's hostility and dissatisfaction with him.

This is a very common tactic, using some superficial relationships to win over some powerful people and intimidate another powerful person, similar to a broker.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no need for this person to do this. What kind of person Meng Zhaonai is, Jiutian Shenlong cannot describe it.

Even if Shen Hongguang is partial to, fond of, and proud of his son, he will not seriously think that he can be invincible.

Meng Zhao started late, but his momentum is strong. In terms of reputation, he is actually better than Shen Tianci. He will not be careless at all.

Since this person dares to use Meng Zhao's name to act, he should be 70-80% credible.

Furthermore, there is no need for the other party to do this deliberately. The Shen family has no intention of sending people to search for traces or revenge. As long as it is patient and stays away from Jinling, the Shen family has nothing to do with the other party. There is no need to go deep into the tiger's den like this.

"Of course, I was ordered by King Menglong to deliver a message to Mr. Shen Tianci from the Duke's Mansion. Of course, if it was just to deliver a letter, there would be no need for me to go to such trouble. I also have some selfish motives and want to ease the relationship with the Duke. I wonder what the two princes think about the relationship between the government and the government?"

The Minotaur God was considered honest, speaking openly and freely about his thoughts without any concealment.

He also has his own little thoughts.

In the process of contacting Meng Zhao, in addition to witnessing Meng Zhao's supreme martial arts and unparalleled magical skills, he also secretly paid attention to Meng Zhao's behavior and some tendencies.

Let’s not talk about other things, just the errands assigned to him and Horse-faced Ghost are enough to explain some problems.

Let’s talk about the horse-faced ghost first. He was sent by Meng Zhao to collect information about powerful people above the master level. His purpose is self-evident. It is to prepare for the reserve of high-end martial arts talents. Meng Zhao has incredible skills. As long as he is willing to work harder, as long as he finds these powerful people, The whereabouts of the person will be like a group of people building a wooden cave, with nothing missing.

The more powerful a person is in martial arts, the more he pursues and is obsessed with martial arts, and the less he wants to die without violating his own principles.

There is no need to doubt Meng Zhao's methods or martial arts. Naturally, he can plunder a sufficient number of masters for his use in a very short period of time.

And he definitely has a big goal. He is not simply trying to make achievements in martial arts. It is more likely that he has evil intentions and has the ambition to dominate China, which can also be said to be an ambition.

As for the Minotaur God himself, he was sent to Jinling to deliver a message to Shen Tianci.

Based on the Minotaur's guess, the content of this letter is most likely not a provocation, but a win-win, or even a promise of alliance.

Meng Zhao is very ambitious, and of course he also has skills. He knows how powerful Shen Tianci is, so it is normal for him to want to contact Shen Tianci in advance and make arrangements.

In this way, wouldn't Meng Zhao and the Shen family become a family? Even if the relationship is not very harmonious, at least they are in the same direction.

The Minotaur God had offended the Shen family before because of the mysterious man's employment. If this hidden danger is not eliminated, it is hard to say what the future will be like.

After all, the Minotaur God does not think that his weight can be compared with Shen Tianci.

If the Shen family's grudge against him is difficult to get rid of and causes obstacles for him in the future, what will happen to Meng Zhao? He has no power to resist at all.

Therefore, the Minotaur God wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity to solve this hidden danger.

Perhaps, Meng Zhao also had such considerations, which is why he asked him to do this instead of the horse-faced ghost.

After all, martial arts aside, simply speaking of being smart and smooth, the Minotaur is far superior to the Horse-Faced Ghost.

Hearing that the Bull-Headed God wanted to take this opportunity to ease relations with his family, both Shen Yuhu and Shen Hongguang were very calm.

Neither agreed nor objected.

In fact, this was not that important to their huge Shen family.

Is the Bull-Headed God powerful?

He is indeed powerful, but not good enough in front of the Shen family.

However, the person standing behind him is worthy of attention, and this matter is worth considering.

"North Menglong King, Meng Zhao, you said that you are his man and came to deliver a letter to my Qilin under his order. How do you prove that what you said is true? You are obviously a warrior of the Yinshan lineage, why are you involved with Meng Zhao?"

Shen Hongguang was very curious and wanted to satisfy his curiosity.

In comparison, he was not very interested in the so-called letter sent by the Bull-Headed God and the content of the letter itself.

With Shen Tianci in charge, it was just a letter, nothing big.

Of course, he also had some speculations.

Firstly, if what the Bull-Headed God said was true, and he was really subdued by Meng Zhao and sent by Meng Zhao to deliver the letter, then it is likely that this is a trend in a good direction.

Otherwise, the Bull-Headed God would not be so polite.

Secondly, there is no conflict of interest between the Southern Shen and the Northern Meng. Their Shen family even gave up the reputation of Shen Tianci, and it was rumored that he was possessed by a demon.

It is even more impossible for Meng Zhao to bite them at will like a mad dog.

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