Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2152 Interesting secrets (Subscribe)

This sudden enlightenment lasted for about an hour. Under the influence of Meng Zhao's wonderful Dao rhyme, the entire courtyard seemed to be isolated from the outside world, separated, and in another world, another dimension, with no living people and a tide of Yin.

Only Zhao Ruling, who had cultivated the Tianren martial arts and was well versed in the Yin and Yang Dao, could not be troubled, but benefited from it. Not only did his physical vitality recover a lot, but his understanding of martial arts also increased.

"Huh, what a Yin and Yang Dao, it is indeed worthy of being one of the highest Daos. The Dao is amazing and profound. Although I don't understand much, my progress is also extraordinary."

The strange phenomenon in Meng Zhao's body gradually disappeared, and the golden light and the diffused Yang Qi disappeared without a trace. Only his eyes were full of energy, but the dragon pupils showed a very different atmosphere at this time.

The left eye is like the sun, and the right eye is like the moon. They are hidden in the human body and materialized as the derivative of the Dao. It is the state of a supreme magical power.

As for what Meng Zhao had realized, the way that the human body is yang and the world is yin, it was indeed extraordinary, but because of his great spirit, it could not be shown at ordinary times.

"Haha, congratulations to King Meng Long, you have made great achievements in martial arts practice, and you have also realized a world-shaking magical power."

Zhao Ruling was in a very good mood at this time, and he was very sure of Meng Zhao's so-called destiny.

After he left the palace this time, everything went wrong, especially after he came to the north and dueled with the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace, it could not even be said that it was not going well, but disasters and disasters, and he almost lost his life.

Fortunately, now with the help of Meng Zhao, everything is getting better. This may be because he was infected with a little bit of Meng Zhao's luck, and then changed his own destiny.

Moreover, Meng Zhao's sudden enlightenment happened right in front of him. Although he had only seen a glimpse of the amazing magical power he created and had not experienced it, Zhao Ruling still believed that it should not be underestimated.

Taking all these into consideration, he really liked Meng Zhao.

He did not believe in fate at first, but believed that my fate is determined by me, not by heaven, and man can conquer heaven. Therefore, he reversed the creation of yin and yang with his incomplete body and became a man again.

However, it was also in this process that he realized the great way, used the principles of yin and yang to observe the changes in life, and then understood the art of following heaven and responding to people.

From not believing in heaven and fate to following the general trend and heaven's way, the change is huge and the direction is favorable.

Zhao Renling can cultivate into a celestial being, and this control of heaven's way and martial arts is absolutely indispensable.

In his eyes now, the Beitang royal family has not lost their destiny, but they are definitely not as powerful as the young man in front of him.

It goes without saying how to choose.

Of course, this Meng Zhao is just a way out for himself. At present, the Beitang royal family is powerful, and he will still go back and suppress the inner court for the Beitang royal family.

"Haha, it's just a small gain. I have to thank Master Zhao. Without your understanding of the Yin and Yang, I would never have such a gain!"

Meng Zhaoyan smiled and was in a good mood.

He didn't say this casually. If Zhao Ruling hadn't shown his own Yin and Yang without reservation, even if he, Meng Zhao, had studied the heaven and man and had unparalleled wisdom, he would not have been able to gain such a great deal in such a short time.

Epiphany, even if it is heaven and man, is not available at any time and place. This is a wonderful state and perception.

The two had a harmonious relationship, and Zhao Ruling removed the alien true qi and soul in his body and on his soul. In excitement, he pulled Meng Zhao back to the house to talk.

This time, the two talked about their understanding of the Yin and Yang.

Zhao Ruling even told Meng Zhao about the most important turning points in his life without reservation.

For example, he created the Sunflower Facing the Sun Magic Skill, which actually had a lot of inside information.

At that time, although he had great ambitions, he lacked accumulation and foundation. It was only because of his hard work and his obvious talent that he was valued and promoted by a great eunuch, and then he became successful.

However, the great eunuch was not kind-hearted. He practiced the magic sect's soul-stealing technique and wanted to use the method of seizing Zhao Ruling's body, hoping to replace Zhao Ruling when Zhao Ruling achieved great success.

However, Zhao Ruling was able to cultivate the heavenly martial arts, so he was naturally a trend-setter for a while. With the blessing of luck, he was once given a name card by a great scholar of the Kong family. The righteousness was with him, and turned into a red heart hidden in his body.

When the great eunuch took over the body, he did not notice this layer. His mind was directly dispersed by the righteousness transformed by the red heart, and all his life memories were revealed in front of Zhao Ruling.

This made this nameless eunuch have his first pot of gold, thus laying the foundation for his own martial arts master.

Otherwise, how could such a magical skill be easily created when the sunflowers turn to the sun and the roots revive?

Do you really think that many eunuchs in history have never thought of similar things?

And it's not just martial arts, but also natural treasures.

Zhao Ruling paid special attention to this aspect and deliberately collected relevant information, and actually got a lot of secret rumors.

For example, eunuchs in all dynasties wanted to return to their male bodies, but how many people succeeded?

Very few, but not none.

Zheng He, a famous eunuch in history, known as the Sanbao eunuch, succeeded.

He created the Sunflower Manual, had unparalleled martial arts, and cultivated the martial arts of gods and demons. He traveled to the West seven times, fighting against the ancient gods and demons, bringing endless luck and fortune to the land of China. There are no less than a hundred secret caves alone, which shows how powerful this man is.

However, he did not revive his remaining roots with martial arts. Instead, when he traveled to Sichuan and Shu and arrived at the ocean, he accidentally got a holy body of heaven. He condensed and digested it with martial arts, and then he became a man again.

This holy body of heaven became the first treasure in the eunuch's heart. It can not only regenerate broken limbs, but also infinitely repair the injuries of the body, making the human body close to perfection and almost immortal.

Another example is Tong Guan in the Song Dynasty. He was smart and resourceful. With amazing wisdom and unparalleled martial arts, he cultivated a stone clone. When it grew up to an adult, he used the evil secrets of the magic way to dissolve his flesh, bones, blood, and qi, and merged them all into the stone clone. He entered the stone and became a man again. He was naturally a man among men.

There are many similar examples.

It also opened Meng Zhao's eyes. After all, some strange and interesting secrets were only recorded in the royal family. Although he read a lot of books, his knowledge was extremely limited.

After talking about the strange and interesting secrets, the two talked about some secrets during the Taizu and Taizong periods.

For example, Taizu Beitang Gong died of vomiting blood, which was absolutely true and not fake.

For another example, after Taizong ascended the throne, he wanted to live forever, but he had no hope of practicing martial arts, so he indulged in alchemy and made a lot of jokes.

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